
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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183 Chs

Chapter 52: Food Hunt (3)

Cordelia POV

"Oh look, it's cute to see our classmates suffer trying to hunt a measly E ranked boar." Perseus pointed

As we walked back, we stumbled upon our classmates which Perseus then took me and hide me in a nearby bush to see how the class is doing.

Everyone teamed up at the beginning, a group of 30 or so students trudging through the forest, harvesting vegetables and fruits along the way. Vampires can just feed off the blood of classmates of the prey, ghouls need to eat the flesh raw.

But it seems like none of them have hunting experience, they first used too high leveled magic and even though it did kill their prey, birds come and swoop down and took all their prizes due to the now destroyed and open area of the forest.

The tower then fixed it after a while when the group tried to round up some more preys, it seems that they did not realize that these beasts fight back ferociously to defend themselves.

"Charge at them, c'mon boars." Perseus cheered "The tower only forbid raiders from killing each other, not you guys."

"Seriously, where does your allegiance lie?"

"3 people exactly, 4 if you count my sister."

"Ok, who are they?"

"It's me, myself and I."

"How incredibly selfish."

"I know, right? What a stupid jerk I am." he joked "Now let's see how they do or they'll become almost as useless as a certain water goddess."

I seriously do not get his references, he even gave me fictional fantasy novels for me to read because it can apparently help me later down the line. How are stories of a person reincarnating or going back to their past self going to help.

The tropes sure sounds familiar as if it has happened to people around me before, but I seriously doubt his teachings cuz it clearly implies that he can barely separate reality and fiction.

I need to learn not just the secrets Emma requested for me to learn, but more secrets that makes him this successful.

"And since the hunt has started and such a huge event is taking place, due to us being the 2 main leading characters, there should be some unfortunate events that will happen in 5...4...3...2...1."

'Emergency Quest!'

"Yeah, I think being with you is like being strapped to a nuclear warhead, my family said that being with you is safe, but it's proving to be quite the opposite."

Seriously, I don't want to be near a guy who triggers world ending events or life and death situations for me if it's possible. I know he has a nice face, nice smile and is perfect in almost every single way if not for his sometime slight self centered protagonist attitude, but I'm starting to see my doubts.

"You mom thought the opposite, I don't trust fates and stuff, but she said the safest place for you is being with me." he replied

"So safe, but continuous heart attacks, then yes, I agree with her point."

"You're getting it. Don't worry, I got people on stand by ahead of time, reading those novels helped me prepare for moments like this all the time."

Perseus POV

Shit, the warning was true after all.

Even though I look cheery on the outside, I'm sort of furious on the inside, it seems like those gods or whatever really are trying to get me to show them my true power considering that some of them think me of a threat and wants to use this opportunity to prove their point.

Son of Tartarus and Amaterasu, 2 gods of conflicting power and yet their 2 children are born with only the burden of needing to sleep often, if we grew any further, some gods are scared that I will erase their existence, which...I mean...depends on whether you were a jerk to me or not, it may or may not happen.

Man, luckily I had my division and my sister to stay alert at all times, they should already arrive on the floor and head for me.

'Emergency quest: Rampant divine beasts have stormed the floor. The 13 gods shall be forced to delete and erase the floor if the problem is not managed. The chosen shall kill the divine beasts. Rank: Unknown.'

I also received an exclusive perk notification. Very rarely does a quest grant a perk to someone, it can be telling them to take lead of the group or sometimes be tasked to solo an enemy and hold them off so that your team can retreat safely.

'Exclusive perk: You get to choose the limited number of raiders who shall accompany you. 0/8'

This means the admins are allowing the rest to be kicked out of the floor while me and a few chosen ones can stay behind, it'll also be great for hiding my true identity, I guess. I need to find out which true gods are behind this stupid farce though, cuz I'll prove that their worries will come true the moment they mess with me.

"Lia, as my partner, do you want to stay behind?"

'And help you evacuate everyone, of course." she replied without hesitation.

The trait that is unique to her family and it seems that it passed on to her as well considering she was a bit sheltered growing up, they are all a bit too selfless when it comes to sacrificing themselves, not a bad trait, but let's hope they don't sacrifice themselves for some unknown lowly criminals.

"That's not what I meant." I shook my head which made her give me a baffled look "I can choose who to stay behind and help me fight even without their consent and summon them for help, but that would mean I have to fight with my full abilities and show my actual true identity, even to you."

"Wait, you mean to stay behind and help you ight the monsters that the true gods sent for you? Are you insane?!" she exclaimed

"Yes, but you'll be safe. I plan on summoning Diana, Wyatt, Terra, Bora, Richard, Emma, and Elliot since I have a limited slot, these are the one I trust to reveal my actual identity to apart from my sister. You don't have to worry, Me, Elliot, Richard and Diana is all it takes to take these guys out, you just have to stand by and watch for future references."

"Right, I forgot that by partnering up with you means that I have to face these kind of situations sooner as I climb the tower, I'll be useless, but sure, I'll stay." she answered