
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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183 Chs

Chapter 59: Devil Children

Cordelia POV

'Precious Flowers Home'

That was on a big board with some drawings of flowers and small stickmen. We walked through the gate for this place. When we walked in, the kids flocked to Perseus who was more uncomfortable than ever.

They left whatever they were doing in the playground without a care in the world and were tugging all over him. There is almost 2 dozen kids ranging from 5-9 year old here still in there uniform as if they all just arrived from school.

On the door way of the building which I assume to be an orphanage were a married couple who were snickering at the scene.

"Axel, Mary, please get them off me." Perseus pleaded

Axel is a man about 173 cm tall, looks to be in his mid 30s, has a dark brown complexion, black hair and hazelnut eyes. His wife, Mary, is a woman who looked to be around the same age, 160 cm tall, olive skin, dark brown hair and black eyes.

"Haha, they all miss their big brother after all." Axel laughed in the distance

"C'mon kids, leave him alone, he's here with snacks for you guys again, I assume." Mary tried to help Perseus and then turn to see me standing here a bit awkwardly "Hi there, I'm Mary Flores and that's my husband, Axel, the co directors and sole care taker of these children."

"How do you manage with just the 2 of you?"

"If they were any younger, it would be hell, but we do fine, we also get occasional volunteers and with people like Perseus here, we are living quite lavishly." she smiled "Come."


Perseus made his way to their storage and got out all of the things we just bought and filled it all up, we had enough to last them for about 2 weeks. he then wrote them a check for...1 million?!

Both Axel and Mary seemed to refuse.

"C'mon, I get paid so much, you know, with the way I'm progressing, I will become a billionaire. I have lots of treasures too, just take it."

"No means no, young man, that's too much money." Mary refused "How many times have we told you that it's too much money."

"You can use this to share with the other charitable donation groups that you're working with."

"They also refused your money when you gave them 4 million dollars, what kind of lunatic siblings donate more than 50 million a year? We aren't large organizations, you know. We all found out who the anonymous donor was considering your identity is now revealed, and here we thought you were some billionaire children."

"I'm a top 13 raider whose clan specializes in earning money, just take it."

"We already got enough from you, you also to hundreds of charities worldwide anyway, just live for yourself, from your previous contributions, we have enough resources to stand for a few more decades living a luxurious life."

No wonder dad wanted me to come along, this guy despite arrogant is actually a nice guy.

"And this is why I bribe bank employees and managers to put it in your accounts anyway." Perseus grumbled as he then burned the check.

"It's good to be charitable, but there's also too much, we already benefitted a lot, too much that we have to give away some ourselves, you know." Axel sighs

"I already have enough savings in many banks and the interest rates are good for me, so it's not like I need anymore, I just turn most of them into credits in case I need things from the system."

The 2 just scolded him and we were brought to the guestroom.

"Why is this cookie so sweet? Are you trying to give the kids a heart attack?" Perseus complained as he ate a cookie

"Well we didn't make it, we had a recent activity together and they made it." Axel replied "Thanks for the supplies and luckily, you didn't buy toys and electronics like last time."

Their attention then turned to me.

"Are you his new girlfriend?" Mary asked

"No, I'm still working on that, but I'm his new partner. I'm Cordelia Laguna."

"Ah sir Brooke's daughter." Axel realized "Perseus, that's a huge obstacle, her brother is a bit easy going, but the dad...unless you have an achievement like saving the world, you're never going to get his approval."

"Well he also doesn't want me to go for her cuz he feels like she may be in too much danger, hypocritical since he placed her under my care."

"Emma sure gave us a scare a few months ago when she asked us to mail her a pregnancy test, you know."

"She did?"

"She didn't tell you?"

"Well she did woke me up recently by scaring me that she's pregnant, she tried to use magic to condense in her tummy to make it as if she's hiding something, but she's not." Perseus shrugged casually

They then got engaged in their conversation and we were only interrupted by children bursting in the room.

"Lia, I choose you. Use distract on them." Perseus ordered as he backed away.

"They're only children, why are you so scared?"

"Children? Devil children, more like it."

He is then helplessly pulled away by the children who also raided the plate of cookies before they left.

I then got a message from him through the system.

'They're tormenting me, help please!'

"Cute, isn't he?" Mary asked "You should've seen our reaction when the news were plastering him all over, 11th best raider. His looks is also oddly popular amongst married women, so you have a lot more competition than you think."

"He's too perceptive for his own good, he knows that I have a crush on him, but he basically does nothing nor did anything after that date we had once."

"O go on the aggressive, it's the same with Emma, unless you're the one who's making the move, he's not going to do anything. When he broke up with Emma, he thinks himself undeserving of any relationship considering that if a patient person like Emma broke up with him, no one else would accept him."