
(BNHA) The Paths He Chooses

Izuku makes choices that lead to him meeting different girls. His path for each girl is different, read about the outcomes of each girl he encounters. Also available on wattpad, Fanfiction.Net, and Fanfiction.Online

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Special! Broken Bonds Part 1 - Happiness isn’t guaranteed

Nejire and her mother used to be much like each other. Her mother was cheerful, outgoing, and just like her daughter used to be, wasn't afraid to get into people's personal space. Her name was Nanako Hado, she had long, bright blue hair that flowed down to her back, just like her daughter. Her quirk was that she could use her vitality to enhance her body for a small period of time, about a minute.

They were basically carbon copies of each other. They were often mistaken as sisters when they went out with each other. Her stunning appearance had made many men jealous of Nejire's dad, but this chapter wasn't made to talk about his perspective, so let's delve into this relationship of Nanako and Nejire's, but first, we need some insight.

Nanako had fallen in love with her husband when they both attended a culinary school, they'd begun dating while they attended the school, and were engaged once they graduated, her husband was someone who had a lot of friends and went to parties a lot. But surprisingly, he agreed to settle down with her to start a new family. 

Her husband was the one who worked most of the time, but occasionally Nanako would work too, it wasn't until she had gotten pregnant with Nejire that she decided not to work anymore, since they'd have a child to take care of. So, on October 6th, she was born.

Nanako loved her family, they were a happy bunch. Always smiling and laughing with each other, everything was fine until she found out about a secret her husband kept. 

One night, when he had come home from work, naturally, Nanako wanted to welcome her husband home and ask about his day while she cooked dinner. But he had noticed that there was something off about him. He seemed on edge, and she noticed white powder that was on him, near his nose and face. 

She'd guessed this to be flour since he worked as a chef. So she brushed it off, that day was a bit weird, but it didn't raise any suspicion, so she let it go. But then it happened again, and again, this time, she knew something was up.

Nanako searched the results of his behavior and the white powder on the internet, and the results that came back were a bit shocking. Cocaine was what shown up, and Nanako was confused.

Nanako was a bit of a goody-two-shoes. Sure, she was confident and an extrovert, but she still never broke rules or risked breaking rules. Due to this, she'd not known what cocaine was. Now, recently, drug use has gotten scarce, but it was still a thing.

So, when her husband was asleep, she put on her reading glasses, opened her laptop, and researched and educated herself on cocaine, and all drugs in the process. She'd been shocked, and disappointed in him, so she decided to confront him.

He'd confessed to 'having tried it' and said that it won't happen again, and she had trusted him. Humans weren't perfect, so as long as it didn't happen again, she could move on from it. But then, it kept reoccurring. 

Nanako didn't get angry a lot, but when she did, it was always justified. This was becoming a serious problem, so, in hopes of making him quit for good, she threatened to divorce him, she didn't mean it of course, and he seemed to pick up on that, so he swore he'd stop and once again, she believed him.

When it happened again, and this time, Nejire had seen him during this time, she couldn't take it anymore. 

Nejire vividly remembers that night, there was lots of arguing involved, Nejire was in her room, trying to drown out the sound with her pillow to her head, but it was futile. One week later, her mother moved out and had filed for a divorce.

Divorcing him was never what Nanako had wanted to do, but she had to prove to him that she was serious. She'd hoped that divorcing him would make him realize what he'd done, he'd get better, then maybe, just maybe, their family could've repaired itself. 

But that never happened, and she didn't see Nejire for a while after that. She cried during the first week, felt sorry for herself during the second, and went job hunting in the third. She tried reaching out to Nejire, but she seemed angry at her and avoided her calls. It was probably best that Nejire didn't know why they divorced, but Nanako still felt sad.

But all of that was thrown out the window on one fateful day.....