
From birth til 8 years old part 3

After she puts us down I say mommie how come me and big sister are different from the other kids.

She guides us to the bed as Yuna sits on the bed and mom puts me on her lap.

She says I have had this talk with you when you were born so it is only right I have it with you.

Pisces you and Yuna are a very special breed of our species even higher than that you and Yuna are God/goddess of our species to where I am only a special breed of our species make the both of you capable of being stronger than me.

Our species is Nine-tailfox fox but were a hybrid species just like all the other species.

Humans are not natural hybrids they have become breeds by forcing members of ours and others that were held hostage and forced them to make them become hybrids.

You and your sister are Futa known as Futanari's original beings that are known to be the first walk Runa and give birth to all living things.

Which is why they are worshiped as gods/goddesses by all and that the people of our race are common breeds it's extremely rare to even conceive a special breed like me so it even to conceive futanari and your also are the top of our breed by being Nine-tailfox-Dragon/Vampire/Phoenix as for your sister is Nine-tailfox-Dragon/Werewolve/Phoenix which is why it rare you have children of the gods/goddess that are also Futa.

She says do you understand Pisces I say yes mommie and she smiles and says ok let's go to be tomorrow is a big day for the both of you as she lays us down to sleep.

There's a nock at the door as Jane enters after waiting when she walks in she says good morning my lady and good morning Yuna and Pisces as she opens the curtains letting the sun light in we get up and say good Jane.

She says please come down for breakfast and I will tell you the schedule for today's exciting the room after she had said that but gives us a small bow before closing the door.

Mom picks me up and says so you're finally one year old my little precious baby girl as I smile and gives a small giggle as she also picks up Yuna saying I can stop breastfeeding one of my very naughty girls now as she is turn 3.

Yuna says mommm I'm turning 2 so you will rotating between the two as she pouts as mom giggles and gives her a kiss on the forward and says my girls are growing so fast.

And Pisces will be able to learn how to right now that she's 1 and learn some of the geography of our country.

Let's go take a bath and go eat we have a packed day so let's enjoy.

After we have shower and get dressed we go to have breakfast as we sit and the maids bring our food.

Jane says for today we will go around the city so the citizens can see miss Yuna and miss Pisces.

Also the young misses will also pick among the families that have been selected to have their kids become their maids and body guards that will serve them when they turn 8.

The children of the families are from 2-5 years old they will undergo special education and training to be fit to sever the young misses we start to eat as she is going over the schedule.

Finally we will celebrate the young misses birth days here at the mansion we have also received gifts from the other noble families and species we have checked them all and they are safe.

Mom says good and let prepare for the day after we have finished our food.

We make way to carriage that will take us through the streets allowing for the people to see me and Yuna mom helps us in and the coachman tugged on the rein's and the carriage began to move.

It's a 15 minutes rid to the city so we had made small talk as we made our way there enjoy the view and the beautiful day.

Once we had reach the city there where crowd of people on both sides waving at us me and Yuna waving at them from different windowsnof the carriage some came up and gave us gifts from flowers to jewelry.

That where handed to our secretary for safety after checking them they where given to us.

After an 1hour of us doing this we made it to the town square where there was stages with families on it waiting for us to choose what family children will be chosen to serve us.

The carriage stops by the stairs of the stage and the carriage door was opened by Jane as the steps where put in front of the door as we each went down and made our way to the stage.

Mom went to the floating crystal which serves as an mic so everyone on can hear us.

As where behind mom she says "I am glad that all you are here to celebrate my childrens birthday with us and that you are will to let your children serve our family and that we appreciate now my kids will choose which family children will be serving ours and they will under go special education and training until 5 years old for the roles they have been given and they will also go the best schools that is chosen by Pisces and Yuna''.

Mom steps away and says to you go first Pisces I look at big sister as she gives me a smile step forward and look the family kids status going down the line being that I also have ability to see how the stats of some will be as the grow I pick 2 girls that are the age 3 and 4 as I also felt and strange feeling of not friendship but something more which I cant describe.

As if felling the same thing they run up to me an give me a hug as Jane ce to us and says come with me as the follow Jane an stand to the side I go back to mom and Yuna.

The two I had picked stats had shown when we are 14 adult hood they will be able to rival special beings of each Species and there Aura will be First rate.

Yuna goes and picks 2 girls that are the age of 4 and 5 she rejoins me and mom as mom says thank you for the families that allowed us you have there children serve her kids as the 7 of us make our way to the carriage with Jane behind us.