
(HAITUS)New Soveregin Emergence

Athena a girl from the town ,Hexer, who has pure brutal strength and wants to control all five legions. Kami is a villager from the far north. He is apart of the sacred clan Izanagi, they are known as kind hearted and the purest people of the celestial world. Does Kami achieve his dream or will it perish into thin air. Will the two clash or join forces ??? When will they reach their maximum potential ??? Who will they meet along the way ??? Empires will be built and will perish in a blink of an eye. Who will come out alive and carry the next generation to the top. Where are the heroes of society. Is it the revolutionaries ??? Perhaps the wild hunt ??? Or is it the other legion’s ??? Maybe the infamous guilds of the western world that will take charge and rule the 7 dimensions ??? Find out more......

TheProfessor · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter Eleven: The Wild Hunt

Athena stood in front of the five main leaders of the legion. and waited briefly for one of them to say something or at least acknowledge her. The leader's all looked at Athena with contempt and disdain apart from one of the captains. Zeref, the captain of the Wild Hunt looked at Athena with excitement and a tiny bit of admiration because what he saw in front of him was someone actually standing up to the higher ups of Legion.

Zeref takes out a cigarette and lights it up. He then stands up from his dark throne and jumps down towards Athena and began examining her "people are afraid of the unknown…. The captains behind me certainly are, however i'm not, because you see, i love the unknown, so your joining me kid, and i'm not taking no for an answer."

Athena's face lit up. All of a sudden a red hue started to emit from her body which caused a large gust of wind to be released from her body which even caused the ground to start shaking what had happened was that Athena had returned to her original state therefore causing this phenomenon. Zeref smiled and began walking away. She immediately bowed her head towards Zeref with a massive smile on her face Athena says "Thank you for choosing me to join your Legion captain Zeref of the wild hunt, sir,"

Zeref dismisses the comment and gives off a small chuckle to the situation that had just occurred in front of eyes.

"Do you think it is wise to have chosen such an unpredictable and magic-less brat." Gryphn of the golden griffins questions Zeref.

"Perhaps however it don't matter much to me Goldy" Replies Zeref.

Athena's face was smiling for the rest of the matches in the end only her Lin and Kai, where chosen by the legion.

"Alright shrimp where the flying fuck are you" Yells out Zefer.

Athena came running towards Zefer as they both began entering a large reddish purple portal into the wild hunt's main hideout. The hideout was nothing special, as a matter of fact it was in the middle of some large forest. The hideout looked like it was a run down fortress. The fortress had 15 floors the first floor was the lunch hall and were most of the members would go to unwind. The second floor was the bathing area it is split so there is a men side and women side. The third floor was the training area and the remainder of the floors where the rooms for the members of the wild hunt.

"In the wild hunt there are only eight members, five of the eight are inside the building however the remainig four are doing shit for me or fuck knows what." Zeref says to Athena

"Alrighty Fang come here you little dip shit and introduce everyone to the newbie. Ima go take a shit" Zeref says casually as he enters the large run down fortress

Fang wore shorts and a red shirt with the Wild Hunt logo is a leshy(a demon deer or elk) with claw marks on the side he had blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Yes sir, alrighty newbie what's your name" Fang asks

"My name is Athena it is a pleasure to meet you to". Athena replies

"Hmmm yeah i guess i should introduce you to the wild hunt" Fang says in an excited tone. "So first we have Takashi he is well a weirdo but all of us here are he loves his noodles and can talk to his ancestors with his sword but he is a good man"

Athena looks at Takashi he was quite tall and muscular man who looked like he was from Japan, he carried a katana like Athena. He wore a kimono and had tied up his hair in a ponytail he had black eyes and black hair but on top of all that you can feel his intense pure energy.

Next we have Roxane she is a sorceress literally a crazy powerful one to but a good person non the less

Roxane looked at Athena and smiled she wore a small tight red robe which clearly demonstrated her sensuous breasts she has a very nice and shapely body. She also carried a long staff at the tip of the staff there was a crystal ball that was extremely shiny and had a strange force that attracts everything towards it.

Next we have Klaus our doctor he is crazy and is third in command you have to. No must respect him. However if he asks you to check your blood say no believe me its best he doesn't.

Klaus looked like the typical mad scientist slash doctor he had glasses and messy black hair he had bags under his eyes wore a lab coat along side black trousers and a white shirt with the Wild hunts Crest.

"Ok" fang says "now the Last one for now is Liam. He is the hot head. If you ever find yourself in any trouble you go to him got it Athena". Fang looks at her for conformation.

She looks at Liam he wore a bartender suit he wore shaded glasses the colour of the shaded glasses were blue and had the wild hunt tattoo on his neck. Liam had blonde hair and an earring on his left ear. He looked like no threat but instead like a big scary brother Athena thought to her self.

Alright now you've met most of the wild hunt the remaining three members are either on missions or elsewhere. Those three members are also the most deadly people in the Neo region so be wary of them. But they will most likely like you because they see the wild hunt as family.

Other than that welcome to the wild hunt Athena. All the members looked at Athena with such welcoming smiles Athena felt overwhelmed with joy

"this is now your home kiddo" Klaus says, as he gave off a sinister smile...…..