
(discontinued) The New Grim Reaper's World: The Half Reaper

This Book Has Been Discontinued. I've decided it wasn't up to my standards. I apologize.

QuasarLOL · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The Grim Reaper's Mistake

I didn't know what to do, there was no way I could pay for her treatment and there was no way she could either. It was stage four lung cancer and we found it very late. I spent the next week with my mother, she was a kind soul, that whole week she never stopped offering for me to go to school and not let her drag me down. I refused, always saying something like, "I'm staying here mother, it's where I want to be, so don't think of yourself as a burden."

At the end of the week, I found myself sitting by her bed holding her hand. She didn't seem to be in much pain physically, but I knew that she wasn't ready to go yet. I cried as I gripped her hand, clinging to the last moments of life she would have with me, I never wanted to lose the memories of my mother. When she opened her mouth to speak, it was like a soft wind was coming out of her voice, hearing more of her breathing than the actual words.

"It seems my time has come to an end, sorry I won't be there to watch you grow up." she struggled to say.

"Don't worry mom, I'll still be able to see you, remember, I can see spirits," I replied on the verge of tears, trying to hold them back cause I didn't want to have the last moments I spent with her crying.

I then felt a presence in the room. 'a spirit?' I thought that's what it had to be, but something was off... This spirit had a completely different aura and a deadly one at that. I'm no genius or anything, but when you standing in the same room as what seems to be a serial killer that's not doing anything to hide its presence, you'll know that he's not here to play.

"Who's there?!" I shouted as I quickly turned my head in that direction, but what I saw was no normal spirit. I saw a floating, midnight blue cloak with a hood and a scythe. When I looked at who was in the hood I saw nothing but a skull and my vision suddenly started to go black. I went completely unconscious.

When I woke up, I was staring at the Grim Reaper who was sitting in an office chair, there was a desk in between us and I was sitting on my chair, besides that, we were in an endless white void. Suddenly I heard a voice in my head, "So you've awoken?" it said. I looked at the Grim Reaper who was looking dead into my eyes, almost as if trying to find my soul.

"Is that you I just heard?" I thought to myself, and yet, the voice responded.

"Yes, it is me, the Grim Reaper as you like to call me. Do you know what happened to you?"

"I think I looked at you, and then died somehow..."

"Yes you are correct, any human that does have any magic power can not withstand my presence alone. And in your world there is no magic, the only person who has ever seen me and lived from your world, was an old monk who I came to collect the soul of."

"What happened to the monk?"

"I gave him another year since I was so impressed."

"Wait wait wait, you can just choose who to kill?"

"Oh no, I have a certain amount of people I must kill, no more no less, and as of today, your mother was meant to be the last."

"Oh yeah! My mother is ok then, did I take her place?!"

"No I am afraid that she saw me when you did, still, the fact that you were able to see me makes a huge problem for my kill amount."

"Why's that?"

"You weren't meant to die, you were meant to live for quite a lot longer before being hit by a milk truck!"

"So what happens now? You send me back and we pretend this never happened?"

"I will give you your life back, but I can't put you back on Earth, I'll be sending you to my home world."

Just the thought of other worlds blew my mind, did he really mean that I was gonna go to a completely new world?! This was every kid's dream plus some! "Is your world like earth?" I asked trying to keep in my excitement, but I think I was exploding with joy at this point to the point where I was accidentally bouncing up and down.

"Not at all," he replied. "My world is full of magic and adventurers and the sort, monsters and other races similar to humans, like all those games you play on earth. "As to make up for killing you, I will send you off with some gifts. Number one, you will live a healthy life until you are at least thirty, after that, it's up to you to survive. Number two, I will send you off with some knowledge about the adventurer's system in that world, if you become an adventurer you will gain the system ability, a way to keep track of your strengths and powers. Everyone has this system, but only certain people can use more than ten percent of it, those people are usually adventurers. Number three, last but not least, you won't be like everyone else, although you will no longer see everyone's dead spirits floating around, your body will be special in a way that I can't explain, now then, BEGONE!"

And the moment the last word came out of his mouth, I was falling into a new world with a new life. From what I understood I'd most likely be restarting as a newborn, most of that assumption came from the fact that I was losing my memory, a baby with the mind of a sixteen-year-old would be no good. I could probably get my memories back with magic from that world but who knows?

And now we're here, falling into a new life, what is ahead of me is completely unknown, but I was aware of one thing; I had to get my memories back when I lost them. The reason for this was because as soon as they were back I could begin learning, my knowledge will immediately rise if I get the memories early on, and then I can begin becoming as smart as possible. I just hope I get them quickly.

Then it started, my memories quickly started turning to black, what I was going to do was a complete mystery since I wouldn't have my memories when I started, hopefully, I'm not too weird of a kid, actually being secluded from society is probably what'll happen to me, throwing me in a big community probably wouldn't be good when I get my memories back.

Once I get my memories if I'm still young there are some main goals I'll immediately start on. Number one: learning as many languages as possible, I want to see this world so that's the best start. Number two: currency, although getting a job will probably come later, the quicker I start preparing for my adventure the better. Number three: find out why my body is different, whatever gift the grim reaper sent me with could be valuable, learning it quickly is important. But overall, I just wanted to explore!

Be aware that the writing style may change with the next chapter, at least the dialogue will. The sudden switch to a child is gonna be a bit weird to write at first but it'll probubly either be explained in a summary or his perspective from when he's older.

QuasarLOLcreators' thoughts