
(HAITUS) Reborn as a Supernatural in Naruto's World!

This is the story about a man who using some of his luck and karma was reborn into the Naruto world. ------ This is my first time writing something so if you have any suggestions or complains please do tell. i'll try my best to keep it at 3-4 ch/week

HellHound · Others
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8 Chs

The Third Hokage and Losing Control

It's been about a week since i first met Naruto, and ever since then, we hit it off like too well. When we are free, we play pranks, other times we are training taijutsu with Guy-sensei, who didn't seem to mind Naruto a bit when i first introduced him and said,

Guy: "Naruto huh! Good name kid! Now that you are here, let me bring you along with us and help you show the world the POWER OF YOUTH!!!"

When i heard that, i facepalmed myself, super embarrassed, but Naruto was looking at Guy-sensei with a sparkle in his eyes and after talking to him for about 15 minutes wore the tracksuit which Guy-sensei gave him and said to me,

"Hey! Arufa!! Come wear this Suit and let's show the world the POWER OF YOUTH!!! BELIEVE IT!!" and looking at him Guy-sensei said,


Me: "..."

As i watched them doing same poses,- both wearing those creepy green suits i felt shiver down my spine as i knew these scenes were now burned into my memory, which gave me nightmares for days, - with dead eyes. Though Naruto returned to normal after some time and we started training with each other.

Just like in the Anime and manga, i learned that Naruto was a freak! No a freak among freaks! Even after adding my recovering abilities, i couldn't keep up with his stamina. I felt so jealous, and after seeing his face unaware of any such emotion i felt depressed.

Also due to some reason, my bloodline started to become unstable ever since my first encounter with Naruto. Might be related to the Nine-Tailed fox, i don't know but i now sometimes am not able to control the shift, though only partial and my bloodline has started to absorb more and more of my chakra, leaving the usable amount of chakra to around mid-level Academy student, while my chakra reserves are around high-level chunin, causing me to still not be able to learn Ninjutsu of even the lowest level.

'I should find some time to increase my chakra reserves, or learn better control of my chakra. Hmmm i should find help, oh how great it would be if Kakashi-nii came back a little early.' i thought to myself as Naruto invited me for a treat at the famous 'Ichiraku Ramen'.


Around the same time, an ANBU wearing a plane white mask returned to the Hokage's office.

ANBU: "Sir, i have been keeping watch on both the kids as you asked. What would you like to do about them?"

Sarutobi: "hmmm, oh you are back! Did you find anything wrong with that Arufa kid?"

ANBU: "No sir! His background is clean. He is one of the last few remaining of the Hatake Clan."

Sarutobi: "Hatake huh?i have heard that name before...hmmm....Hatake...Hatake...Ah! Kakashi's Family? Then it's all good! Just let him be. Naruto might just get the company he needs. That damn brat, didn't visit me ever since he got a friend, did he forget i even existed."

As the ANBU appeared to be a little restless, so Sarutobi asked,

"What happened? Is something wrong Ryu?"

"Ummm, sir, i couldn't confirm it in the beginning but after watching him for a week i finally confirmed it. Sir, it appears that Arufa Hatake, might have some kind of bloodline limit in him, one i haven't seen before."

"Hmmm if you, with your detection abilities couldn't tell it apart, it might just be a new bloodline limit. This is interesting….where is he now? I'll just go confirm for myself!"

"Both Arufa and Naruto are currently at the training ground number 6, near the lake."

"Let's go visit them then!"

And both, the ANBU and The Third Hokage, left the Hokage's office disappearing from the room.


At the training ground number 6, 2 boys were fighting each other, both covered in dust and mud. One boy had yellow hair and whiskers on his cheeks, and was wearing a white t-shirt and blue shorts, while the other had show white hair with a small amount of green at their end, topless and wearing grey shorts.

They were Naruto and Arufa, practicing with each other. Both have been getting better and better at sparring in taijutsu with the help of Guy-sensei, and were trying to maximize their effort not to be left behind the other.

After sparring for around half an hour, both were covered with sweat, and both stopped to rest, talking and laughing with each other when suddenly 2 men appeared before them. Both first appeared startled and become alert. Only after looking at the old man's face who stood in front did the two calmed down. Then Naruto said to the old man,

"Hey! What's the meaning of this Old man!! You just scared the hell out of me!!"

"Hahahah, sorry! Couldn't resist the urge after being locked up in that office for a week!" said the old man to which the other person who was wearing a mask coughed a fake cough.


The old man felt awkward after hearing the cough but soon -using the Thick skin no Jutsu -returned to normal and asked,

"Anyways, Naruto! Not gonna introduce your new friend to this old man?"

"AH! I forgot! Come Arufa!" saying that Naruto gestured me to come forward and said, "This here is the old fart i told you about, he is just too boring so if he says something to you don't mind him. Old fart! This is my new and my best friend!!! Arufa Hatake!"

I hit Naruto's head with my fist and said, "We should respect our Elders naruto! And this person is The Third Hokage, so at least call him Lord Third!" and i faced the Third hokage and said, "Sorry you had to see such a scene Lord Third Hokage! My name is Arufa Hatake of the Hatake clan! It's an Honour to meet you!"

Naruto started to pout after hearing me and TH (Third Hokage) appeared amused, and said,

"No no! It's ok! I told him he could call me that! Since you are his friend, you can call me Gramps too if you want, everyone in this Village is my family after all!"

I could guess that he figured out i had a bloodline and was trying to give me a way out by making a connection with his and let him act as my support. I was relieved that i won't be taken to root if i was in his fraction even if i didn't like his way of doing things. I never liked his character, even in the anime as he always did the most stupid of things which then would end in pain for himself like he let Orochimaru escape or like when he didn't stop Danzo from killing the Uchiha, etc. he appeared the most troubled and helpless character even though he was strong enough to be the Hokage.

I replied to him, "ummm, if you say so, but i'll only call you Gramps in private and not in public."

"That's reasonable! You really are intelligent little boy. Anyways, i heard that you have a bloodline limit? Can you show me?" asked Sarutobi.

"Huh? HUUUH? Arufa you have a bloodline limit!!!! Why didn't you tell me!!!" yelled naruto in surprise to which i had to close my ears to protect them but still felt hurt.

"Ouch!! Hey calm down a little! You almost made me lose my ears! Owww. *sigh* well you see my bloodline limi-" just as i was about to tell them about my abilities i heard a voice,

(???): "KiLl ThEm AlL!!!!"

Hearing it i lost control of my bloodline and my eyes changed colour and i was somehow forced into a partial shift. I anxiously looked around, finding no one, but felt my back was suddenly filled with cold sweat, my hairs standing up to its end. I recalled that feeling and suddenly thought of a possibility which i didn't want to accept and looked at naruto only to find a hazy shadow of nine-tails appearing. I was so scared that i almost pissed myself.

When the third looked at my reaction he was surprised at first. Seeing my eyes change colour, and the difference in the length of my teeth and nails which didn't go unnoticed my him but when he saw the fear i had in my eyes when i looked at Naruto, he was surprised and after thinking of a possibility he hurriedly asked,

"What happened kid!!?? Are you ok?? Did you see something?!?!"

But i couldn't hear him. I could only hear its voice,

(Nine-Tails): "KiLl tHeM!! i'lL kIlL tHeM AlL!! I'm tHe InCaRnAtIoN oF hAtE!!! HoW DaRe tHeY TrAp Me!!! CoNfInE mE!!! AlL ThE HoKaGeS!!!! KiLL ThEm!! KilL ThEm aLl FoR mE!! i'Ll gIvE yOu PoWeR!!!!"

I closed my ears in panic but it didn't work, i could still hear it in my head when suddenly i felt some kind of energy enter my body. I don't know how he did it but the nine-tails sent it's chakra to me outside Naruto's body which shouldn't be possible and my body started to get covered in a reddish-orange bubble. My pupils changed to slits and the eyes colour changed to red.

"NONO!!" i shouted as I was losing control of my body so i decided to run, and ran into the forest outside of the village.

When Sarutobi saw the red bubble and my eyes change, he was shocked and held Naruto to back away from me. After seeing me shout "NONO!!" and trying to run outside the village, he ordered the ANBU,

"RYU!! Take care of Naruto! Something really bad is about to happen!! I'll try to see and understand what's going on, also try to find more information about his bloodline from his friends and family!!"

After he said that, the Third Hokage ran after me and Guy-sensei appeared in the training ground 6.

"Sorry i was late!! I was running around the village using THE POWER OF YOUTH!! What did i miss?? Why did someone shout "NONO"?? Ara! Naruto!! Where is Arufa??"

"Bushier Brows sensei!! Something happened to Arufa and he ran away!! Old Gramps Third went after him!! Please help him!!" said naruto worried and almost in tears.

ANBU: "Guy! Go after them!! They might need help!" shouted at Guy,

Guy: "OOOOOK!! Now is time for me to show the world THE POWER OF THE YOUTH of Konoha's Green Beast of Prey!! HAHAHAAH" laughed Guy and followed after us.


As i was running, my speed kept increasing almost reaching the jonin level, i didn't feel tired or anything just my Bloodlust kept on increasing. Soon all i could see was red but in my mind only i was repeating only 2 lines, "Don't hurt anyone!" or "Get further from the village".

After some time, even without me knowing it, i was running on all four and was already in my bipedal beast form. My mind due to some reason was still clear but i couldn't control my body at all. Soon The Third Hokage and Guy-sensei caught up to me.

I stopped running and tried to tell them, "Co-on-f-f--in-e...me…...s-s-stop..m-me".

Both The Third Hokage and Guy-sensei were surprised by my change. When they heard my words, they figured that i was controlled by something and TH was clear that it was the nine-tails fox.

Suddenly, my body changed a little, as the height of my beast form increased from 2.5 metres to 4 metres and my flames turned orange. My eyes were still like that of the nine tails, and i finally lost complete control and attacked them.

Well this is the last chapter for this week.

I'll need time for writing a Battle Chapter as this is my first time writing something like this. i hope you enjoy the battle which will start in the next chapter.

Also, i would like to thank the readers for their time! Thanks for the support!

Happy Reading!

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