

2nd day.

A day had passed but he could already walked. It's pretty convenient being a goblin. He could properly control his body right now and he could do what he could when he was a human.

The other baby goblins could also walked. Including him there's eight baby goblins in this room. He haven't drink or eat anything since yesterday. The rest of the goblins already drink the milk from the breast of the women inside this room. He protected his mother and didn't let any other goblins drink to her breast.

He was pretty hungry right now as he don't know if he should drink to her mother or not. He was sure that if he did that his mother would get angry at him. Well, his mother wouldn't be able to resist him because of her injuries on her body.

When he looked at her he felt that his instinct was going to take over his body and grabbed that plentiful chest of hers.

Mother is a beautiful woman. Those wounds couldn't hide her pure white skin and hourglass body. He couldn't help but felt pity to his mother who experience this kind of thing.

'No, I should drink now because I wouldn't be able to control myself if it goes any longer.' he took a deep breath and calm himself down. He turned to his mother and slowly approached her. Right now, he still could control his body. It not the time to hesitate and he need it to survive.

"NO! DON'T COME!!" His mother started screaming when she saw him approaching her. She tried back away but there's a wall behind her.

'I'm sorry mother.' he thought as he jumped on top of her. He grabbed her breast and put her nipple in his mouth. He gently sucked the milk in her breast. He sucked gently as he could while restraining her mother.

"NO!!" His mother kept struggling but she don't have the strength to escape him. After a few minutes she stopped struggling and just looked at the ceiling.

"I should've accept it already. That some goblins managed to capture me and impregnate me." She muttered while looking at the ceiling. She continued, "And this goblin is my child... I still can't believe this nightmare. I never thought that something like this would happen to me."

It was at this moment that she finally accept what happened to her. Right now, her mind was clear as water. After a few moments she looked down at the goblin who was sucking her breast.

"So, this goblin is my child..." She muttered in a low voice. She finally understand her condition right now. She couldn't escape this place and she will die in a few days. She turned her head and looked at the other goblins.

She saw that the other goblins were greedily sucking and wildly grabbing the breast of the other women. Blood  flow down to from their breast.

She frowned and felt that the goblin who was drinking milk from her breast could be considered gently compare to that. She then remember what this goblin did yesterday.

After a few minutes he release the nipple from his mouth and stood up. He then sat down in front of his mother with his back facing her. He was already full and he could beat the goblins here.

He turned his head and observed the other goblins. He was making a plan in his mind. At first he would dominate these little goblins using his strength. He would become the leader of this group then, he would train harder and rise up in ranks and finally becoming the leader of the whole pack.

He sighed as he felt that there's a lot of hard work to become the leader of this pack. If becoming a leader was this hard then, what about finding a way back to earth.

'I should not get depressed by something like this. It's not me. It's all because of the gloomy atmosphere in this room that I only felt depressed. Well, there's also a thing about mother.' he thought. He just need to close his eyes and think about Aisha's smile and he will recover immediately.


Suddenly the ground shook heavily. He also heard a series of explosion outside this room.

He quickly stood up and looked at the wooden door.

'Something incredible is happening outside.' he thought as he slowly walked towards the door and put his ear at it. He could here the explosion and a sounds of metal clashing.

He then opened his eyes widely. There's no doubt about it. Someone was raiding this place and killing the adult goblins outside.

'Is it a group of adventurers? Or someone come here to save the woman?' he thought when he heard those sounds.

'Either both but the problem is that if they wipe out the adult goblins then next is me and the baby goblins... I need to hide right now.' he thought. Them, he turned his head and looked at the baby goblins and at the women before he opened the door and went outside.

He looked at his mother at the last time before he left. 'Mother, you will be safe if those people won but not me so, I need to hide right now.'

He looked outside and it confirmed his thoughts. He was in a dungeon or cave or something like that.

Boom!! Boom!!

Clang!! Clang!!

He heard a loud sound of explosion and metal clashing to his left side. He then turned his head at his right side and saw a dark path.

'There's no other way.' he thought then he walked at it. At some point he found a room and went inside.

He looked around and found that there's no one here. He saw a little space at the corner and went there. He went outside once again and gathered some rocks. He hide his little body at the narrowed space at the corner and use the rocks to covered it.

After a few hours, sound disappeared and he slowly went outside of the room. He went back to the room where his mother is and found that she was no longer there.

'It seems that those people managed to wipe out the goblins and rescue the women.' he thought when he saw the corpse of the baby goblins scattered around the room.

Next chapter