

#LGBTQ#BL #dark romance#18+ ( note: even after getting contract offer ,,The author has excluded this from the contract , for his own interest and for readers, author has presented this novel to those people who love author ,This is completely free for you from the author, thank you and give love to the author ) He has loved me for the last ten years,And I fell in love with him in ten days, Who knew I'd fall in love in ten days,But my love was not a girl, I felt love for a boy, A handsome boy! I met him during a college trip And that trip was only for ten days And that trip changed my life, That was our first and last meeting. why this is last meeting ? ,, Do they have a happy ending? Why did it take so long for him to express his love? (English is not my mother language that's why sorry for the wording error....... stay with journey of love)

sajiya123 · LGBT+
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79 Chs

Day 5 of the trip (always)

The only difference is Little Bird, you want the Moon and i want the life of the moon .


you've waited for me so long , I don't want to make you wait anymore, I have returned,Yes my cute Jihara I have come back to you Now, I want to be yours .....Look, I'm crying, but these are tears of joy. But now I return to you,I'll never leave you now , I'm only yours now ,Now your wait is over,

Today I will tell you what's on my heart, today I will confess my love to you.My dear Jihara I love you....I love you jihara... I love you.Every time he said "I love you", Jihara felt like he was moving away from him,And as he was moving away, his voice was getting slower.

I love you jihara.....I love you my cute jihara.....i love...I .....

And he had disappeared,Jihara ran towards him with all his might And Jihara shouted with all his might "Don't leave me" don't leave me again, Jihara was crying loudly and saying, don't leave me.


Hey little bird....are you ok? ....Hey come to your senses

Jihara hugged Kakeru tightly and said "Don't leave me"

Kakeru understood that Jihara had seen a nightmare but the way he was hugging Kakeru,Kakeru had never felt such peace.Probably because Jihara didn't know that he hugged Kakeru .The fever had subsided now, but he was very nervous because of the dream.

Don't leave me again!Jihara whispered once again

Kakeru placed his hand lovingly on Jihara's head and said "Little Bird" I'm not going anywhere leaving you .

Jihara came back to his senses as soon as he heard the words little bird .He realized that what he had just seen of the moon disappearing was a bad dream,and right now he had kakeru.

Oh I am sorry. Jihara said while stepping back .

Before Jihara could completely move away from Kakeru, Kakeru grabbed his arm and pulled him towards himself.The next moment Jihara felt Kakeru's lips on him,kakeru was kissing him , But today there was no aggression in Kakeru's kiss.

There was no insistence ,there was no madness, there was no claim...It was only love,It was soft ,there was affinity .... Kakeru gently placed his lips on Jihara's lips,and kissed his lips softly,And after this, he gently put his tongue inside Jihara's lips and tasted his saliva , Kakeru was so gentle in his kiss that Jihara couldn't react.He could neither refuse Kakeru, nor oppose Kakeru , rather he was just squeezing Kakeru's shirt with his light hands .

Kakeru was repeating the same soft kiss over and over again but suddenly Kakeru moved away when he saw tears in Jihara's eyes .

hey little bird why are you crying?

Jihara replied with a smile "I am fine" And I was scared so tears came to my eyes.

Kakeru fixing Jihara hair and said """there is no fever , I hope you are feeling better now

Yes, now I am absolutely fine, and he suddenly asked """"have all the camps been set up?

Yes, the camps were set up in the afternoon itself.

Hearing the word afternoon from Kakeru's mouth, Jihara's gaze went to the light burning in the camp , after this he mumbled incessantly "So have I been sleeping since afternoon"

Yes… Kakeru replied while buttoning up jihara shirt

Jihara asked again "What is the time?"

It's eight o'clock at night, everyone is preparing dinner outside,

Jihara was surprised once again, he did not expect that he would sleep from afternoon till night.he asked a question again And how long have you been with me?

I have come to see you several times since afternoon and just now I have been here for the last one hour,Kakeru replied while wiping Jihara's face with a wet handkerchief .

Jihara lamented. "You must be bored."

"Yes, I was bored," Kakeru said as he wiped Jihara's face with a clean towel.But one kiss was enough to remove the boredom of a lifetime.He smiled happily.Kakeru had just moved forward to walk out holding Jihara's hand when Jihara held Kakeru's hand and signaled him to sit

What happened Kakeru asked while sitting next to him

You are looking happy! What is the matter?

Kakeru smiled again and said "I love you..... and that is why I am happy"

Jihara was silent , Kakeru knew that Jihara would not respond to his I love you! Once again, hiding the sad corner of his heart, he said to Jihara """I can only hope that someday you will be able to accept my love I know you only love the moon, but it's also true that I love you. I would go to the end of my life to get you,I'll do whatever it takes to get you. Even if you think I am wrong, I will break every obstacle that comes between us...Today once again I confess to you that I love you little bird,Believe it or not the last five days were the most special and beautiful days of my life If I get your support in this journey, I can travel like this all my life . I want this trip to never end I wish that the remaining five days become five lives for us.I don't want to go back to that loneliness of my life. I want to be with you always ..... Always

Kakeru had tears in his eyes, he had probably never cried so helplessly in front of anyone .He considered himself unlucky On one side was Moon who had everything ,On one side, there was Kakeru who was unlucky despite having everything , Because Jihara was not in the lines of his fate.

Jihara wanted to say something when Kaito arrived there ,With Kaito's sudden arrival, Kakeru thought it better to go outside while hiding his tears,

Jihara kept watching Kakeru leave, it was the first time he saw Kakeru broken like this.

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