
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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183 Chs

Chapter 82: Slap on the wrist

3rd person POV

Amaterasu is relaxing at her wonderful home drinking tea while watching TV and just normally enjoying her usual day. And she received a knock on her door which then slid open.

"Have Zeus punishment been given?" she asked her servant.

"Yes, he is forbidden from leaving the realms of the gods and is forbidden to interfere with the mortals through either direct or indirect means." the servant reported "It is for one year for now and can be extended if there are further debate."

"Just a slap on the wrist for Zeus, he's just going to use this as an opportunity to prepare. Stupid gods, can't they just castrate him already."

Amaterasu is a goddess who despises gods like Zeus, she was personally hit on by the man and had to fought him forcefully to make him back away, many gods do not like the man, but no one can deny his influence.

The gods and mortals of the human side cannot even fathom how much the world of ancient Greece influence the modern world, math, philosophy, medicine...etc. That's what make Zeus, the king of Olympus a mighty figure even if other gods have similar or stronger strengths than him.

<Hopefully my son gets enough power to eliminate him someday.> she thought


Perseus POV

As everyone else is being led around the gigantic and sacred world tree, I am sitting on this table waiting for my sister and Struan to arrive.

The world tree is one of the most sacred and highly guarded spots, even more than the castle itself, similar to the divine lake, never ending flames, unbreakable rock...etc.

And once in a while, a spirit, either male or female, will be born from it and they usually become very prominent figures in their field. And in similar cases to Valentina, one of these nature spirits will be chosen as their monarch.

And that's why these sacred spots are the most important places for the nature spirit race. Some even treat these figures like the tree as a deity despite there are gods who created them in the first place.

Each race have their own gods and deities, and that's why demigods of each race have their own specialties as well. And definitely very rarely are they mixed like me, part god, part human and part vampire.

Despite mostly identifying as human, I wouldn't really ally myself with humans, I mean come on, if you readers have to choose, would you really side with humans? I don't think so, the author would agree.

|No comments.|

What do you mean? You're the almighty author who is stronger than all the gods themselves and can kill them all with a snap of a finger, just say anything and everyone will agree.

|You're breaking many walls and barriers by talking to me, and as I said, no comments.|

Dumb idiot.

|What was that?|

I mean, greatest guy in the whole wide universe and no one can even compare.

|That's what I thought.|

I then see Diana arrive at our meetup spot first.

"Hey sis...why do you look mad? Did some rich fatass send you a letter asking for me to marry their underaged daughters again? I told you to just ignore those letters. I'm not some guy who liked to be used as someone's personal free bodyguard and tool for connection."

"Say, after we left last time, what were you doing that you had to be absent for more than a week?" Diana asked

Shit, she found out, I can't use the same excuse as last time since she probably figured this out with Struan.

"Where were you during the time? I knew you weren't with that particular clan since I personally watched their movements at the time." Diana said

"Come on sis, I just wanted a vacation, and it was the perfect excuse to skip school, it's not like I was going to be one of the top students anyway."

"You would if you tried, you always were in the top 10 at first before you fell off."

She bought it, YES!

"Did you seriously think I would buy that excuse?" she asked as she yanked my ear

"I'm not lying though, I really did have a small vacation, I rented this expensive house by the divine lake, you can check the records."

I still have the receipts to prove that I did, but she doesn't know that I spend those days with the queen.

"Why did you rent an expensive mansion by a tourist trap instead of a lesser expensive and much more accommodating cabin by some other great lakes, they have similar facilities." she pointed out

"I wanted to splurge for a bit." I answered as she released my ear.

"Then just tell me next time." she sighs as Struan then arrived and lectured me on why I shouldn't skip school.


We then go to the world tree. The world tree have many rooms that are carved and molded in the inside of the tree, but these facilities are inaccessible unless you are a noble of a certain rank and gotten permission from the queen.

With a badge of my crest given to the 2, we split up and checked on the inside of the tree. With the layout plan, we found many hidden rooms, but we only find important documents and treasures, no jade piece.

We even went on top of the tree and explored every branch, but no jade whatsoever.

It's pretty frustrating, so we then explored the facilities close to the world tree and checked every nook and cranny. But no hint or clues about a jade piece, only priceless treasures.

I even used the eyes of Horus to check, nothing, and that makes things really frustrating.

"Well there's nothing here, all the hype for nothing, come on, the world tree is such a cliché thing in every fantasy novel, give me something."

|The tree gave you a fling with the queen, take what you can get and be grateful man.|

Damn it.