
(Going to be rewritten and republished)Scroll Originators Journey

(I'm going to be rewrite and republish the novel. So sadly no more updates) Hendrix Alford, a broken old man who suffered from dwarfism, had been betrayed by his fiancée in the most terrible ways. He had been forced to endure her twisted horrors for over a century until his eventual and painful death at one hundred and twenty-five years old. Hendrix's soul thought he would finally find peace in the afterlife, but fate had other plans. He would be reborn in a new body on an alternate Earth. Little did he know that his reincarnation would be the start of a grueling tribulation. ------‐---‐------‐------ I welcome constructive criticism. I will upload a chapter every day unless some real life situation comes up Additional Tags. #Multiple Leads #System #Horror #r18

Stygian_Monarch · Games
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97 Chs

Jerboa Varmint Colony Raid Part One

After an hour passed, Hendrix woke up feeling better, and his eyes opened before narrowing, seeing the sun's position, guessing it was some time past noon.

'Ackalon, I must find more varmints to kill before I travel towards the Refugee camp. Perhaps I can trade the varmint hide for some raw materials to make items.' Hendrix thought while getting the dirt off himself.

{Yes, it's possible. However, it would help if you kept the feathers. If you compress all of them and place them in your pocket, you could trade those for some currency.}

'I might, but I'm going to kill more varmints still. Who knows, maybe I can kill some, and they drop this world's currency, and I can keep the feathers for myself.'

{Well, those Jerboa varmints didn't drop any.}

'Well, even if they don't, I can probably kill some and use it as bait for the Vulture varmints. I can provoke them to attack me with their feathers again. After all, they are durable and flexible despite their destructive power.'

{That's a beautiful idea, Hendrix. You could collect a large amount of feathers using that strategy. However, you are risking serious injury because if even one hits you directly, it will put a hole in you.}

'This kind of high-risk, high-reward task I'm willing to take. However, in society or if I'm around most other sentients, I'll lay low.'

{Alright, however, I'm curious, do you want to sell the feathers?}

'Yes, I do. After all, once I enter Okria, I won't be able to return here. So trading all the feathers for currency is best, in my opinion, since I won't be able to find more.'

{I understand why you changed your mind. Good luck with luring the Vultures.}

'Thank you, Ackalon.'

{You're welcome, Hendrix}

Subsequently, Hendrix dug up all the feathers he hid in the hole before walking down the pathway looking for varmints to fight. After about twenty minutes, he heard a sound and crouched behind a bush gazing at the source.

On the horizon off the path, he saw a large hill filled with holes. Additionally, he saw many furred Jerboa varmints entering and exiting the small holes.

'Should I try to remove all of them and see if they drop any coins?' Hendrix thought before stopping and burying the feathers again. Subsequently, he got closer before crouching down, picking up a rock, and throwing it at the closest Jerboa varmint.

The varmint in question walked out of the way of the rock. However, it saw the aftermath of the rock's impact on the ground. After inspecting the stone, it continued to walk to its destination.

'My throwing skills are horrendous. Suppose I had a tiny bow and needles. I'd already have blinded a few of them.'

{Why not attack them with melee? You can use your multiplier method to do so.}

'I can try. However, if too many find me and overwhelm me, I'll retreat. I also need to create a new part of my new fighting style. It must redirect the force from my opponent's attacks to fuel my own.' Hendrix thought before grabbing a typical branch with one hand while holding the cane in the other.

{Wait, are you trying to expand your Jaquchi technique?}

'Yes, through trial and error, and if my opponent tires, I'll kill them, and If I tire, I'll retreat until my stamina returns. I'm doing this just in case no money drops from varmints, so I still gain something I can bring with me.'

{I don't think you should. Your classmates are eventually going to find you. They will know your skill if they see you training.}

'Well, I'm not returning to the earth I reincarnated to. I'm staying in the Crown World, where ill at least be somewhat safe from capture by the time teacher. However, while I will still kill the varmints, you have convinced me not to train here. I'll wait to continue that in my Tribulation Training Ground. With it, I don't need to train in the real world.' Hendrix thought.


Hendrix quickly got up and ran towards the closest Jerboa varmint and swung the stick at it.

However, the Jerboa varmint quickly flipped to the side just in time, dodging Hendrix's attack before it jumped at him, ready to bite.

Hendrix sighed while quickly sidestepping before smacking the Jerboa varmint in the head hard. Consequently, the Jerboa varmint fell to the ground. However, before Hendrix made the killing blow, the Jerboa varmint screeched loudly.

All the varmints within the vicinity turned their gazes toward Hendrix before simultaneously jumping toward him with hostile intent. About fifty Jerboa varmints approached him.

'Oh boy, this isn't good. I'll have to be more stealthy next time. After all, I'm no main character with plot armor that will turn all wrongs into rights.' Hendrix thought while his eyes widened before running for the hills in retreat.

After Hendrix left, the other varmints took the injured one inside before surveying the surroundings for other threats.

'I'm confused. Why are they not pursuing me? The varmints in the Tribulation did pursue me even after leaving their homes.' Hendrix thought while continuing to run before stopping.

{I don't know, and Guide wasn't willing to tell us.}

'Oh well, I just need to kill all these Jerboas and see if any form of currency drops. If not, then I'll wait for a max of three days for the Vultures to appear. If they don't, I'll leave without their feathers and head towards the refugee camp.'

{That's good. Will you leave all the hide from the Jerboas too? Or do you plan to take any with you?}

'I'll not harvest any hide. I don't want to weigh myself down with them. After all, I can't carry much. The same goes for currency. If it's too heavy, then I'll leave it.'

{I agree with you being this cautious and packing light.}

'I'm glad you do. Now I need to think of a plan to single one of the Jerboa varmints out and fight it individually. Or kill it before it can use its skill.' Hendrix thought before narrowing his eyes and sighing.

Afterward, Hendrix pondered for about thirty minutes for a solution to his predicament, and when he found out, he grinned slightly. Subsequently, he began following through and slowly sneaking towards the hill again while his eyes surveyed the surroundings. And he gripped the stick in his left hand before crouching down, awaiting the perfect stance to strike.