
(Going to be rewritten and republished)Scroll Originators Journey

(I'm going to be rewrite and republish the novel. So sadly no more updates) Hendrix Alford, a broken old man who suffered from dwarfism, had been betrayed by his fiancée in the most terrible ways. He had been forced to endure her twisted horrors for over a century until his eventual and painful death at one hundred and twenty-five years old. Hendrix's soul thought he would finally find peace in the afterlife, but fate had other plans. He would be reborn in a new body on an alternate Earth. Little did he know that his reincarnation would be the start of a grueling tribulation. ------‐---‐------‐------ I welcome constructive criticism. I will upload a chapter every day unless some real life situation comes up Additional Tags. #Multiple Leads #System #Horror #r18

Stygian_Monarch · Games
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97 Chs

Fighting and Killing Bone Abominations

Hendrix eventually planned on honing his technique further through life-and-death battles with the bone abominations. He spent a whole year just constantly fighting, dying, and repeating.

As he did, he refined his techniques. Though only one ever fought him at a time. While he knew how to kill the bone abominations, he began his first attempt at genuinely killing it.

Hendrix entered the large room and threw a rock at one of the bone abominations. His action caused the targeted one to approach Hendrix quickly. As this happened, Hendrix pulled out a wooden pole and held it tightly with both hands.

As both combatants got into position, the bone abomination swung its right and central face tendrils down at Hendrix with extreme speed and precision.

Hendrix narrowed his eyes as he extended his wooden pole forward and blocked both tendrils. After sidestepping left, he pulled his arms back and swung downward at the Bone abominations, left arm tendril's connecting joint.

The bone abomination moved its left arm and left face tendril into an X shape and blocked Hendrix's attack. Meanwhile, its center face tendril attacked his right side horizontally.

Hendrix jumped backward and pointed his wooden pole downwards to his right, blocking the bone abomination's attack at an angle perpendicular to it. While immediately after, he jumped as high as he could in place, as the center face bony tendril swept under him.

The bone abomination swung its right arm and leg tendril at Hendrix, them being horizontally parallel to one another at their points. However, its attacks were parried by Hendrix, as his wooden pole point faced vertically upward.

Hendrix then rolled backward and quickly grabbed a needle, aimed, and fired it at the bone abomination's left arm tendril joint. The needle entered the joint flawlessly as Hendrix pushed his wooden pole and the needle into the joint flesh.

The bone abomination writhed as its left arm tendril severed from its shoulder. While the needle stuck inside the injury prevented it from healing.

'One tendril gone, six to go.' Hendrix thought while backing away just in time, avoiding the left leg tendril and being cut in two.

The bone abomination turned around and faced Hendrix as it dashed toward him. Hendrix rolled to the right side and swung at the right leg tendrils joint horizontally.

The bone abomination changed the position of its right leg tendril to parry Hendrix's swing at a forty-five-degree angle. Before swinging, its left and central face tendrils downward toward Hendrix, crossing over each other in a plus sign shape.

Hendrix raised his hands above his head and pointed his pole downward, diagonally, and to the right at a fifty-degree angle. And the bone abominations left, and central face tendrils slid across Hendrix's wooden pole, leaving an opening.

Hendrix solemnly moved backward and grabbed two needles. He aimed the first at the left leg tendril joint and fired it. While quickly doing the same and firing at the right leg tendril joint.

The bone abomination noticed the needles piercing its joints' flesh, alarming it while raising all three of its face tendrils and slamming downward at Hendrix with all its strength.

Hendrix rolled to the left at the last second, narrowly dodging the decisive attack as he ran at its right leg tendril and pierced its connecting joint, cutting the tendril off. He did the same to its left leg tendril in quick succession.

The bone abomination fell to the ground on its back as it tried to get up but couldn't without its leg tendrils. It began to crawl toward Hendrix at a slow speed backward.

Hendrix grabbed needles, aimed, and fired them at the bone abomination's other tendril joints. While this occurred, he dodged any attacks and cut the rest off. While the needles stayed inside, keeping the injuries from healing.

Hendrix then walked to one of the fleshy joints and ate the meat from it wanting to know the information on his defeated opponent.

[Varmint info.

Species: Living bone bipedal Axolotl varmint.

Rarity: Cyan

Length: 1 foot

Height: 7 feet

Level: 0

Stage: N/A

Stats are not available.


Semi Sentience: This corrupted passive normal skill allows the user to have the ability to understand basic fighting skills sentients can learn.

Bone limb Manipulation: This corrupted passive normal skill allows the user to use its tendrils like primitive weapons.

Bony plate armor: This corrupted passive normal skill will give the user a thick plated bony armor that will make the user immune to regular attacks from living things users rarity or lower. The only exception is the user's joints, whose armor will reveal whenever moved.

Axolotl Healing: This corrupted passive, normal skill will heal any injuries. Including amputated limbs, organs, or even parts of the brain. This skill completely restores all health as well.

It will not heal an injury while an object is in the wound.]

'It seems the varmints here are becoming more unreasonable. Though at least not as much as the Necromechanical Terror.' Hendrix thought in gratefulness, as he didn't want to come across any more horrors of that caliber.

Hendrix then moved the helpless Living bone varmint out of the room and pushed it off the stairs. Once it fell down the hole in the middle of the stairs, a splat sounded.

[You have killed a Living bone bipedal Axolotl Varmint.]

[You can't earn XP Tribulations.]

[Explorer and Killer Main Tribulation quests grade has risen due to your kill.]

'Finally, it's dead. That was tiring to fight.' Hendrix thought as he looked at how many of these he'll have to kill, counting a hundred of them in the room altogether.

Hendrix spent a year killing them all the same way he did with the first. However, he died many times due to mistakes. Eventually, when he finished killing them all, he walked to the back of the room.

'Where is the Monarch located, hmm.' Hendrix thought to himself as he looked around the room until he saw a stone door camouflaged within the wall. He then looked at it curiously and entered.