
(Danmachi)To you who have my heart

(danmachi fan-fic) Mark lost everything, the past he lived, the present he was living and the future he would live, all because of one bad decision, but his story didn't end there. Making a deal with the "god" who rules the cycle of reincarnation, Mark now had a new chance to be reunited with his beloved, but would he make it? or would he become just a pawn on a bigger board? Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to danmachi or its characters. The cover used was taken from google and all credit goes to the artist who made it.

Nales_Tales · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
159 Chs


--General Pov--

Inside the cave, Bache was looking seriously at Tiona as she was surrounded by that red smoke, but what bothered her most there was that smile and those eyes that never lost hope.

"Let's go!"

At a much greater speed than before, Tiona approached Bache to punch her.

Tiona's speed surprised Bache, but she was still able to dodge, and the spot where Tiona's punch landed, broke the ground sending debris flying away.


After she dodged than what awaited her was Tiona's kick that struck her face causing her to slam into the wall.

'tsss.' -Although her strength had increased the poison still affected her.


Shaking off the rubble that had covered her, Bache lifted herself after wiping her bleeding lip.

"What are you going to do Tiona? Even if you hit me this time, the damage I inflict on you rots your skin." -Bache told her coldly.

"Then that means I have to finish in one blow!" -Tiona said, smiling.

"Do you want to face my poison directly? You're a fool."

Without exchanging more words, Bache charged Tiona and once she was in front of her, she began repeatedly throwing punches, but Tiona was no less.

Whenever an opportunity presented, she would strike and do her best to dodge, but even so, the damage on her body continued, however, the smile that was present on her lips refused to bend.

"Even if your body is rotting will you continue to laugh so foolishly?!"

"You bet I will! So hurt me all you want! Even if I'm afraid and pain assails me I'll keep smiling for everyone who can't!" -Laughing, she blocked the incoming punch to counterattack.

"Fear?! WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT FEAR! Do you know what it means to live with a monster who would not hesitate to devour you! I don't want to die!"

With dilated eyes, Bache's blows grew even faster as she struck interruptedly at Tiona. her sister was her nightmare, and if killing Tiona would give her the strength to become stronger than her sister, she would do it.

Repeating those words in her mind, Bache threw an even faster punch at Tiona, but to her surprise, she dodged it, so she threw again but even then, she dodged it.

She tried several times to hit her but to no avail and only then did she realize what was happening.

Tiona was getting faster. The more she was hit the greater the effects and now, it was her who had started hitting Bache repeatedly.

"Why! Why aren't you afraid! WHY AREN'T YOU AFRAID OF ME?!"

Seeing Tiona charging at her with a smile, even though she was covered in poison, she just could not understand her. She could not understand how a person could continue to laugh even though she knew she was heading toward her death.

"I don't fear you, Bache! And since I'm a fool, I've decided that I'm going to keep laughing! Then again I just can't stop HAHAHA!"

Laughing from the heart, Tiona's speed increased so much that her fists were beginning to create residual images, that in Bache's eyes looked like an avalanche of blows.

All over Bache's body, the footprints of Tiona's fists formed, but strangely she was not afraid. When he saw Tiona charge the last punch that would end the fight she felt a feeling of comfort.

'Haaaa Tiona, you are the only one who can make me forget my fears...'

Remembering with a smile the times when she read the book to her, Tiona's full-force fist hit her face, making her crash to the ground, darkening her consciousness.

'heavy breaths'


Falling on one knee as she breathed heavily, Tiona looked up to where the amazons were shouting in the original language of Telskyura, congratulating the birth of a true warrior.

'clap clap.'

"Good fight, but your opponent is still alive and so the ritual is not yet over."

"I don't want to! Tione and I are no longer warriors but adventurers, so I won't kill Bache!"

Directly facing Kali's gaze, Tiona's conviction was intangible.

"You've indeed changed, but that doesn't change the fact that your connection is your sister, and with her and Argana on the open sea, there's no one to save you. So you will come with us to Telskyura."

Winging her hand listlessly, the amazons who were watching the confrontation took up their weapons, ready to attack Tiona.


"You are wrong Kali, we are no longer alone."


"Now we have comrades we can trust!"

Rising, she pointed her finger toward the ceiling, smiling, and as soon as she did so...


The ceiling was destroyed sweeping away all the amazons present and a figure landed next to Tiona.

"Are you all right Tiona?" -Aiz asked her worriedly.

"Never been better." -Tiona told her happily, making V with her fingers.

"Sword princess! Does that mean Ishtar has already lost! Having reached this point I will use divine will and-"

"Do you think I would let you do that?"


"How does the soil taste, flea?"

Falling from the ceiling, Loki landed exactly on top of Kali as she crushed her head with satisfaction.

"Loki! Did Njord say where we were?"

"You picked the wrong opponent to mess with idiot."

"...Hahaha but you're still too late Loki, Tione and Argana are on a ship headed for Telskyura, and knowing their character they will try anything to kill each other. So the victory is mine because no matter what, I will get a true warrior."

Laughing triumphantly still under Loki's foot, she looked at her to see her reaction, but strangely she did not seem worried.

"Ah, there is no need for me to worry, I have sent the strongest knight to take care of it." -Loki said quietly.

(Change of perspective)

The situation on the ship had completely changed since Tione had gone berserk, if before she was at a disadvantage because of the curse, she now had the upper hand.


Leaving a residual image, Tione immediately appeared before Argana. She squeezed her face and crushed her to the ground, making the whole ship sway.

But she was not satisfied and sitting on top of her, she began to punch her so many times that they fell into the lower level of the ship.


By now Tione had lost her rationality, her eyes were full of wrath, and the red mist surrounding her was getting thicker and thicker.

"HAHAHA! That's it Tione, that's how it should be! At the end of the ritual, we will become part of each other!"

With her face covered in blood, Argana head-butted Tione causing her to momentarily lose the grip she had on her, breaking free, but not before scratching her face.

"Delicious"-Licking her fingers ecstatically, she looked at Tione defiantly.


Screaming like a beast, the smoke that covered her became even more and her pupils shrank like needles. But it was just as she was about to lose herself completely that a hand rested on her shoulder.

"That's enough Tione."

The moment she turned to see who was blocking her, she managed to regain some sense by making the fog around her clear.

"C-Captain." -Tione said, thinking she was imagining.

"You seem to have vented well, Tione." -Said Finn looking at the damage on the ship.

"H-How did you get here, your clothes are dry."

"Credit to Riveria." -Finn said, pointing out to sea.

There, an ice bridge could be seen departing from the harbor.

"Argana Kalif I presume, I don't know if you are in the state to understand, but it doesn't hurt to try. The Loki Familia is willing to come to some kind of agreement with you amazons of Telskyura."

"W-Wait captain, don't get in the way, I must be the one to end Argana!" -Tione said in a panic.

"...Get in the way you say? 'sight'. "

"I-if I don't, my sister, Lefiya, Aiz they will hunt them one at a time a-and then..."


Calling her name, Finn looked sadly at Tione.

"Tell me, when did we become so weak that we need to put our safety only in your hands? Right now who is speaking your pride or your thirst for revenge?"


Looking at the ground, Tione did not dare to look into Finn's eyes. She had shown the person she loved a shameful sight and her words had insulted him and all her companions.

"On these kinds of occasions you push everyone around you away, so how about relying on us more? But even though you made us worry, I'm glad you're okay."

Smiling at her, he gently stroked her head, making Tione blush, especially when she saw Finn's smile.

"What the heck is this show! Tione we have to finish the ritual!"

No longer able to stand the sight, Argana finally burst out. She had waited to understand the situation, but she could not accept what was happening.

"Oh, so you understand the continental language, then it will be easier. I will replace Tione in the ritual, if I win, I want you to leave them both alone, and if you try to break the agreement..."

A murderous intent completely covered the ship, causing Argana to back away terrified by those cold eyes that were watching her.

"I swear we will completely decimate your country."


"From what I know, in Telskyura it is an insult to show sympathy during a fight, so I will do my best and not use my right arm, because of the state of your body."


In anger, Argana quickly charged Finn, who closed his eyes as he recited a magic spell.

"Magic spear, penetrate my forehead offering blood. 'Hell Finegas'."

When he reopened his eyes, they were completely red, like those of the monsters, and when he saw the incoming punch, he didn't move.

He shifted his head slightly and dug his teeth into her arm, then pulled her toward him and planted a very powerful punch on her face that deformed it, sending her flying out of the ship.

"Phew, it looks like I won."

Returning to normal, he smiled at the amazons, sending chills down their spine.

"How about we go back Tione?"


Smiling, they began to return.

"TIONEEE! You saw I won!"

By the time they reached the vicinity of the harbor, the others were already waiting there, and when she saw her sister smiling and calling her, she began to run toward her.

"E-Eh, w-wait Tione, I am still wounded, and if you hit me now..."

Expecting to be hit, she closed her eyes, but what awaited her was the warmth of her sister who was hugging her.

"...Thank you for saving me." -Se whispered to her.


With the two sisters happily embracing each other, the chaos that erupted in Melen finally calmed down.