
Chapter 4: Little Actor/ Fateful Encounter

Lately I have been bored out of my mind, I had nothing to do. No friends to play with, no quirk to practice, no games or any books I haven't read yet.

All I wanted was something to do. And then it hit me, in my previous life I wanted to be an actress. Who's to say I can't do it in this one? Before I died I would act as though I were in a play, reciting lines from my favorite shows to my mother. She would always tell me I had a natural talent for such things and that I should follow my dreams. Who's to say I cannot do it now?

I got up from my bed and made my way downstairs to the kitchen where I heard voices not long ago. Upon entering the room I found the odd sight of my parents making out, my mother on the counter and my father between the space of her legs. "Ahem!..."I fake coughed, announcing my presence. My mother and father immediately pulled away from each other. Cheeks flushed a deep red, my mother decided to respond "Hey honey... how long were you standing there..?" She had a awkward look on her face. "Long enough, moving on I think I want to be an actress!" I said enthusiastically.

"An actress?" My father looked at me curiously. "Mhmm! I've been thinking about it for a while now and I really want to try!" My parents both looked at me for a long while until my mother decided to speak up, "I don't think you are at the proper age for that honey..." my mom muttered the last part quietly. Mentally I was grinning, "time to pull out my trump card!!" I shouted in my head. On que I broke out in tears, putting on my best act. Whimpering and sniffling away till my parents pulled out the white flag of surrender. "Ok! Ok! Please don't cry we will think about it alright!? Though I think you should wait till you are a little older before we start anything of the sort!" My father quickly tried to cool things over. I immediately stopped the crocodile tears and grinned wildly. "That's what I thought, oh and try to keep it down will ya?" And with that I left the kitchen leaving my parents dumbfounded.

(Jason Snow's POV)

"Did that really just happen?" My wife muttered out in disbelief. We had just witnessed our daughter fake tears perfectly! We actually thought it was real. "Did she just tell us to keep it down?!" I was speechless. "What kind of books is she reading! Kids shouldn't even know what that even means!!" My wife shouted. "I think we knew from the start that our kid is quite unique to say the least.." I mumbled.

(Kasumi's POV)

I snickered as I left the room, overhearing their conversation. "Well yeah, mentally I'm 17 after all." I retorted in my head. I wanted to go outside for a little bit but I knew I couldn't go alone. "GORO!!" I shouted loudly.

After a few minutes I heard loud, quick footsteps approach my room. The door was knocked on before my butler opened my room. "You called for me my lady?" Goro bowed his right hand over his heart and the other behind his back. "Can you get me some guards to accompany outside the house? I want to go take a walk but mother and father would never allow it if I'm alone." I asked politely. "Certainly my lady, please wait outside while I get our two most trusted. Let me guess.. you want them to follow you at a distance correct?" He looked up at me with a raised eyebrow. "You know me so well, thank you Goro." I walked up to our butler gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek before making my way out towards the front gates.

A few minutes later, 2 of our guards approached me and taking a polite bow. "Are you ready to depart my lady?" One of the guards spoke up. "Certainly!" I responded enthusiastically, practically skipping my way out the front gates.

Walking around town, I stopped at multiple shops browsing through jewelry, books, and the likes you normally wouldn't find a 3 year old girl looking through. I walked through multiple clothing stores to see if I found anything interesting. Almost upon entry I saw a completely white, beautiful dress. I knew instantly that I had to get it. After taking the proper size I browsed through more of the clothing and stopped at a white short jacket, at the end of the sleeves it was longer as if it were a pair of wings. I had a feeling that it would look great with the dress I picked out.

(A/N: for reference just think of Shiraori's outfit in So I'm a spider. I absolutely love her outfit.)

Walking towards the counter, I paid for the items. The lady at the counter put the clothes in a bag for me and handed me my change. On my way out I politely asked one of my guards to carry the bag for me since I was thinking of shopping a little while longer.

On my way home after a long day of shopping I passed by a park where I saw a little green haired boy playing in the sandbox alone. Upon a glance I knew immediately who this person was. I walked closer to the boy who didn't even notice me approach. "Hey, can I join you?" The boy turned around, meeting my gaze. He paused for a minute, taking me in before responding. "S-sure, my n-name is Izuku Midoriya. What is y-your name?" He looked a little nervous. Smiling gently at him I replied, "My name is Kasumi Snow, nice to meet you Midoriya." I approached the sand box and sat down in the sand.

We played for a while until he had to go home. I decided that I should walk him home since I didn't want him walking alone. "Best stick together else you might get kidnapped on your way home." I told him. We walked side-by-side till we approached what looked to be an apartment complex. Upon arrival Izuku opened the front door. "Mom! I'm home! And I brought a friend!" Hearing him call me his friend made my heart swell a little. "Oh? Welcome home Izuku." A lady who was obviously Izuku's mother came into the room and her gaze went from him to me. "Who might this be Izuku?" She looked at me curiously. Giving her a bright smile I introduced myself, "Kasumi Snow, I met Izuku at the park today and decided to play with him. I walked him home since I didn't want him walking home alone at sunset." Her eyes widened. "You're Icebreakers daughter?" She exclaimed.

"Why yes I am, pleasure to meet you ma'am." This time it was Izuku's turn to be shocked. Izuku's mother's eyes softened, "Thank you for walking him home, My name is Inko Midoriya." Inko introduced herself. "Is it alright if I come play with Izuku again tomorrow? He.." I paused looking down towards my shoes. "H-he is kinda my first friend so..." Inko looked at me for a moment before breaking out into a smile. "Of course dear, you are welcome here anytime."

Shortly after, I headed home. My guards following closely and I made it home safely.