
(GOT/ASOIAF) The Emperor

How would you feel when your miserable life would end? Would you feel sad? Or angry, or maybe you would feel happy because God gives you another chance at a new life in your favorite universe, "A Song of Ice and Fire." The main character (MC) is no longer human, so don't hope that he will follow their rules and laws. MC's messed-up mind cares little about anything other than his own interests, beautiful women, conquest, and power. He is evil in his way, ready to throw a baby in the fire if it benefits him. As I said, his life, his rules, so if he thinks he will get women fastest by forcing himself on them, then he would do it. Yes, he would r@pe if he needs to do it. But as I said, it's a last ditch effort. So, if you don't like it, you can leave now, there are no strings attached to him to hold him back. Yes, it's a harem, but a slow one with the best women of the worlds. I don't know much about GOT, so suggestions are welcome. Criticism is welcome, but to a limit, don't overdo it.

GodOfGreedAs · TV
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57 Chs

CHAPTER 07 Sending The First Searchers

A faint yet sound, something was approaching my location, but what was it?

*caaaaaaaaaaaaa* *caaaaaaaaaaaaa* *caaaaaaaaaaaaa* *caaaaaaaaaaaaa* *caaaaaaaaaaaaa* *caaaaaaaaaaaaa* *caaaaaaaaaaaaa* *caaaaaaaaaaaaa* *caaaaaaaaaaaaa* *kee-eeeee-arr* *kee-eeeee-arr* *hoot* *hoot* *hoot* *tweet* *tweet* *tweet* *tweet* *twitter* *twitter* *twitter* *twitter* *cheep* *cheep*  *cheep*  *cheep*  *cheep*  *cheep* *chirp* *chirp* *chirp* *chirp* *kee-eeeee-arr* *kee-eeeee-arr* *kee-eeeee-arr* *kee-eeeee-arr* *coo* *coo* *coo* *coo*.... 

high, weak, and whistled chirp a series of high-pitched whistling or piping sounds could be heard from every direction, and soon not only I but the whole area was surrounded by birds of different kinds such as Ravens, Crows, Hawks, Eagles, Owls, Pigeons, Osprey, Falcon, Doves and so on... 

And these all were my birds and they are not even one-sixth of the birds that I have as most of them were on missions such as spying, collecting data, keeping eyes on some special people, collecting history and anything historical, and many more...

As soon as all of them started to land on trees, roofs, floors, and ground, taking a huge place just for them... 

I threw the map into my inventory as my hand lit into fire, then I started to shape the fire into something like a 3d looking map that I had drawn. Shaping any element is hard, not the normal hard but hard as hell. As it needs concentration and a stable imagination even then it might work… 

And this gets even harder when you try to shape into precise things such as swords, daggers, blades,  arrows, spears, and so on. It had me sweating buckets of water. When I try this for the first time, and I still do when I try to shape them, but it also can't be denied I'm getting better with every training session, and especially with the age as if my body is remaining what it could do and again building muscle memory for it… 

So this took a long time but I was successful as after a long time a giant fiery map was in front of us… It was indicating every possible place where Kraken could be seen in the history of the world and the books… And also Pentos as a few of the Ravens we're already there.. 

And once the Map was ready and could be seen by everyone, I started to explain what they had to do…

As I started to talk everyone heard me with open ears while also keeping eyes on the map and the locations I was telling them about… 

and soon It was all done,  as they all nodded

*As you wish, master,* Said all leaders of the birds in a union in their own words…

Yes, I do elect leaders in groups from small to big like Minister, Prime, Minister, Senate Vice President, Speaker of the House, President, and so on.. And I did so it doesn't create Chaos in between them, as some of them are even Carnivorous birds just like my animals and I learned first hand that they need a civil system to work together as some of my friends eate my other friends. 

And I don't want my birds to do the same, and no matter how much I love chaos I come from a somewhat civil world as I love my chaos not from others. I'm not a mindless killer who enjoys killing… so this way they remain civilised and that is all I want. 

"So... you guys understand right," I didn't know what to think of it, but if they succeeded, it was good...

*Cawwwwww!* *kee-eeeee-arr! * *tweet!* *twitter!* *coo!* *cheep!* *chirp!*  *hoot!* the leaders of birds nodded their little heads with their feathers puffing up with pride.

"Good so go on," I said I still saw them sitting in their places and seeing them not moving…

"You want some corn and beef now, do you?" I chuckled.

*Cawww!* *ke-eeee-arr! * *tweettt!* *twitterrr!* *cooooo!* *cheeeeep!* *chhhhirp!*  *hooooot!*

 All the birds nodded simultaneously even though their food was outside in their eating place they can eat any time, food is the only think that I never stop my animals from eating as they very enhanced creatures and they need as much food as they could get least in starting phases as they need a huge amount of calorie to support the new growth rate development of mussels… but they wanted me to give them the food… 

So without wasting any time with smile I take out corn and different types of beef for them and using my super speed I started to put food in front of them from here to there using super speed felt great as it feels like world had stopped into front of my eyes so while giving them the food I also gave them headpets as I do no they love it… 

And times like these remind me of I'm still somewhat of a human being, lest from my inside… So after distributing the food to all of them I even have to fly to put food on trees and roofs. And giving them some well deserved head petts, as this is one of the things I love loyalty as I'm sure everyone could die just to save me, even the workers that I control… 

And soon the feast became as all my birds nodded while touching their heads with their wings. As they all felt my head pets. 

And half an hour later the feast was done. I once again petted my loyal birds,

Thanks, I'll be sure to give you some extra grain, and beef once we are done" I petted the birds as I smiled.

And soon with salute all the birds flew away to different direction they only have to do one thing it is try to find Krakens they will work in the groups of seven and once a group found a Kraken one will leave the group to inform the leader birds,

While the remaining group continue to fellow the Kraken. If they saw or Kraken found another Kraken they will split in half the will follow the original other half the new one while also sending one message to inform the new development and their last location this will keep the whole operation going in the fastest and most efficient way. 

And tomorrow when I go out in the seas it will take me a lot of time as they won't be able to find ten to thirty Krakens again, saving me time… 

While some may think I am mind controlling them 

but it wasn't mind control; it was more the animals loved me, like a lot.

As not only I gave them better bodies and ways to survive gave them best of the best food and shelter and I can also talk to them Krakens, 

I sent more than two thousand birds to the mission; they were not only loyal birds that I have, I have many. Some are still here keeping eyes on the whole place. All my creatures' only desire was to serve me and get some food, shelter, and peace not necessarily in that order.


[Raven Elite Force—- REF —POV]

We were tasked with one mission, to find huge Squids, Krakens, What he calls them, to find them, and once our lord found them we would complete the mission.

Corn was our price, and with blood and sweat, we would earn that corn.

*Caw!* One of my partners gave the sign; we were on the move as the sea was far and it would have taken hours to reach it… But not anymore as with the super Corn and our Lord's power our bodies have become much powerful and fast… 

Even though night will soon come we are still going to look for the Squids as this we do for the super Corn and the Lord… 

With all our strength me and my forty brothers flew fast cutting the smoke and clouds in our way, pushing our old speeds flying much faster than we could ever dream and soon with time we were over the edge of this Lord's land called Storm's end; the deed must be complete. *FOR THE SUPER CORN AND THE LORD* I cheerd in high horse. 

*FOR THE SUPER CORN AND THE LORD* and my brothers follow after me with the same enthusiasm. 


[Back to Drake]

With my birds on the mission, making my work of finding  even easier, as once a great man said, use every resource you have to give yourself even the slightest edge… 

And I have many and soon the seas will also be under my command an unbeatable Navy… 

While my other little birds, and I mean literal little birds, is not a metaphor.... anyway, my little birds keep an eye on everything and every major player in the game.

Boy, anyone who came near me was going to suffer. Not even a faceless man could approach me and try to kill me, I have hundreds of animals watching, seeing every person in my grounds, the castle or even the Storm's End constantly.

If they see even the slightest change in their behaviour, I would know it.

While I still have much time, I have skipped most of my classes today. And now going back will do no good So I decided to train my whip and swordplay a bit, while my blessings were somewhat op for this world but any world out there such even Boys or Invincible can have me testing the dirt. 

Even if in these years I able to gain total mastery over my weapons, I'm still far from mastering any weapon on the level of anime shit able to slice bolders just be by breathing styles so illogical so fucked up, but if this world exist then they also do means it's possible to do that shit… So practising, evolving, and getting to know the weapons.

It also helped me create muscle memory.

My body, thanks to the super power running in my veins, was already stronger than the majority of dragons combined of this world.

{Time Skip}

As I looked at the large puddle of water that floated in front of me, always changing its shape, I was sitting in a meditation position… 

I hadn't gotten used to Absorption abilities in fact I never tried it as I don't want to taste some blood and let losses as I'm sure no one this world could able to stop me if it turns out I have a blood lust, and with this I could turn this world into my worst nightmare. 

Even though chances of this happening are so low that there are nearly none, Still I don't want to take that chance, but it doesn't mean I won't do it, no it just means I will do it in a very safe place not for only me but also the world from me… 

And it is my castle, Dracula's Castle. It is the safest and strongest place to keep me. That's one of the reasons I still didn't try to learn teleportation, which is a standard power even for Noble Vampire… 

As it will free me from that place, as even if I am able to break the walls it's constant teleportation should be able to keep me busy in my beast state… 

I can't take the castle out here as it will be seen by everyone and it will be like Showing red rags to a bull, as new of a castle that floats will spare like fire in the forests… 

But it will be an entirely different thing in the middle of oceans, as no one will see it and even if some saw it they will not live to see anything else, but who should I choose as I don't want anyone first it should be female for sure second it should be beautiful.. So… 

Focus Drake Focus. I closed my eyes and turned my senses to just the puddle of water and what was on it. As it stopped changing its shape. 

Understanding. Water molecules, Hydrogen and Oxygen, heat energy is key to the state of water. I have to look deeper.

Surface Area. Ignore the light and heat from the microscope, only absorb whatever is in the water.

Experience. Recall the sensation of heat energy, harmonize experience across multiple absorption materials, drain it all then…

… the energy flowed out into me, I opened my eyes and saw the puddle of water in a thin layer of ice in front of my eyesight.

Not enough, when there's nothing left then I have to take even more!

There's still more to take. Don't look at water as a whole, focus… deeper, smaller… find the inter-molecular bonds… it's...


"... Gah! I slipped again."

Drat. It felt like my awareness expanded to "see" something new, yet, I couldn't reach for it.

The level that I intend to reach is still so far away.

That's not even discounting the fact that my molecular-level techniques aren't even usable on the field yet. 

It wasn't the case that I lacked the necessary energy, I was in peak condition this time and yet… I need more experience, more knowledge, more of everything.

A few months later and I had barely progressed in that particular field of study, even as I was now  in middle age turned eight yes I have achieved great things. 

But there are much greater things that remains to be achieved. This world isn't even on the scale of power in the multiverse. Here even dragons could be killed by human weapons without them having magic or even advancing in technology… 

So I can't take the scale of power for this world and say I have done enough or have enough when there is a multiverse out there filled with miracles and things that can't even be grasped by mortal minds.Rrich, Beauty, and Power… 

Before all this I was lost in my own little world, and lived the life everyone wanted for me and expected from me… And I don't blame them or loth them not after what I got in return… 

Yes, my luck that I got all this, but the luck ended here. Now I have to live as I wanted. There is so much to see in this multiverse, especially when I know I'm not the same speck of dust that was floating in the vast cosmos… 

No, I'm now more than that, I'm better than that, powerful than ever before, and it's not even started yet… 

Now I'm going to get what I want, get the women, money, and all the power that this multiverse has to offer, go live as I want, be good or bad be a Emperor or a peasant, rule as many world as I want, my choice, my rules, my doing and anyone who comes in my way I Will suck blood from their bodies. And have their heads on spike… No one will stop me now NO ONE… 

But aside from that, 

Perhaps I need to focus on developing and mastering other abilities first before going back to that field? As I pondered that, the first rays of the new day shone upon my face… 

As the sun rose. It was the new day, the first rays of the new star in the sky, I was sitting on the roof of my house in my training… In which I will not create soldiers but unstoppable unbeatable Monsters… 

It's time to go to my parents and do some bullshiting and head to bloody water, the ship was already in my inventory, which I just bought yesterday it for few cold coins it was medium size, normal merchant ship it was not huge or fancy but workable least for now and it's not like I'm going to spend much time in it, as it's a decoy for the house of man's of house of House Greyjoy or any Pirate that comes it's ways. 

As I don't want anyone eyeing my levitating castle. 


As I jumped from the roof of the room, with a boom, I started to run at my full speed,  my vamp speed. I activated my speed and the next instant, I ran so fast that it felt like it just hadn't slowed down but had stopped. Even though I was much faster than the speed of sound, my speed still didn't create any sonic boom. A matter that needs some research, in fact many of my matters need research, such as my saliva, could work like a drug… 

As my saliva if I wanted could work like a drug for humans too. If you drink my saliva it will make you addicted to itself 100 times faster than cocaine does. But it only happens when I want to turn someone into a vampire… and just like that my body hides many many mysteries of both science and magic… 

Mysteries that I want to solve… 

I saw my slaves and animals still working on fortification of this place, as they do work in both day and nights and they are able to do this all because they are my first test subjects and I have to say after working day and night with many ain't failures and deaths I have to say I have achieved great success in enchanting a person to superhuman level. 

But they are just the start as the people I will train here will be far above the level of superhuman, in fact the human word can't even be able to describe them. They will be super. 

As I ran past the walls with a long jump it felt amazing to be able to run at such speed.. 

I still remember my first time trying this speed. 

How I was running around. and I was screaming

"I'm here"

"Oh~, now I'm here"

"Hey hey look, I'm here now"

"Oh my! Wasn't I over there"

I think I let out my childish side too much. that time and it was good that only my slaves saw me… And no else… 

And soon I reached my place. I saw guards everywhere and soon I ran past them. as I started to slow down Entering my place the castle of the Lord of the Storm's End… 



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