
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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183 Chs

Chapter 150: Uncle (2)

Diana POV

Something's weird, I can no longer sense my brother, if he's engaged in the fight or got kidnapped, he has a small device on him that turns on and alert me when he slightly press it or when it no longer sense magic in the surrounding, but nothing, is he hiding from me because it is a god he knows.

Artemis? But why would he hide with her? So it can't be her. And if you think my possessive side is coming out, don't worry, if it's her, she'll probably kill him before he can make skin on skin contact.

But regardless it's a bit weird, on my end, Valentina only ate a small portion of her snacks to not make it look like a waste, but not all of it in case she needs to run and don't want to get a cramp or aching stomach in the middle of it.

Not just that, I sensed the presence of more than 3 dozens of demigods, if the pattern is correct, it should be Zeus' children, still can't believe he willingly just convince his children to die. Immortals really don't get our concept of life over glory and riches sometimes, mortals evolve over time, and it doesn't only involve physically, but mentally as well.

Well hopefully they don't get too close, Catherina is still technically mentally recovering, but both her and Arlon are on the scene and will intervene if the queen is involved.

As for Alice, she's no longer carefree as she's now taken the earlier red jade incident seriously, if it continue to exist, rankers like her will be weaken and most importantly, she will lose her monopoly on not just the information trade, but the business of her faction's red light district will drop as well since competitors are now willing to go against her and pay more to acquire talents or steal one if necessary.

Perseus got a call from Ezio saying that he now is going to put all his effort into researching about the manufacturers of the red jade, he's been a part of the Mirage Legion for a while and he's not going to let it go down without a fight. He got Perseus' assassins to go with him in case anything happens, sacrifice themselves for his escape if necessary.

Luckily Zach and Decker are back since I can now focus on these things as they deal with business, too many things are happening and it's just the end of one semester, Perseus still doesn't experience a good school life, it's not like his peers are the problem, but it's because his talent made him excluded from activities, so he's mostly bored all the time.

That boy better come back quick, I'll give him time till I eliminate all these demigods, because he's going to pay me if he's late. As for the demigods...they're already a lost cause, I'll just feed on their souls.

Not literally, I mean I can, I'm a daughter of Tartarus, he doesn't do it, but that doesn't mean he can't, and I won't too.

|Don't you need to experience it to know whether you can or not?|

Yes, several times, now shut up author, move on with the story.

|Why are you so mean to me?|


Perseus POV

"Ok, why is this room dimly lit and look very familiar to an interrogation room?"

I mean, am I going to describe what a stereotypical interrogation room look like to you? No, so imagine one yourself and put me on the chair where I'm being interrogated by 2 officers who are in this case, the gods.

At least I'm not cuffed, so that's good, but intimidated nonetheless.

My 'uncle' has now switched his clothes to resembling a member of a yakuza boss, crimson red suit and pants, a white collared shirt opened to expose his chest and golden sun glasses. But no tattoos that I can see.

Branden still look the same, yeah, read last chapter if you want to know what he looks like. Though he does look less intimidating as he's now eating a hotdog as he's interrogating me.

"Didn't he tell you? I want to torture the information get out of you." Branden answered

"What info, Branden?"

"Are you calling me a shortened name on purpose?"

"Yes, is that all?"

"Why is my daughter pregnant?"

"I don't know, ask your ex son in law."

"I can detect the similarity of life signatures, don't try to lie to a god." he advised "Answer my question."

"Well biology innit."

My uncle then snickered.

"Are you trying to piss me off?" Branden glared

"Yes, it's kinda funny. And why are you so obsessed, is this interrogation the reason why her previous husband barely fought for their marriage?"

"What?! No, I'm not that kind of father, well to anyone else, but you. Why'd you get her pregnant? I wouldn't have known if some gods weren't a fan of your rude attitude of treating us as equals, they noticed her having another life inside her and informed me, to my surprise, I found it to be your spawn."

"Seriously, I'm kind of uncomfortable with this, so let's move to another topic. So, uncle, how should I call you?"

"Do you even know my name?" he asked

"Yeah...Tsukuyomi, right?"

"Yes." he nodded "Well, as we're talking, Zeus' children should be plotting to attack your sister."

I got up but was forced by magic to sit me back down again.

"Don't worry, it's only about 3 dozens, your sister is more than capable to handle them." he reassured "As for why I'm here, I've come with a proposal."

"Is this about making me your saint? If it is, no thank you, a goddess even offered a chance to turn me into a woman if I want to be her saint."

"No, well you see, I want you to KILL Zeus, it's clear that no gods can do that as there's laws and regulation preventing us unless he's coming for our life or declare war, but many gods hate his abuse of power, but the rule does not apply for mortals." he explained "That's where you come in, my dear nephew."

"Me? I can't even beat an admin, much less a god, and worse, one at his level."

"And that's where WE come in." he said proudly