
140 Surprise Visit 2 Electric Boogaloo

A/N: Art is here! It doesn't have everything, which is fair enough cuz lusia has a lot of limbs, and there's a lot of red, but dang if it isn't still cool :3


Walking into the building, I see a rager of a party going on in the large open room. There's a disco light set up and everything, with smoke machines and strobe lights. That's without even mentioning the loud as fuck music.

I'm just glad my ears don't fuck me with loud noises, despite being so sensitive.

Oh, and there is a metric fuck ton of booze too. Obviously.

But parties like this aren't really my scene to be honest. Too impersonal, and too loud. So instead of moving to where the dancing is, I just start looking around, hoping to surprise Billy.

Unfortunately, no luck.

I do however see one of the capes, who is naturally surrounded by a bunch of other people, because why wouldn't a cape be popular here.

I don't recognise them, so they probably weren't there when March kicked their asses, so he's either new or just gets left behind a lot.

Either way, he'll probably know where Billy is, so I head over.

A couple guys and some girls too get touchy feely with my ass on the way, but I honestly don't really care. I do break the wrist of the one guy who goes for my tits though, because I actually like this top, and I don't want his grubby hands ruining it.

Soon enough, I reach the group I was aiming for, only to be blocked off right before I can get within talking distance of the cape, since the music necessities proximity for communication.

"Woah woah there babe, where you goin' in such a rush eh?" Drunk dumbass number one says.

"Yea' what 𝘩𝘪𝘤 wha' he said!" His friend follows.

Rolling my eyes again, I idly slap away one of their wandering hands as I respond, annoyed that I have to shout for them to be able to hear me. This is why I don't like places like this, you shouldn't have to shout just to be heard.

"Unless either of you chlamydia-spawn smegma stains can tell me where the Butcher is, then I'm going to ask that theatre fag over there!" Since crude language seems to be the only one they understand, I do my best to speak as vulgarly as possible.

It seems to work, since neither of them bat an eye at the insults, but they both give me a strange look for demanding the location of the Butcher. The look would probably be suspicious if not for how plastered they are.

One of them laughs and turns around, shouting back to the cape. "Hey Stepps! This fuckin' broad thinks she c'n see Butch'r whenever she wants!"

Thankfully we are at one of the edges of the room, where the music isn't quite so deafening, so 'Stepps', the cape, hears us.

His response is to laugh, followed by giving me a totally subtle look over before walking to us, his small entourage following behind.

When reaches us, the two dumbasses step out of the way to let him pass, though he only stops once he is right in front of me, towering over me. Dude must be six foot four at least, because I'm not really 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 short, for a woman at least.

"The fuck d'you think you can just walk in 'ere and see Butcher whenever you want? Fuck you even want wit' him anyway?"

He honestly seems more amused than angry, which is nice, since it means I probably won't have to kill any of Billy's minions.

"Just to chat mostly, maybe to fuck too. You know where he is so I can get on that?! And off that, and on that, you get the idea!" I answer, smirking all the while.

Is this what it feels like when rich girls go to a party that their rich parents set up, but without letting anyone know their parents set it up? Because that's what this feels like.

"Hahaha! The fuck d'you think you are?! You don't fuck Butcher! Butcher fucks you! If you just wanna get fucked, I can help with that! 'Sides, Butcher's out right now!"


Still, I can't believe he's out, how lame. So much for surprising him then.

Belatedly I remember to respond, because honestly once I heard that Billy wasn't even here, I kind of forgot that this dipshit was even in front of me.

"Nah, I'm good! It's not that I don't want to, it's just that you're not attractive enough! I'll just wait thanks!"

Following my words, I find myself surrounded by a number of men that I do not bother to count, and the cape, whatever his name was, suddenly seems a lot les friendly.

"Listen here bitch, I don't know who you think you are, but that wasn't a fucking 'offer!'" he says, thinking he's intimidating.

"Man, I've only been here for like three minutes and I'm already being raped?! What would Butcher think of you all?!~" I answer, putting him in a trap he could never predict.

"Bitch, he doesn't give a fuck about you!" He returns with a snarl, reaching out with a hand to grab me, but I step around the lunge.

Immediately, the other losers go for me, but I just dance around them with ease, avoiding getting touched even once.

Then all of a sudden everyone pauses as the music suddenly stops, and I realise that everyone's attention is on us.

Oops, looks like we've made a scene.


With a fake smile on my face, I turn back to the cape and speak up, loud enough to be heard but not enough to be shouting.

"Butcher doesn't give a fuck about me? How hurtful.~ But how about we test your theory?~" I ask, pulling out my phone as I do so.

Not wasting any time, open my contacts and call Billy's number, putting the phone on speaker so that everyone can hear it ring.

No one says anything louder than a mutter as it does so, everyone curious if it will actually connect to the Butcher.

Which it does after three rings.

"What the fuck do you want." His voice is as gravelly as ever and slightly stilted, no doubt thanks to the many voices in his head.

"Hey!~ No need to sound so disappointed.~ Well, I wanted to surprise you, so I'm at your base in NY right now, but it turns out you're out, so fuck that I guess. Anyway, one of your minions was being a dick and didn't believe I knew you, also, when you gonna be back?"

The line stays silent for a bit, and I hear an explosion in the background of the other line, before an annoyed sigh comes through. "We're on our way back now." He says, before continuing in a much more serious tone, "Tear, you didn't kill all my Teeth did you?"

I very much enjoy the looks of fear that suddenly grow on the faces of everyone around me, and when I take the opportunity to morph my features back to my actual face, not that the changes were drastic, they could have figured it out, I notice a few people take an involuntary step back.

The cape audibly gulps, and the scent of fear invades my nostrils like an old friend.

"Nah,~ though I kind of wanna kill one of them.~"

The sigh that comes through this time is less annoyed and more relieved, showing that he genuinely thought that I would have killed all his men, which is actually fair enough really.

"Who?" He eventually asks, making the cape in question tense up, his fear growing.

"I'unno, I struggle to remember the names of losers, he's a cape though, if that helps?~"

"That would be Stepps then," he says, pausing again as he thinks to himself, before sighing once more, "if it was just one of the normal idiots, then I'd say it's fair game, their punishment for being stupid, but I'd rather you didn't kill any of my capes."

Stepps' face as he hears Billy's words is a mix between relief and betrayal, as Billy clearly considered just letting me kill him. In fact, if he didn't have powers, then Billy straight up would have just let him die. Funny.

"Can I at least hurt him? He 𝘸𝘢𝘴 going to rape me you know? That's pretty traumatising, it's reminding me of when I was raped in my childhood, surely I deserve compensation?"

Billy's response is rather swift and not at all an answer to my question. "You were raped as a kid?"

"Nope," I immediately answer, "I lied, but imagine right? It would be super traumatising to relive that!~"

The chuckle Billy gives me makes me feel better, and his next sigh seems to be edging on the side of fond.

"Whatever, sure, he started it anyway, you can punish him, just don't leave him a cripple or anything like that."

It is delightful watching Stepps' face morph into a mix between betrayed and simple terror, so my next words are naturally joyful.

"Thanks honeybun!~ Love you!~ How long will you be?" I ask.

"Twenty minutes," is all he says before hanging up, which is fine by me.

Putting my phone away, I give, uh, fuck I forgot his name again. I give the guy my most innocent smile.

"Did you know, that the human jaw is fully capable of biting another humans arm off in one go, bone and all. It's just that our brains limit us, stopping any sane person from being able to do so," my cheerful words bring a new wave of terror through the room. They know who I am now, and they know what I eat. Unfortunately for them, this is worse, "it's quite lonely being the only cannibal I know.~ You have till Butcher gets here to eat your own arm up to the elbow, if you don't, then I will eat whatever's left to the shoulder.~"

Nobody moves after I finish speaking, making me cross my arms and squint my eyes at the cape.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" I demand, bringing out my ribbon and making them sway in a spiral pattern behind me.

And with an incredible amount of hesitance, the cape brings his forearm to his mouth, reluctantly opening it, knowing that he cannot fight me.

How boring, he could at least try.

Once again, the problem of being powerful shows itself again. It honestly makes me kind of pity Eidolon.

I mean, he's a hero and all that, so he probably doesn't care about the thrill of the fight so much, but I don't think it's possible to fight for so long without developing a taste for it.

But he's the Strongest, and everyone knows it, so I doubt he has anybody willing to even try fighting him, and anyone who does will just lose immediately.

Nobody even tries to stand up against him, because nobody is Worthy to fight the Strongest as an equal, not even me. Because even with all my power, power enough that people don't even want to bother fighting me anymore, Eidolon can still slap me around like a disobedient step-son.

Focusing back on the real world, I see the cape with his wrist in his mouth as he salivates over it, veins bulging on his face as he does his best to bite through.

Unfortunately for him, the human body doesn't like self harm, so his brain is limiting him from even drawing blood.

Deciding to motivate him, I walk closer until I am right in front of him.

"Have you heard of hysterical strength?~ It's something that happens in moment of high stress, when the human body pushes itself past it's limits, breaking itself for one last push of strength.~ It's like those stories of mothers lifting cars for their kids y'know?~"

He takes his arm out of his mouth to respond, but I gently force it back in, not really caring about anything he has to say.

"You see, people can do incredible things when their life is on the line.~ It's that moment, right when death is certain, that people show their true selves.~ So maybe I can motivate you?~ Maybe you're brain isn't letting you push the extra distance because it thinks you'll survive regardless?~ So maybe I should remind you that I am hardly a woman of my word.~ Just because I made a promise to Butcher, that doesn't mean I'm not going to kill you.~ Do you'd best hurry up, because I'm going to see blood, one way or another.~"

Finishing with my monologue, I raise a few ribbons and point them at him, making his eyes widen.

"Show me blood.~" I whisper before my ribbons 𝘣𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘵 forward, aiming straight for the man in front of me, who's eyes widen even further as his breath hitches and his heart skips a beat, fear overwhelming him.



A/N: He~llo! Dear readers!

Unga bunga, I don't have an A/N cuz I literally just wrote the last chapters one, but that's fine, because it means that if I come up with anything I wanna say, I'll have a low word count A/N that I can add it to without inflating the chaps too much.

Edit: Update on the smut, it is very embarrassing to write. You know that trope about 'sending a risky text and then throwing the phone away and going for a walk'? Cuz that's what it feels like.

(the 2k chap minimum is counted without the A/Ns btw)

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