
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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183 Chs

Chapter 15: First Dungeon

Cordelia POV

After the first week of just training, the first weekend should be a time to relax as you can leave the academy and explore the tower a bit, but not for me, I got my best gears, magic bracelets, earrings. A black magic robe that goes to my knees, black pants and a long white shirt.

Unlike fiction, most robes are loose, but not that loose that you have to drag it around. I'm not a magic swordsman, but I got a sword strapped tight around my waist in case I run out of mana or forced to engaged in close.

But I don't hold a staff, nature spirits are beings with the most mana as parts of our body are made from mana, though the mana that made our body cannot be stopped or absorbed with anti magic items, it's a part of us, and that's why a naiad like me would wield magic better without a staff unlike other races.

Diana is the same, she has a sword and dagger with her, but she doesn't wield a staff, the spirit bloodline makes it so that she can wield magic better with a staff that would restrict her.

I went to the meet Perseus in front of his room. He grabbed my wrist the moment we meet and warped us to the waypoint.

I didn't even get to comment on his outfit and why he's wearing his armor or jacket or whatever.

"10th floor."

At this point, we already officially teamed up through the system, though there is no leader as we decided to be equal. We both got teleported to the 10th floor where he then warped me into this cave.

The cave is decorated with pictures of him and his sister and many furniture, it has a full equipped kitchen and everything.

But despite all that, I was holding my vomit as I was extremely nauseous from the whiplash. I then got warped to the bathroom.


"Don't worry, it happens to me too, I just practiced till I no longer vomit." he said

"A bit assertive, don't you think? Why'd you grab me by the wrist and not say anything?"

"Just thought it'll be funny." he shrugged "Besides dungeons are full of surprises and unexpected elements, it seems you failed."

"Oh, how surprising is it?"

"Have you ever had to chase a flying flame breathing pig in a terminator convention?"

"You're joking with me...right? RIGHT?!"

If what he's saying is true...

"Yeah, be prepared for anything." he laughed

He then looked at my equipments after his face turned serious, he walked around me and inspect all my gear and his eyes shift quickly.

"B rank equipments, I know police don't as much money as people expected, so how'd you afford it?"

"My brother is attractive, he got connections."

"That's a lie, Struan isn't that type of guy, did your dad abused his connections or something? Maybe promising to let the mafia go if they gave him enough money for that?"

"I'll be honest, I don't know, he can probably afford half of this even with my brother chipping in, no matter, why are you wearing a mask still? I know your identity."

He then look slightly offended by that.

"It's to purify toxins and poison in the air." he replied "This isn't an accessory, you know, I can wear helmets with the same effects but my vision will be limited and I specialize in speed anyway."

Huh, never thought about that.


Perseus POV

The outside of the 10th floor is divided into many different sections, the academy, the earth area, the fire area...etc. You can travel through the tutorial floors, but 11-110, you need the ascension dungeons.

Currently, we are diving in this sea. The water region is the least visited as most the dungeons are deep under water, even quest by NPCs above ground will have you dive deep under water, so only naiads would mostly come here.

Before meeting the Lagunas, I just use my abundance of magic to sustain myself from the deep pressure, but apparently water spirits apparently got the ability to make others breathe under water too, I should thank Struan for that.

It took us quite a while as we explore the deep and dark see till we find this under water cavern with an Ascension dungeon in it that had a pop up screen.

'Ascension dungeon. Rated rank E. Minimal Participants: 2. Are you sure you want to participate?'

I then turned to her and she gave me a thumbs up. Which doesn't really make sense that we have to signal to each other since...well...if we can breathe underwater, we can also talk underwater.

Yes, I just broke the 4th wall to answer that question, and no, I have not counted how many times I did it since the beginning of this novel nor have I question how much the author paid for them to be fixed so that I can break it some more.

|I don't have to.|

So how is the walls getting fixed? You can't both write a novel and build a wall at the same time.

|I just transfer it into someone's else's account.|

But that's...fraud...

|What's my username?|

Perseus...Wait, I'M PAYING FOR THIS?!

|Thee breaketh, thee payeth.|

Fuck you.

His name is totally hidden! That bitch!

Oh and as for who helped pay for the other half of her equipments...it was me, I didn't actually have to pay, I just asked my sister for a favor as she cleared a higher floor for that equipment, what Lia has right now are a terrible quality B rank, I was just testing her to see how much her family told her.

I clicked yes and we then got teleported inside a dungeon.


We then got teleported into this town of one of those isekai market places where there are lots of old wooden stalls.

'Task: Kill and destroy the largest criminal organization in the town. 0/113. 0/1 Boss.'

"That's a lot of people to kill." Lia commented

"It's not that bad, I mean, minimum 2 people, never mentioned the maximum, it's kinda your fault for agreeing to be my partner. Your brother just rejected me straight up."

"Oh, so I'm a replacement for both your sister and my brother, wow, I'm feeling so worthless right now."

"You're not that worthless, lungs and kidneys sell for a lot in the black market, you know, and with the fact that I just learned that I have to pay for the walls I've broken, it doesn't sound that bad...I'm just mostly joking, don't worry."