
(GOT/ASOIAF) The Emperor

How would you feel when your miserable life would end? Would you feel sad? Or angry, or maybe you would feel happy because God gives you another chance at a new life in your favorite universe, "A Song of Ice and Fire." The main character (MC) is no longer human, so don't hope that he will follow their rules and laws. MC's messed-up mind cares little about anything other than his own interests, beautiful women, conquest, and power. He is evil in his way, ready to throw a baby in the fire if it benefits him. As I said, his life, his rules, so if he thinks he will get women fastest by forcing himself on them, then he would do it. Yes, he would r@pe if he needs to do it. But as I said, it's a last ditch effort. So, if you don't like it, you can leave now, there are no strings attached to him to hold him back. Yes, it's a harem, but a slow one with the best women of the worlds. I don't know much about GOT, so suggestions are welcome. Criticism is welcome, but to a limit, don't overdo it.

GodOfGreedAs · TV
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57 Chs

CHAPTER 04 Land and Preparation for Something Big

Drake was currently facing a dilemma. He couldn't set his new course of action. The death of his parents was one of the triggers of the Rebellion. He thought to himself but decided that he would decide in the future. Although he liked them, that did not mean he would prevent their death if that was to his advantage.

He also spent some time with Robert, but he judged him as a failed product. As he isn't even useful as a pet. Drake wanted to experience the situation where brothers fought for power thus he was not going to amend his relationship with Robert. Drake was immensely disappointed and inglllllllllgllllllllllllllllllllllglly Hy the end decided to neglect him. As he was nobody that would sit on that spikey-ass throne for a few years. 

For those two years, Steffon and Cassana took notice of the intelligence shown by their child and would often discuss it at night. And they saw themselves as really the reincarnation of some god. Ashe started to walk at the age of five months and started to talk at the age of 11 months. 

He had shown great progress and he had solved some problems with the Storm's End. Problems that were never solved before. And they had seen how creatures dance around him and they saw him talking to them. And they had seen how they followed his commands. He thinks he is hiding from them but he didn't know they got glimpses of it before everything turns normal. 

Now, Cassana was pregnant with a child. She was carrying the third child of the Baratheons. He will be delivered soon.

A month later, Stannis was born. Drake decided to wait for him to grow up to judge if he was really a good commander and strategist as he was shown in the books, not the idiot shown in the series that burned his daughter for a blessing. He didn't say that anything was wrong to seek the blessing of any God. But after all this shit and all the sacrifice you had offered and still worshiped the same god, then you are truly an idiot. But he knows all the religious people are idiots, at least here. 

As they call him. 

Not only that, but Stannis ignored the common knowledge and attacked Winterfell with his exhausted men during the fucking winter. He should have waited in Castle Black and used his ships to move back south with his men and use the help of House Manderly.

Five years have passed since Stannis was born. Drake had passed his Eighth name day. He was a tall and huge young man for his age with blond golden hair and was very good-looking, not like his brother Robert. 

He looks extremely enticing that anybody who saw him got charmed by his looks male or female, of course, female much more. Well, he was a bit arrogant there. How much could a twin be different from each other? Plus his hate towards Robert made Drake not accept him in any way. 

His allure and charisma alone gave him an edge against many competitors in the future and confidently believe would plock to be his concubine. An innate trait of being a Transcendent Vampire for their unnatural and hypnotizing charm capable of bending weaker willed individuals under his command. Though, he is still exploring his power for there countless more to be discovered and developed but this is the most noticeable.

Many things happened, during those years, at the age of five, Drake asked for a big piece of empty land from his father. First, his father was taken aback from the request and declined his demand. So he used his next weapon on his mother who loved him the most. So what can a man do in front of his mother's blind love? And after some negging from his wife, he got the land. 

And it was vast land and to no one's surprise, his shitty father gave him a mountain and forest area that was useless because first, the place was literally shit, and second, free people who lived in these forests. 

They are pretty dangerous and even then wild animals such as Zorse, Aurochs, Bears, Tigers, Panthers, Lion, Wolves, and Elephants, and these are the only ones that could easily be seen. We shouldn't forget about snakes, frogs, mosquitoes, ants, and so on… and all of them are twice the size of earth's creatures. 

So this place was pretty much a death trap. And maybe that's why his father even gave him this pace so he can forget about this. But they ain't aware that he needs a place just like this. There are many wild beasts to be under his control and an army to grow. 

He discovered that nocturnal beasts are willing to follow him and submit to his will. This pleased him as in the future this indispensable army under his command. In addition he can make them stronger using his power once he gains a firm grasp of it. No one can stop him once he reaches his true power and everyone shall bow down and submit under his feet while being surrounded by all of his beautiful wives in the future. An evil grin grew from his face that day exuding the true conqueror and ruler of this land manifesting into a demonic and monstrous aura.

'Relish your life for now, father. In the end, death shall soon fall on you.'

Thus from that day, he started to practice his powers there from blood bending to Blood Magic to Hormone Control to Vampire Magic to the usual Super Strength, Speed, Stamina, Durability, Flexibility, Agility and Reflexes, Resilience, Immunities, Astral projection, levitation, Transformation, and all the Vampire Powers he has such as Weather control, Element Control, Telepathy, Telekinesis. 

While using his powers the first thing he did was draw a perfect map and count every healer he could use. Thus after formulating a perfect plan.

Immediately used his powers in order to transform the Rough mountains, and peaceful forest into flat lands, and whatever he mines from lands was thrown into his inventory the minerals such as stone, iron, Copper, Quartz, Zinc, Feldspar, Silver, Gold, Calcite, Chert and so on... Wood, Trees, herbs, fruits, timber, firewood, honey, herbal medicines, tree bark, dried leaves, sticks, or twigs. 

Of course, most of these materials are in a raw state and need to be possessed. And he was not alone in this as with wishes he asked was one of them being able to control command and communicate with all the creatures. 

So with that, the whole animal Kingdom was with him when he used them in the transformation of the lands or used his powers on them as he resold grizzly bears, lions, panthers, triggers, Wolves even elephants, and raced with them. He let snakes and every poisonous creature bite him, to check his poison immunity. Or keeping an eye on everyone by using Ravens and Crows.  

As a result, the whole animal kingdom worked with him and even used his hormone control on them. Giving them more powerful and better bodies making their children alphas even for this world. 

And as free forest folks well let's just say he raided them, and the useless people became food for the animals and the useful became his perfect pets they did what he asked. 

How did he do it? Well he used the usual Vampire trick to look into my eyes. While with them he also tested his commands and how precise he has to be with the commands so the work could be done perfectly. And what is the limit of his commands? And he got to know he doesn't need to be that precise. As he said, to create a house and provide them with all the materials, they would do it. 

They would create a house the way they know how they don't magically get the knowledge of how to create a house as they only lived in tents, same with the fight and the food. And there are no limits to his commands as they would kill or die on his commands so he got the perfect slaves.

And with time the place started changing from a useless place to a living place and just half a year ago he had started to fortify the place into a castle where he started to create a huge wall by putting huge logs of trees and stone into grounds fortifying the area. 

While he and his huge anime friends created the wall. His slaves create and handle housing areas, farming areas, fruits and vegetables, meat, eggs, milk, and all that as he provided and teach them how it's done with the largest techniques he knew from his world. 

And they are all under his control. He had them learn all this quickly as now they thought their singular purpose in life is to serve him; they live for that and die for it. They are not like journal Zombies, no they are like perfect slaves dancing palm of his hand. They are his puppets and he is the Marriotte.

As for the spies and his father's men, well let's just say spies give him more men for his work and his father's men don't even think about entering in the place they call a hell hole. 

Even one who tried to get inside met with large wild animals that were ready to devour them like pieces of meat and tore them to shreds. And this has them running as if their lives depend on it… This was true so no one from the outside knows what was going inside. 

As he even started to kidnap some special people from outside and those people are Black Smiths, Forgers, Trainers, farmers, and so on… 

He had their command, build and train the normal people and animals he was literally that place into a fortress… where did he get the materials and gold to buy the materials for it well let's just say his very loving mother was very kind he had some gold and silver from mining, and charms of kid do lower the prices… 

So with that, he has started to transom the area into a self-sufficient area building farms that produce very - very high-quality food such as vegetables, fruits, corn, wheat, rice, split pulses,  feed crops, fiber crops, oil crops, then there is livestock such as Eggs, Honey Milk, meat. and all of it was very high quality as all was natural and was produced with the help of enhanced animals and bugs. in very controlled weather. So even the meat is very high quality as cows, Pork, pigs, pork, beef, lamb, domesticated cattle, swine, sheep, and chicken, turkeys were also enhanced with honey and milk. 

He even imports some animals from outside of Storm's End by sending his animals such as Hawks, Ravens, Crows, Eagles, Bats, Owls, and Wolves to kidnap them once they are here he has them reproduce while making them more adaptable and controlled weather.   

and the only thing he didn't have was fish. 

But why he was doing all this building this place was still a secret and all of it only going to take a small part of his total land and Most of the place was still empty, after all his father gave him a useless but a vast piece of land.   

And he did it all at night times and sometimes in days. as he didn't need to sleep just after he turned five. 

During those years, Drake started his studies with Maester Jones, the master sent by the citadel in the old town to serve Lord Baratheon. He first studied history, politics, and war arts. Drake found the war arts here were too weak. Even the politics was so corrupted in this place. Every effort was for one's house, not for the Smallfolk. Drake decided to improve finances and mathematics in his lands when he became the lord.

He made some deductions, one of which is that the citadel only taught backward knowledge to remain in control when it came to knowledge. So he decided to continue his studies while improving with his father.

During that time, he kept discussing this problem with his parents. And seeing their son's intelligence, and how the land was transforming in front of their eyes as mountains before we were nowhere to be seen. even though they don't know what is going on inside they are sure their son was doing something good with it. And how much the weather changes around the place. They allowed him to train as a page with his father for now.

He also started his sword, spear, bow, ax, and whip, training with the different master-at-arms, and his uncle Heldon Estermont. He dedicated a lot of time to his sword training. He also trained his body using routines from the military in his past life. He also didn't forget spear arts nor his archery or axes and whips.

And with his day and night workouts struggle, his practice in mastering his powers, his hard work of blood and sweat! Showed great results. 

While His brother Robert couldn't even hold his sword, not to mention perform any sword training. He could only hold his hammer and swing it left and right, depending on his large size.

During those years, seeing his brother's excellence, Robert developed a feeling of jealousy toward his brother. He was not smart like Drake, nor was he able to defeat him in a fight.

As everyone thinks of him as a genius, and no adult came close to defeating him, and how can they be when he brawls with multiple huge grizzly bears, lions, tigers, wolves, elephants, and so on at the same time of course he uses his full powers with them his telekinesis element control his strength speed.

So for humans, he had become an immovable mountain that can't be claimed no matter how hard they tried as multiple men came to fight him from all over the place but they only got tastes of dirt. 

And soon he became famous even outside of the Storm's End as the youngest monster not only by strength but also wits.

As he didn't even let himself lose with them as he slapped some of them who thought themselves as young masters. While some gave him a hard time winning. As they had a better experience in the arts than him.

His brother's feeling of inferiority led him to hate all his brothers and saw them as an eyesore. Since he couldn't bully Drake, as he just gets a one-slap, and sometimes Ravens peck the hack out of his head and even have their dump on him. and sometimes Hawks just take his food away. As he moved the bullying to his brother Stannis.

During one of their hunting, he mocked Stannis's hawk by changing his name from Proudling to Weakling. But looking at Dracula Gyrfalcon, Stormsking, his jealousy increased.

While Robert was like shit, Stannis was meh, not bad. Although he wasn't as bad as Robert, he was weak in front of Robert and couldn't stand against him. If only he could stand against Robert, Drake wouldn't mind adding him to his collection. But that might change his personality from the show, but Drake did not care much. Drake decided to alter Stannis's character a little and try to reduce his feeling of inferiority towards Robert.

Well, Stannis was smart, at the least. Although he was younger than Robert, his studies were much better than the fucker. Although he wasn't a strong fighter like Robert. At least he was a good fighter for his age.

Drake wasn't close to his brothers, maybe a little closer to Stannis, but he couldn't stand Robert. And he didn't even have time to spend on them as most of his nights were spent in his forest and planning, training, transforming, teaching, practicing, learning, teaching, experimenting, discovering, and his days gone in learning, mastering, performing, fighting, learning and so on.

And the little time he had is spent on the bosom of his mother… as only with his mother he fell asleep. He mostly sleeps in his mother's arms. With his mind finally at peace from all the thinking and training he does. 

As he crawled a little closer to her and was once next to her, his head leaning on her plentiful bosom, and arms around her back. But not in a sexual way.

She hugged him back, patting his back, and waited calmly for her son to have some rest as she had seen his bed empty many nights and he was nowhere to be seen. So with a smile, she lets him sleep just like that.

She had seen her son struggle trying to grasp everything trying to learn everything, never resting and this hurt her more than anything. 

But she also knew she can't hold back her son, as it would just create boundaries between them like he has boundaries with his whole family even with his father. So this was the best way for her to let her son have some peace and forget about the world and its struggles.

But when he was six, Robert started trying to mimic the guards by stealing some drinks and drinking them, in secret. Not to mention his habit of bullying the other kids and his own brothers. He was a real fucker that Drake hated. Drake couldn't bring himself to accept him nor try to correct his character. Like he cared about him in the first place.

In this family, he only cared a little or maybe more about Cassana, and maybe Stannis if Drake saw he could benefit from him. But if they were to be used against him, Drake didn't mind sacrificing them, not to mention the others.



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