
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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183 Chs

Chapter 28: Date (3)

Perseus POV

After I got the information I needed, I went ahead to leave through the same vent and got back to Lia.

"Why were you in there so long? Got distracted?" she asked

"No, just got some info that I need to kill Brennan. Besides, there are guys in there too, I'm not really into that. As for the women, I'm sort of used to it at this point."

"Yeah, got it, you have an attractive sister." she rolled her eye "I envy your genes."

We then left to find the other students who are no doubt confused on why I came here with Lia. Let's hope that they didn't give into their desires, cuz otherwise, they're a bit useless in my plan to conquer this tower.

I need help to conquer this tower, so it's why I'm also sent by my guild to study at the academy to look for fresh recruits, my goals just aligned. I then got a certain message, I look at who it's from. A fellow ranked who's also in the Mirage legion, shit, this means that I'm about a month away from having to attend a meeting or something.

Though so far, I have not found what I was looking for in the academy, and guys, don't worry, it's not a secret chamber that can be made into a movie or something, I think you guys know what I'm talking about, I'm just trying my best to avoid being sued.

I can see them, they're trying to navigate through the giant maze that is known as the red light district only to encounter one trouble after the other, drunk men, people trying to get them as clients...etc. I don't know why they followed me here, but it was a big mistake on their part.

I just use magic to pull them into a nearby alley way and me and Lia arrive there a moment later.

"I saw you guys following me, why? You guys got business in the red light district or something? You're still new to the system, I don't think the pseudo dungeon gave you enough credits to afford anything or anyone here."

"Then how can you be so scandalous to bring a woman here on a first date?!" Acacia accused

"He mostly just left me to spend time with another woman the moment we arrived at our destination though." Lia pointed out "Apparently in a sauna too."

It's a technicality, but's it's basically what happened, now do I want to enforce the misunderstanding even further? Either in a dense way or a me way?

"Oh I was wrong, she was taking a bath. I'm sure you all know who I went to look for, right? Alice Mila? 'Shadow Queen' if you're not familiar."

Yeah, I'm not your normal dense protagonist.

"Rankers sure are different." Alice said as his eye twitch "He went straight for the boss."

"Though seriously, why did you follow me, I saw you following me through the snowstorm, I just chose to not help you cuz it's your fault to not have come prepared. Hell I noticed you guys the moment we got into the icy region."

"We just want to see what a ranker do in their spare time, I didn't think they would come to release their stress in this...this scandalous place!" Acacia exclaimed

"I'm really surprised at how they haven't caught on yet." Lia responded

"It was good training isn't it? Jumping from one roof to another, parkour in a cool montage, I can see why they always have cinematics shots about that now, I better have the same treatment if I get adapted into an animation."

"Don't we have a course for that in the academy?" Greg asked

"Isn't that boring? The real experience is better, no magic, only physical strength and good old regular parkour. Come on, since it's the weekends, we don't have to go back to the dorms, we'll warp to my place."

I then got paper vomit bags and gave them out as I warped everyone in front of the cave I warped Lia to last time. Including Lia, they all puked it out into the bad. I used magic to lift a portion of dirt from the ground which I told them to throw it in, burn it with fire magic and put the dirt back over.

Our cave is basically a whole that we used magic to dig into a giant tree in the forest region. Some trees are gigantic with a diameter bigger than some cities even. It's where me and my sister live, we got the system to register it as part of the tower so no one can destroy it, our safe haven.

I can sense that my sister is inside. I then let everyone to rest in the restroom, I gave them snacks and drinks before heading off to my sister's bedroom where she's resting at the moment.

"Oh you got friends over." she mumbled as she got up

I then use sound magic to hide what we're saying and I opened the message board.

'From: Ezio Adler. 'Volcanic Eagle' '

'Meeting in one month. Mandatory.'

Diana saw it too.

"That's the 3rd ranked raider." she said "You're going?"

"It's mandatory, the Mirage legion, I still can't believe those bastards hide so many things from me despite my position in their ranks. Sis, I'm trying my best, but I don't think I can find what I want with my current fame amongst the students."

"Yeah, you can't just skip class to search through the academy either."

"I know they're hiding something, I'm so sure of it, one of their plans is to take over the tower itself and this one item is essential for it, but I'm also sure the academy hides more than that...the mystery of the identity of the 13 lords."

"Well usually this position can only be applied if you're a 2nd or 3rd year, but I'm sure the directors can make an exception if you're a ranked, you have more time out of class if you become a part of the discipline committee."

"Sis, I sleep in class, that is a position for strict and serious people. And I can't believe such a position is available for an academy where everyone is over the age of 18, the discipline committee is what you want to join if you want tot be bullied."

"Who the hell would bully a ranker?"

"Fair point. But they'll still talk behind my back."

"Well there is one more person...you know her. She's in the possible 100 and she plans on becoming an instructor for our clan..." she suggested "If you convince her and tell you what you want...she can go to your academy and help you investigate."

"Oh no, I'm not that desperate."