Jon snow is kidnapped by slavers while his father was away fighting in the Greyjoy rebellion. How is an 8 name day old boy supposed to survive in a place like Essos with only his direwolf pup as a companion.
( POV Jon Snow )
I was looking ahead at the gate that was about to open, and when it did I would have to go out there and fight and kill another slave. This was different than killing a slaver to save my brother this taking the life of an innocent slave forced to fight just like I was.
Then I felt Ghost rub his head against my hand, I smiled and gave him a pat he always knew when I was nervous somehow. When I look down at Ghost I knew then what I would do I would kill the slave because if I wasn't alive they mightn't let Ghost live, although Ghost wouldn't let them take him easily for he too had grown these past few months from the size of a small dog to the size of a wolf and not slowing down.
Then I heard it the sound of the horn that signalled the beginning of the match so I tightened the strap that kept my shield on my arm then picked up my short spear and walked out into the pit.
As I got there I saw slaves dragging the body of the dead to the other side and onto the pile of lost contestants.
As I looked across the pit I saw them my opponents my victims the smallest had a bow in his hand and a short sword at his side. The largest carried a two twin axes and the last had a long sword and a circular shield. All three had leather armour like most of the pit fighter myself included.
Before I could analyse my opponents any more the horn sounded again and I began jogging to the middle where the medium one met me with the smallest staying back and the largest doing the same when he realised that was where Ghost was aiming.
I looked at my opponent he was around 5,6 and had a bald head. As he swung his sword at me raised my shield and let it glance off, then I jabbed my spear toward his chest but I caught his shield instead then he raised the shield trying to take my spear from my grasp but in doing so left his midsection open, so I hit his stomach was hard as I could with my shield. He took a step backwards gasping for breath while I yanked my spear from his shield and jammed it into his stomach he screamed in pain as I pushed it further then pulled it out as he collapsed to the sandy ground of the fighting pit.
I turned around to survey the fight he saw Ghost shredding the smallest man in to many pieces. Then he heard a scream of anguish and he looked to the biggest man while not the size of the Greatjon Umber he was still a large man with two twin bearded axes. I got into position with my shield raised and my spear pointed towards my opponent.
The man was charging with out thought or reason and when he got into range I stabbed my spear through his shoulder he just screamed and snapped the shaft of the spear with one of his axes I dropped the spear shaft and braced my shield for the incoming blow as the man swung his axes down with only one thought in his mind revenge for his brothers., and as my shield splintered under the force of his swings and my arm began to get numb one of my eyes turned white and I was suddenly seeing from my eyes and also from Ghost.
'Pack, save pack, protect pack'
Those thoughts they where mine but also not but I didn't have time to think as the man hit my shoulder leaving a shallow wound but leaving me defenceless on the ground when when I saw myself jumping on the mans back or was that Ghost? But it didn't matter as I saw the man fling Ghost on the ground and prepaid to swing his axes at him I was filled with the same energy that filled Ghost as I felt the need to protect Ghost to protect my pack.
I quickly unbuckled my shield knowing it would just slow me down I threw my broken shield on the ground and grabbed my scimitar from my back ignoring the pain in my shoulder I swung my blade at the man about to attack Ghost, attack my pack some thing I couldn't allow as he roared in pain I swung again this time at the back of his knees, he screamed yet again as he thudded to his knees, then he began swinging his axes wildly, Ghost bit the man's right hand making him drop his axe to his side, I picked the axe up and swung into the man's left shoulder from the back forcing him to stop swinging his arm then I moved to his front ran my scimitar through his stomach and smiled, this man wanted to hurt Ghost and I wouldn't let him I would protect my pack even if I had to down all of Essos. The man coughed up some blood and I took out my talon from my waist where it was secured and swung with all my strength at his neck.
I watched as his head sailed through the air and landed on the sandy ground then put the talon back in its sheath and walked away with Ghost at my side as I made my way back I heard the thunder of the crowds cheers and the adrenaline and whatever power came with warging with Ghost gave me wore off the pain in my shield arm and shoulder came back and I hurried back to were the pit fighters went to wait when they weren't fighting to get checked out.