
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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183 Chs

Chapter 67: I'm a mistake

Perseus POV

"Why the fuck are you in my room?"

"Hmm...to think that you would meditate, it's a strange sight to see after I just visited your sister." A feminine voice replied

I opened my eyes to see my mother in front of me, a sight that I do not like to see. I sensed her breaking into my room and chose to ignore her, but like Hera, she just stood there and waited for a couple minutes and sort of ruining my concentration.

At least she locked my room and took off her sandals or whatever.

"Take off your socks too, you don't want to dirty them, I may clean regularly with magic, but things still get dirty."

"Oddly considerate to someone you hate and loathe." she commented as she kneeled on the floor.

"Why are you here?"

"Is it wrong for me to talk to my son and reconnect?" she asked


"You can't hate me forever, you don't have the capacity to, you are not that type of person."

"Well, I'll at least try to prolong it then. The only reason I refer to you and that bastard, 'mom' and 'dad' is already respectful enough for me since I was at least given the privilege of life. So answer my question, why are you here?"

"Well I recently talked with your sister and I thought I'd stop by and talk with you too." she giggled and cover her mouth with her hand

"What did you talk about?"

"You unfortunately found it out, but I have recently found out that Zeus has decided to interfere and gifted your enemy a weapon, so I had a little private talk with her and now with my son."

"I'm not interested."

What sort of pisses me off is that she is smiling throughout despite me being rude to her, I can imagine my sister even being more mean and condescending to her earlier and yet her smile really doesn't waver.

I don't know it's because she's guilty, so she's now trying to make up for it by taking everything head on or it's just that she's ignoring it all. Goddesses like her probably hear insults all the time due to how long she has lived.

"I know I can't take back wat I have done." she said "I regretted following the rules that are imposed on us, before, it was optional for us to whether we want to care for our children or not, but many of the children that are properly raised turned to be too powerful.

"Demigods are beings who stand on both sides of the mortal and god realm, even though they are mostly mortal, they are the only beings whose strength and determination are strong enough to challenge the gods." she explained "Many cases have proven this and mix in with the factor that a properly raised one are too powerful...the gods didn't like that as they are scared of the imbalance of powers between mortals and gods.

"Look at you now, despite not being in control of all your powers, you are the most powerful raider at the age of 18, what would have happened if you were properly raised by either me or your father?" she asked "The gods are too scared of that ever happening and so the law was made, we are to abandon our children or as the others stated...our 'mistakes'."

Tsk. At least just leave that out, being called a mistake hurts. But I can see some of their point, the gods are too prideful to lose to a mortal, even being compared to them angered them.

There are many cases of mortals comparing someone as an equal or superior to certain gods, many cultures mention this, even the other 12 worlds have their version of similar stories, the gods retaliated.

Like the case of Andromeda, the wife of the first Perseus. Or Psyche, the wife of Eros. They themselves didn't compare or want to be compared with gods, but it's not like the gods care, the gods are just that petty to take their anger out on the innocent ones since they are more likely to not fight back, making it so that the revenge can be carried out successfully.

And that's just the more well known cases...

"Your father kept your sister in his place for a short, but he didn't gave her any attention, he treated her coldly while I...wasn't even there...not until you were born." she said with a twinge of regret "Your sister was about to be thrown in the darkest part of Tartarus to fend for herself till you were born..."

"She wanted to kill herself, 'mom', she told me many times that if I wasn't born and too young to fend for myself, she would have not been alive today, I'm more vocal about it, but in terms of hatred, she hates you 2 the most."

"I understand." she nodded "We wanted to keep taking care of you longer, but the others noticed that Tartarus already helped your sister long enough, more than what's allowed, so we had no choice but to throw you down there. I regretted it to this day and hope that one day you would forgive me. I'm a goddess who shouldn't have to abide by such rules."

"You said that many times before, but it doesn't change what or who I am. With the stupid powers that I'm born with, I've hurt my sisters many times, sometimes, I just wish I wasn't born, but I'm glad I did, because if I wasn't, my sister wouldn't be alive."

There was then an awkward silence as she sat there.

"But why don't you use my powers often?" she asked

"That's because yours are even harder to use, I can barely alter their output. Same with Tartarus. So for now, I will use my own powers as the 'Silver Prince'."

"If you want, I can offer you the same thing as what I just offered your sister, you can come to my home and I can properly help train all your powers, but that would means-"

"No." I rejected "I'm not going to leave for years from this tower, after I complete my 3 years of the academy, I will climb this tower, I will conquer it and I do not care what the prices are, but I will find a way to challenge gods like you so no one will mess with me and someone I know again."