


No_Name69 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

CH 1: The beginning after the end

Asmodeus' POV

I have lived in this world for a very long time and lived many lives. Doing the same thing over and over again like killing humans and turning the world upside down when I realized that I was bored in this activity. Every year on the 6th day of the 6th month, those stupid humans would send a single hero in my home just to end my life, however as far as I have known, no one have ever done their job properly, and this stupid traditions of those humans have been going on for the past 300 years that it always annoys me whenever I take a look at their stupid faces.

And right at this moment, as what I usually do, I'm currently sitting on my throne with a glass of human blood on my right hand, resting my left cheek on my left hand as the throne hand supports my elbow, and crossing my legs atop the other as I was staring blankly on my huge double door on afar waiting for another hero to crash it open.

By the way My name is Asmodeus Raekiu Vosdecusvi, a demon king, and I am helplessly bored about my life and has been hesitating on what to do next. As for what I look like, my appearance is what I will describe, A short and silky pitch black hair with a pair of sharp, red blooded eyes, pale white skin alongside a sexy red rose lips. On the top of my head on the opposite sides, a medium sized pointy dark horns, I always wear a black earrings on both of my pointy ears, And I am over 7'5 tall high, wearing a royal black cape and Military like clothes and boots under with a black gloves on my right hand but none on my left hand but it shows my black sharp nails with a golden red ring on my index finger.

And finally after waiting for months, my long year wish has come, the double huge door which I have been staring at for the longest time finally creaks open, as there entered a man in a full plate shining armor with a great blade on hand, with no doubt this guy was the hero.

This thought keeps bugging me but I guess I should tell you, everytime a hero visits this old man here, which is me. Well I looked younger than this guy in front of me though (lol) All the heroes are of the same gender "MAN", they never did sent me a woman before, not that I am expecting, but I guess I did. they also brings a holy sword with them but different ones. Damn? how many holy swords does this kingdom has that they have sent me 300 heroes in the past every year?

Going back on the topic.

"Demon King Asmodeus, I, the 301st hero have come to take your head, the name's Hyakkuten" said the man on the doorway, and this guy has been staring at me ever since he entered.

I don't know why I'm irritated but ugh, they also says the same thing over and over again are they machines or something? like they'll kill me, defeat me? take my head and all sorts of things, well duh? that is why they are here though (LOL)

"Hero Hyakkuten, I have been waiting in ages..." I said with my intimidating voice as I held my chin up showing how I pity him.

As what I have expected, he always had his guard up, he never wavers after meeting my intense gaze on his eyes.

I tried to stand up, however, i didn't because for some reasons my back suddenly cramped, and i couldn't move for a while so I maintained my position and didn't dare to move an inch

'It is embarrassing' I thought as I secretly blushed inside my head.

The Hero Hyakkuten who is still insanely glaring at me like hell with his sharp looking golden eyes. Is currently clenching his holy sword and seems like he is preparing for a surprise attack.

And for a moment I didn't notice that he was gone and appeared in front of me out of the blue as he swings his sword and decapitated my head. Well, that was indeed a predictable move he had there that I was expecting. However, despite me knowing how he moved I sit still and let him butcher my head off my body.


He flinched and while I can still see, I saw him wearing a "I thought he would attack" face. He must be overwhelmed, well that's to be expected too.

"I won, Asmodeus R-rakou? Victoria? well farewell" He smiled and thought he had win, well he did but, in the first place we weren't battling at all. He was the intruder that came to my home and killed the head of the mansion, he is a murderer. Well, I guess I'm also one too (hahaha)

Correction by the way my name Asmodeus Raekiu Vosdecusvi, he took my name lightly and he even changed my name into a different one. Guess maybe, I should thank him, he's the one who ended my life after all. Now this boring life of mine finally ended.

Or so I thought...

--Hello there Asmo-chan! It has been a long time ^^ Do you still remember me? It's me System!--

I have completely forgotten that I can't die, well do I die but this is a complicated case we are talking about here. Maybe you don't know but, I, Asmodeus Raekiu Vosdecusvi, the only demon king in this world has a resurrection curse on me and It activated many times, um maybe 1,2,3,4 30 times already

My first one was my second life, because on my first life, I was like a savage hunger beast who wreck havoc around the word and claimed it to be mine, that was the time when I still haven't even had a slightest bit of an idea about the world or what am I. And on my second life wherein for the first time the resurrection curse first activated and ended up in this place where system who was talking to me just now, he/she explained things to me and told me about the information and what really is my role in this world. So I took advantage of my new knowledge and built a fortress, the demon kings castle, expanded my undead army and ruled the world with my demonic abilities that surpass human understanding, for hundreds of years until a hero would be summoned from another world to kill me, too bad I, also ended up killing them at the same time.

--How did you die this time Asmo-chan? there's still another 100 years left until your next resurrection and the fated hero will come and get you. I also didn't want to see you so soon, however here you are and it's not that I have any choice to begin with.--

This person, this guy is not completely a person, he/she is the system that is in-charge of me, according to him/her, so he/she doesn't have a specific gender right?

--Well you can consider me as a man, if you want to--

Let's assume he is a guy since his voice is manly enough for me to think he is one and it eases my mental state.

"System hurry up and explain things to me" I urgently said.

--Okay! Then Asmo-chan, I will begin--

--Your name will stay the same 'Asmodeus Rekiu Vosdecusvi' and ugh, hmm, you are to be born as an infant in the start as usual then, ahem! Your looks when you grow up will stay the same too, powers, hmm, check, you can use magic when you reach the age of 2--

Ah~ a moment of silence

--I guess you'll take it easy in this life so I'll prepare that you will be born on a mid rank family not royalty it will be hassle duh hahaha--

--As you've known Asmo-chan, in this world 3000 years have passed ever since you were defeated, do you know what happened?--

Of course, I know it better than anyone else, after the hero butchered my head off, the resurrection curse activated two seconds after and I, my body! Exploded and completely destroyed almost half of the world.

That always happens so I got used to it already, so to construct the world back again to its normal state, 3000 years will pass by and again, the destined demon king will destroy it which is me so it has been going on for 30 times just like a cycle. So after seeing the world end for 30 times already I decided that in my next life I would take it easy and live my life as normal as I can possibly do.

--Asmo-chan the rest of the details will be revealed soon and I'm sure you'll be shock. then resurrecting in 3,2,1...--

--See you again soon Asmo-chan!--

A bright light then shone through and blinded my eyes. After, I can hear a baby's cries.

'So noisy'

It has been over five minutes ever since I have awaken from my deep slumber. And I don't know what the heck is this new family of mine doing. Holding and shaking that noisy thing that rings my ears so much, singing that stupid lullaby, and even making weird faces.

I guess they are trying to cheer me up since I am not smiling and crying, but why can I hear a baby's cry?

"Dear, Ardu-chan keeps crying what should I do?" my new dad said, and who is this Ardu-chan? Is he my brother or something?

Apparently, my father's name is Runneir Yang Tennessee he took my mother's last name, 'Tennessee' I don't really know what his last name really is and I don't care either way, but I'm a little bit curious too. He has a brown-ish black hair and a pair of dark blue eyes, natural light colored skin with smooth looking sweet cherry lips, and has a height over 8'0 feet tall. He wears a normal villager clothes under his white sleeveless, and a black pants on his lower. He looks like a healthy eighteen high school boy.

My mother's name is Lucy Yin Tennessee as I have heard from system, she was once a swordsman and in the old days she was once called 'Demonic sword princess' isn't that cool? Her hair is colored blonde white, having a pair of red eyes and a height of 6'0. She is wearing a simple looking dress with an apron on top and a simple slippers.

"Don't cry...don't cry... My little demon..." he kindly said picking up the baby beside me.


"Asmo-chan<3 let's go eat?" my mom cheerfully said as she picked me up right after the other one.

W-wait! Stop! Why do i feel like I'm so chill about this?! Damn that system...what did he/she said by the way?

(The rest of the details will be revealed soon and I'm sure you'll be shock)


System, you got me good...

Then moving on, though I still cannot accept this, I have a twin little brother. I still don't know what he looked like yet though but I'm sure he'll be as handsome as I am (Self praise)

"Say aaaaah!" my mother said as she gave me a spoon full of delicious porridge or so I wanted to say.

It's fact that she gave me a spoon full of porridge and I expected it would be delicious, but ugh I can't even describe how disgusting that food really was, I don't want to taste it again. No wonder Arduous, my twin little brother keeps crying, he keeps resisting on eating that porridge that mom cooked.

A demon! She is a demon, well she is a demon though,

but it is a new experience for me.

For a demon king like I am, for over 29 times I have never experienced this kind of a thing. The moment when I opened my eyes there were always people around me, feeding me luxurious foods, giving me treasures, since I am the demon king not even considering the fact that I want something other than those, It pisses me off and ended up killing a bunch of them. But I am really happy that in this new life of mine, though the food is extremely disgusting I am quite enjoying it.

A new experience living as a normal demon, meeting new people, my new family, I wonder what awaits me in the future ahead? I can't wait...

To be continue...

Hello readers<3 (っ´▽`)っ

I'm very excited right now because this is the first time I made my own novel and posted it online. I would also like to apologize in advance since some of my paragraphs has some grammatical errors. I'm just doing this for fun and I would also like to let you guys have some fun too at the same time.

If ever you have taken a liking on my first book, you may add it on your library and if you have some thoughts about it please let me know.


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