
(Danmachi)To you who have my heart

(danmachi fan-fic) Mark lost everything, the past he lived, the present he was living and the future he would live, all because of one bad decision, but his story didn't end there. Making a deal with the "god" who rules the cycle of reincarnation, Mark now had a new chance to be reunited with his beloved, but would he make it? or would he become just a pawn on a bigger board? Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to danmachi or its characters. The cover used was taken from google and all credit goes to the artist who made it.

Nales_Tales · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs

End of the first day(Corrected)

After motivating himself with his promise, Mark asked for information about the skills, which he didn't understand.

"I understand how 'limit break' works being an experience multiplier, but I don't understand 'heart of golem'."

[Let's start with the passive part of the skill. It allows you to see people's aura and based on that, you can understand what kind of person you are in front of.]

"Useful, continue."

[The active part eliminates all human feelings: happiness, anger, sadness... and makes you focus only on the goal you have before activating the ability. Regarding corruption, there is not enough data to make a hypothesis.]

"GHE, I don't like the idea of ​​having a skill with secrets. Anyway, do skills need mana?"

[In your case no, as they are support skills. Those that consume mana are attack skills and spells.]

"Right, I was so focused on understanding the skills that I forgot about magic, let's see... 'electricity control' seems powerful enough." - He said as he rubbed his chin.

[It is. Usually, people directly unlock a spell, such as 'fire ball' or 'earth wall', and can cast them through a chant or command. In your case it is different, you have control over an element and consequently can create your spells, but the disadvantage is that you will have to adjust all the data of the spell. Another important thing to create your spells is to be able to perceive mana and I recommend that you do so in the dungeon where the mana is most concentrated.]

"So no magic for now." -Sayed Mark shrugging.

Many people would be outraged by Mark's lack of interest. Who would not dream of being able to cast spells or experience adventures in a fantasy world? But Mark couldn't care less, for him, skills and magic are nothing more than a means to achieve his goal, also, Mark didn't like the situation he was in. An unknown world full of dangers with no one he knew, and without Selene's companionship, he felt like he was back in that dark room.


Slapping his cheeks he chased away the bad feelings he had.

"Get depressed now makes no sense, I have a goal and I will achieve it. Now what I want to know is where I am and how far it is Orario. "

[At the moment you are in a plain east of Orario, which is 1 day away on foot from here, I recommend that the host strengthen the statistics to H before entering.]

"I too had thought of strengthening myself before entering Orario, but why bring the statistics only to H?"

[It will get slower and slower to increase stats and surface monsters give less experience than dungeon monsters. By bringing the stats to H you will have a minimum of strength to enter the dungeon and enough experience for simple fights.]

"It makes sense, but I need a weapon to fight and a place to rest, I don't know how long a day lasts in this world but I can see it's already past noon" -he said while looking up at the sky.

[The closest building is an old military building that you can use as accommodation, if you are lucky you can also find a weapon. It is located a few kilometers away from here.]

"Well, let's go." -Mark began to run at moderate speed towards the destination. After an hour and a half of running, he had finally arrived.

'What I can say is that this body is fantastic. Even if I trained in the past, it would be impossible not to be out of breath with all this running '- Mark thought in surprise. What he still didn't understand is that a body that had unlocked status was much more powerful than a body from the Earth.

[Endurance and agility +1]

Looking at the status, Mark noticed that his stats had increased.

(author: in case there are no major changes in the status I will show it only at the end).

"Right, also by training, I can strengthen myself, especially now that my stats are low. Anyway, let's see this building. "

Once he arrived, he didn't go right in. Even though the guide said monsters aren't usually found in human areas, that doesn't mean it's not possible. Once he was sure the place was safe he went inside. The building wasn't that big, but it had two floors. The ground floor had what looked like a canteen while the second floor was the soldiers' bedrooms. While he was checking the ground floor he read the sign on the door.

"Warehouse eh, maybe here I can find something" -But when he was about to open the door he had a thought.

"Wait, does this world use the same language as my old world?" - He asked surprised.

[When 'god' created your body he implanted the information of the language and script of this world.]

"Better for me, so I don't have to waste time figuring out how to read and write." - Having said that he opened the warehouse door only to see that it was almost empty.

"There are rations of water and food, better than nothing. Instead what is under this cloth... bingo. " -Under the cloth there was a scabbard with a blade inside.

"Let's see, from the size it doesn't seem like a normal sword, is it a short sword?"

The weapon was more or less 60 cm long, the handle had enough space to hold it with one hand and the hilt made sure that the hand did not slip. The blade, on the other hand, was single-edged and ended with a tip, suitable for stabbing.

"Guide I don't know about cold weapons, you can give me some information."

[It is a short sword made of iron, which can be acquired for a minimal price. Short swords possess the qualities of daggers, speed in attacks, and that of swords, a longer range.]

'I think it is a suitable weapon, using a sword would slow me down, which would involve being hit and with' limit break 'any pain I receive is multiplied by 2. Instead with a dagger I would be faster, but I have to get much closer to the enemy '-After having finished evaluating the advantages of the new weapon, he started training with all the exercises that came to mind: push-ups, abdominals, sprints, lifting weights... he had asked the guide for advice on a workout, but the guide had replied that way.

[In addition to information related to the world and some events I cannot help you, but in case you find information that I do not have, I can process it to make it easier for you to understand.]

After hours of training, Mark was lying on the ground while breathing heavily. But he still had a smile on his face as he looked at his status.


[NAME]: Mark Tormeto

[AGE]: 18

[LV]: 1


Strength: I 10 -> I 16

Endurance: I 10 -> I 15

Dexterity: I 15 -> I 20

Agility: I 15 -> I 25

Magic: I 10




-electricity control: allows control over electric mana.


-Golem heart: Your experiences have taught you true human nature, this makes it harder to get others into your heart and only people who truly care about you can receive your feelings.

(active) Turns off your human side and increases your statistics (blocks the use of limit break) (corruption risk).

(passive) Makes it easier to distinguish the nature of people.

-Limit break (lv1): the possibility of exceeding your limits in order not to be weaker.

(active) doubles the gains but you will suffer double the pain (it can only be activated before fighting if deactivated it will negate any kind of gain).


All of his stats, except for its magic, which he would train in Orario, had increased. After training, the sun had begun to set, and watching how the green grass turned orange due to the sunset, he couldn't help but look at it fascinated.

When the sun disappeared completely, Mark headed for the building where he gave himself a quick wipe with a wet cloth. After cleaning himself he went to one of the bedrooms and closed the door locking it with a bedside table, after all, Mark would never have trusted leaving the door open in a world of monsters. When he was sure that the door wouldn't open, unless someone used a lot of force, he made his way to one of the beds, where he quickly fell asleep from exhaustion, thus spending the first night in a new world.