
(Danmachi)To you who have my heart

(danmachi fan-fic) Mark lost everything, the past he lived, the present he was living and the future he would live, all because of one bad decision, but his story didn't end there. Making a deal with the "god" who rules the cycle of reincarnation, Mark now had a new chance to be reunited with his beloved, but would he make it? or would he become just a pawn on a bigger board? Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to danmachi or its characters. The cover used was taken from google and all credit goes to the artist who made it.

Nales_Tales · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs

'God' and agreement (corrected)

Opening his eyes, Mark froze as he looked at the scene before him. His lifeless body was embraced by Selene with all the strength she had, while screams full of desperation came from her mouth and tears streamed down her face.

"Mark wake up! You promised me you would love me forever! You're a liar!"

Seeing Selene's suffering, Mark felt his heart being torn apart.

"No no no noooo, I still can't leave, I can't leave her here alone!" - He shouted as he tried in every way to get back into his body but without success.

"Come on, damn body let me in!" - Mark was trying hard but his body refused him.

"Why?! Why can't I go back ?! Why do I have to go through the torture of seeing her suffer !? What did I do to deserve this ?! " - It was not clear who Mark was shouting at whether to his body or perhaps to god.

During his various attempts to re-enter, his soul began to be pulled up.

"What is happening?!" -He screamed in terror as he moved further and further away from his body.

"Please don't do this to me! Give me more time, until she's safe then I can die in even the most atrocious ways! But I beg you, I do not want to leave her alone while she calling my name "-

Mark begged desperately, but the force of attraction did not listen to him and pulled him with greater strength. Before Mark could scream, his soul was dragged out of the Earth, then the solar system, then the milky way, it was not known how many light-years he had traveled and when his soul stopped, he found himself standing on a flat surface, while around him he seemed surrounded by what seemed to be an infinity of universes.

(author: imagine the scene of the final battle of 'Gurren lagan')

"Where am I?" - Mark couldn't help but wonder, while he was enchanted by the scene in front of him.

"Welcome human, where you are now is the point where everything begins and everything ends" - Hearing a voice Mark turned only to take a step back. Ahead of him was a nebula full of lights that seemed to be engulfing him at any moment.

"What are you?" -Mark asked fearfully.

"I am known by many names, but for your race, the most appropriate name would be god." - replied 'god'.

Sensing the identity of the being, Mark's hopes were about to return, but before he could ask for anything 'God' kept talking.

"Human known by the name of Mark Tormeto, I know what you want, but I cannot fulfill your wish, unlike the god you believe in, I am neither omniscient nor omnipotent. My role and purpose of existence is to allow the souls that I have removed the memory to reincarnate. Another problem would be that a soul can't reincarnate in its old body "- Replied 'god' quietly.

Mark felt helpless by the situation but the next words infuriated him.

"Besides, the woman known by the name of Selene Caire is already dead."

"Lies! She was fine when I died! " - Mark shouted at him, without even realizing that he was yelling at 'god'.

The 'god' didn't care about his tone and kept talking.

"In this place, the concept of space and time has no value. Selene Caire died a month after yours, she managed to find an island where she buried your body and where she tried to survive as much as possible with the resources she had. "

While 'god' spoke Mark remained silent so as not to disturb him.

"If I have to be honest, I am amazed by her willpower. She fought loneliness and difficulties with all her might, unfortunately, she was bitten by a snake that lived on the island. The next three days after the bite were a torture, the snake's venom causes its victims to numb the muscles of the body as it hits every nerve in the body causing excruciating pain. She would have committed suicide if she could have moved. In the end, the cause of death was due to cardiac arrest. "

Hearing how Selene died, Mark fell to the ground as he screamed and slammed his fist on the ground.

"A-AAAARRGHHH! Where was I when he needed ME !? " - Mark was devastated, just the image of Selene lying in pain with no one by his side was enough to drive him insane. He hated himself for abandoning her, he hated his weakness for not surviving.

'Looking' at Mark, 'God' couldn't hide his interest in the feelings that living beings had, so he spoke to Mark - "Human I have a proposal to see your wife again, but to do that you have to do one thing for me."

Hearing the words of 'god' Mark immediately raised his face and said to him with a look full of hope - "Ask me anything even my life, as long as I can meet her, I'm fine with it."

"My existence does not allow me to ask you for something that could hurt you, all I want is for you to permit me to look at your life every moment. I want to understand how feelings work, but no matter how many years have passed, I still can't understand them and if I don't understand them, I can never become a perfect existence. "

Hearing the proposal of 'god' Mark saw no problem, perhaps some people would not have liked to be spied on all the time, but he couldn't care less.

"I accept your proposal" - Mark replied without hesitation.

"Very well, I'll have you reincarnated in a new world. Once you get there a guide will give you all the information you need, but the problem is your wife. The last days of her life have not only damaged her body but also her soul. "

"Will she be okay?" -Mark asked worriedly.

"I can't get let her reincarnate in another body or her soul would collapse, so I'll break her into pieces to distribute the weight and it's up to you to find them. Remember you must collect all the fragments and place them in a suitable vessel within 5 years or her soul will be destroyed forever. " - Replied 'god' as the lights in his body shone more intensely.

"Where can I find the fragments?" Mark asked quickly.

"I cannot see the souls who are not in this domain, everything will depend on your luck."

Hearing the words of 'god' Mark felt he was being deceived, but there were no better solutions.

"So human are you ready to reincarnate?"

"Wait! Don't tell me that I will reincarnate as a child, otherwise it would be impossible to save Selene." -Mark replied in a panic.

"Do not worry, I have already 'created' a body for you that is already 18 years old." - 'God' reassured him.

"Haaa luckily, then I'm ready to go."

"Very well human, I hope you can make me understand the feelings and bring me closer to being a perfect existence."

After those words, Mark was flooded with a light that sent him away. What neither 'god' nor Mark knew was that a black spot was attached to a fragment of Selene's soul.