
(Going to be rewritten and republished)Scroll Originators Journey

(I'm going to be rewrite and republish the novel. So sadly no more updates) Hendrix Alford, a broken old man who suffered from dwarfism, had been betrayed by his fiancée in the most terrible ways. He had been forced to endure her twisted horrors for over a century until his eventual and painful death at one hundred and twenty-five years old. Hendrix's soul thought he would finally find peace in the afterlife, but fate had other plans. He would be reborn in a new body on an alternate Earth. Little did he know that his reincarnation would be the start of a grueling tribulation. ------‐---‐------‐------ I welcome constructive criticism. I will upload a chapter every day unless some real life situation comes up Additional Tags. #Multiple Leads #System #Horror #r18

Stygian_Monarch · Games
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97 Chs

Bully, Wilderness survival and medical knowledge class, and incident

Once the bell rang after an hour, Mr. Parker left the classroom and the students who didn't have wilderness survival class. New students also arrived inside the classroom and sat down.

'I feel most classes are going to be boring." Hendrix thought as he lay on his desk and decided to sleep during the break.

Not a long time passed before the trouble started, as a tall, muscular student with green hair, tan eyes, bulging muscles, and a nose piercing tapped Hendrix's shoulder.

"Hey, little Midget, give me your desk." The student demanded in an authoritative tone.

"Alright, I will, here." Hendrix replied, getting up and out of the seat, grasping his cane, and walking away from the guy with quick steps.

"Did I tell you that you could leave? Get back here, little punk." The guy ordered with an annoyed expression.

"And you are?" Hendrix asked as he turned around with an eerie smile.

"I am Theodore, and I didn't finish. I order you to come back." Theodore commanded with a smile.

"I don't have the time, but I wish you good luck." Hendrix responded civilly before continuing to walk away.

Theodore walked to Hendrix quickly and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"I said come back. Punk, I'm not done. Now obey unless you want a punch in the face." Theodore stated, bluffing, thinking Hendrix was weak and helpless.

"Then go for it." Hendrix responded, sighing while turning around and looking at Theodore, wanting him to throw the first move, so he could not get in trouble for defending himself.

"Heh, I know your planning, and I'm not falling for it." Theodore warned as his eyebrow twitched in annoyance. He wanted to teach Hendrix a lesson but didn't want to get punished by the teachers if they saw him do that.

"Then leave me alone, don't harass me." Hendrix sighed again as he felt too old to deal with this crap. He had enough problems already.

"Fine." Theodore stated while gritting his teeth, feeling Hendrix wasn't afraid of him. He sat in Hendrix's old seat, thinking he had a minor victory due to being successful in taking his seat.

'There are always idiots who think bullying others is fun. They give up when their methods don't work.' Hendrix thought as he sat in a different empty seat in the front row.

Hendrix again tried to go to sleep and successfully did so, and he entered Ackalons realm again.

Allura POV

"Natasha, Valentina, why do you think Hendrix is sleeping?" Allura asked while gazing at Hendrix sleeping on his desk.

"Why are you asking? Do you perhaps have a crush on him?" Natasha teasingly asked as she giggled a bit.

"No, I do not. I'm just curious." Allura stated with a deadpan expression.

"Oh well, maybe he stayed up all night?" Valentina guessed with a soft smile.

"Maybe, but who knows what is going through his head? He's, after all, traumatized to insanity, as the government agents called it." Allura responded, shaking her head.

"Hey, what were your tribulations like, guys? I had to kill a strange bear monster." Allura asked while tilting her head.

"I killed a pronghorn monster." Valentina replied while smiling as she lay on her desk.

"I killed three soldiers and one mage." Natasha stated, recalling her tribulation.

"Hmm, we all had our own experiences." Allura replied, nodding and thinking if she should tell them her family name.

"I want to protect Hendrix. He seems so weak and helpless. I fear what his tribulation has done to him." Valentina sighed as she used her luck-changing ability on him again to increase his luck.

"I agree with you, Valentina. I think I know how we can do so. I will try to sit him on my lap during class. Most guys who want to bully him in class are afraid of me trying to castrate them after all." Allura replied with a chuckle as she had an idea. She saw how Hendrix struggled even to open the door.

All the guys from the past classroom who wanted to bully Hendrix cringed fearfully. They didn't see him paint his blood on the ground earlier, so they still saw him as a target, but not anymore after hearing Allura.

"Okay, though for this to work, someone needs to succeed in harming him, then you need to rescue him and tell the class he's under your protection, and then maybe the teacher will be okay with you doing this." Natasha whispered as she knew this wasn't usually allowed.

"Alright, until then, we'll wait." Valentina stated wanting this to happen as soon as possible.

Hendrix POV

Hendrix woke up after about an hour and was well rested.

'I wonder what we're going to learn in this class.' Hendrix thought curiously while weakly surveying the classroom.

All the students in the classroom conversed with one another and got to know each other. However, this quickly ended when a figure walked into the room.

"I am Julia Orchard, but you can call me Mrs. Orchard. Let's start our wilderness survival class. I will teach you all the skills you need in the wilderness." Mrs. Orchard replied as she arrived. She had long burgundy hair and orange eyes. She had a petite figure as well.

Mrs. Orchard taught the class all the stuff Hendrix had already learned on earth, so he just listened and nodded off everything and slept for an hour after class ended. After, he did the same with the medical knowledge class, as he already knew everything taught there.

'That was boring compared to the history class.' Hendrix thought as he heard the lunch bell ring. He quickly got out of his seat and headed out of the classroom, and eventually reached the cafeteria.

The cafeteria was gigantic, and many people were sitting and enjoying their lunch. At the same time, others were waiting in line to get their food.

Hendrix decided to wait until the lines disappeared before he went to get food. He felt he would get trampled due to his small size.

"I'd like a burger and fries." Hendrix requested, as his head was at the same level as the counter.

"Sure, there's the food. It's free and paid for by the government." A cook responded while preparing the food and, once ready, gave Hendrix the tray filled with it.

"Thanks for the food." Hendrix thanked them civilly as he struggled to get the food off the counter. Once he succeeded, he went and sat at a table where no one currently was as he minded his own business, trying to avoid trouble.

"Hey, punk remember me? Give me your food." Theodore replied while arriving at the table alongside his friends. And they all stared at Hendrix with malicious intent.

"What if I refuse?" Hendrix replied, raising a brow as he looked at them with a neutral expression.

"Then you get hurt, so will you give it to me, or will you be hurt." Theodore warned as he cracked his knuckles.

"No, I won't. Now can you please stop harassing me?" Hendrix asked politely, not amused.

Theodore smiled as he punched Hendrix in the chest and head with all his strength and smiled. Before, his expression froze as he heard bones cracking, and he saw blood and flesh on his hand. He had inadvertently used his talent as well in his attack.

"You attacked me, and I recorded it." Hendrix warned in agony as he recorded Theodore with his wristlet so he had evidence. He weakly smiled as blood flowed from his lip as his chest sunken in a bit, and blood spilled out.

Hendrix felt his organs were constricted and squeezed, and his skull cracked in the front. His right eye was brutally mangled and hanging out before falling to the ground and passing out in a pool of his blood.

Everyone in the cafeteria began screaming as some ran away and called for help. Additionally, others were shocked by what they saw. The staff around called security and the medical department.

"Theodore, you messed up, bad man." One of Theodore's friends replied, his eyes widening at what Theodore had done.

"Why did you try to kill him." Another friend responded as their eyes dilated, seeing the sight and thinking Hendrix was dying.

"I-I didn't mean to. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Theodore apologized as he looked at what he did with shock, knowing his attack did not harm ordinary people to this degree before, remembering his talent, which made him three times stronger than normal people passively. He then knelt as he looked out with his eyes widened.

Allura immediately ran in with a rapier in one of her hands and stood before Hendrix. Natasha and Valentina followed and guarded Hendrix.

"You tried to kill your classmate unprovoked? How despicable." Allura stated with a cold expression as she pointed her rapier at Theodore, and red flames covered it.

"How dare you? Why!?" Valentina yelled, using her luck-changing skill on Theodore to take one luck away.

Natasha looked at Theodore. Her eyes narrowed as well.

"I'm sorry for what I did. I didn't mean to do it." Theodore stated while wanting to punch Hendrix, not potentially kill him, and forgetting about his talent.

"You punched him, did you not?" Allura stated chillingly, barely holding herself back from lashing out at Theodore.

Soon four security and five nurses arrived. The security had batons in their hands and restraining chains. Additionally, the nurses brought a stretcher and a breathing mask along with medical supplies. The security restrained Theodore while the nurses gently placed Hendrix on the stretcher and left the room with him.

(I'm curious about what you wonderful readers think about Ackalon being Hendrix's protector. And also about the Necromechanical Terror.)