
(Concept Draft) In The Space Exploration Era, I Am The Only Mage

“Follow my teachings and you shall rise to heights never before seen in the cosmos!”. Jax was an ordinary young man, before a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity set him down the path of magic, in a galaxy ruled by technological might. Authors Note: Hey Everyone, I have been terribly busy with university, and came to realize that I had not properly planned this story out. As such I want to start fresh after taking these concepts and properly planning them out. As such this will just be a story concept of Space Era Mage for the first few chapters. I will instead release the final version once I have more of the story completed, and this will stay available as a draft. Thank you all for your support, and I will see you when Space Era Mage Returns!

BigBaldGuru · Sci-fi
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23 Chs

Winged Horror

Jax was terrified. The rhythmic flapping was growing closer and loud to him.

Realizing now that the reason there were no creatures during the day, was because they only came out at night! And whatever was coming closer to him, sounded big.

Jax waited with bated breath, feeling every second turn to minutes as the flapping continued to grow louder. He hoped and prayed that whatever it was would just pass on by, not noticing the out-of-place container by the lake. Finally, the flapping stopped, before being followed by a deafening noise.


The sound of water splashing up and landing on the rocky shore could be heard through the walls of the container. Jax could hear the splashing in the water growing quieter, enticing him to take a look at the things just beyond these walls. Carefully creeping to the door, Jax took the handle and began slowly opening it, just enough to where he could peek out using one eye. Moonlight flooded in through the crack, letting Jax peer onto the moonlit lake with astounding clarity.

When looking out, the lake looked calm, as if the noises had all been an illusion. That was till the water burst up in the air, as something surfaced from being submerged. The sudden breach caused Jax to jump slightly, but after calming down he looked out again. There was a large beast, close to the size of a small dropship, or comparable to a luxury private jet from ancient Earth. Long wings made up the majority of the beast, stretching almost 100 feet from tip to tip. The wings membrane was a thick purple color, with golden scales covering the muscles on top. The beast's body had six golden-colored eyes, with two facing forwards and the other four facing sideways from its body. It had a gaping maw, with gray teeth that jutted out unevenly. Its mouth seemed to have some membrane on the sides, perhaps for unhinging its jaw to eat large prey. Its body was thin, with only two small back legs placed in front of a long slim tail. Razor-like claws, just as gray as its teeth, were attached to the small legs and at the ends of the wings. Anything cut by those would die a horrible and painful death. Finally, its whole body was a strange light purple, capped in various places with sturdy golden scales, almost like it was fitted with armor.

The beast was unlike anything Jax had ever seen. He felt all the blood rush from his face, and just looking at it gave him goosebumps. It hadn't noticed him yet, as it seemed to be enjoying the water. That or hunting in its depths.

Right then, the beast gave out a horrendous cry. The cry started as if an old train whistle was mixed with an air raid siren, before ending in a loud rhythmic thumping coming from its lower throat, similar to a jackhammer. Startled by the sudden roar, Jax lost his grip on the door, allowing it to slowly creak open. Jax quickly grabbed the now open door, before looking back out at the lake to see if the beast noticed.

It was staring straight at him.

At that moment, the two interlocked eyes, staring directly at each other in silence. The moment seemed to continue for eternity. The beast almost seemed in shock at seeing another creature.

"Who would be stupid enough to enter my territory," the beast thought confusedly, looking at the strange monkey.

Jax began to slowly move to close the container door, seeing as this stare-down was his chance. However, this movement snapped the beast out of its trance, uttering a vicious roar and beginning to charge.

Slamming the door shut and quickly locking it, Jax felt his blood pumping all through his body. His fingers were tingling with the vast adrenaline rushing in his veins, and his breathing was unsteady. The beast was flapping right by the container now, hovering directly over by the sound of it. Then a screeching noise came from one of the container walls. The beast was slashing viciously with both the claws on its legs and the end of its wings, trying to constantly pierce the container's walls.

Jaxs' legs felt like jelly as he collapsed down to his knees. There was nothing he could even do to fight back against this beast.

"No, this thing is worse than just a beast, it's too horrifying" Jax whimpered, wishing that he had never opened that door.

And so the slashing continued through the night. At times the beast would leave to rest, then return to attack, just to leave again and repeat. There were now small gashes and holes in the container, which Jax could see out of. Luckily, the beast couldn't expand these holes easily and the container was still holding up better than expected. At times the beast would pretend to leave, but Jax could see through the holes that it was still nearby, waiting for the doors to open again. It would then grow agitated and begin attacking once more.

After a few hours, the beast finally let out one last roar, breathing heavily from the exhausting attacks it had made, and flew off. Thinking this was another trick, Jax waited. And waited. And waited.

He mustered the courage to look through some of the holes to see if it was nearby. There was nothing around. The quiet lapping of waves against the shore and a slight breeze filled the night air again, and tranquility returned. But Jax couldn't relax.

"That monster could come back at any time, I can't sleep so easily," Jax thought, all though it's not like staying prepared would save him in that situation.

And so the night passed. Hour by hour, with no indication that the beast would return. Finally, the sky outside began to lighten, indicating that the sun would soon rise above the land. Then the flapping returned. Peering out the holes, Jax could see that the beast had made another stop,[ looking at the container, then towards the sun rising in the east, and flew off again. It was most likely a nocturnal animal and wouldn't stay out in the daytime.

This time, Jax breathed easily and finally let sleep take him. He now reeked of sweat and looked completely drained. It took not even half a minute before Jax could fall into slumber and have happy dreams to comfort himself from the terrifying reality he had just experienced. Hours passed, and it wouldn't be until an hour before midday when Jax regained consciousness again.