
(BL)Alpha Made

The world is diverse and flourishing. Humanity has changed, and with it, brought in a new era of prosperity. Males and females still exist, but the spectrum from which humanity is cast has broadened. With the introduction of alpha, omega, and beta, humanity has evolved even further. In such a word, Dr. Andrew Knox, known environmental researcher, is happy being a beta male. It has made his life easier by being middle ground, and as much as some wish he was one way or the other, he’s happy being who he is. Thriving even. He works in a world renowned research facility. He makes friends easily, and his projects are always funded. He even found someone who he thinks he could end up marrying if things continue in the right direction. That, and the vacant house next to his apartment building gets bought by a new neighbour. A cute, but cautious omega who relies on Andrew as a beta for help. Andrew couldn’t be happier. He loves being a helper, and loves when people rely on him. All in all, Andrew really thinks he has everything made. That is, until a research project with shoddy data is thrown back into his face that he has no recollection of working on, and all of his reputation disintegrates in between one heartbeat and the next. Heartbroken, it isn’t until Andrew wakes up, chained to a wall that everything becomes clear. He becomes a test subject to one of the scientists that he trusted. That he expected would never harm him. The life he had known, where he was a respected researcher was ripped out from underneath him. His identity and everything he’s ever known is stolen from him from a crazed researcher who he had trusted, maybe even loved. He has to relearn who he is, what he is, from scratch. Thankfully, he has one person in his corner. He just never expected to have to rely on someone whose shoulders were so small. This is an a/b/o story, and will have those tropes associated with it. I hope you enjoy :)

CalyB · LGBT+
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Confronting the fears

"Do you…feel better?" Andrew asked Maxwell after his tears had dried. Maxwell didn't say anything, didn't even nod, but Andrew saw his ears go pink. Holding back a smile, Andrew patted his back soothingly. What else could he do? He knew that the man wasn't going to own up to it. Maxwell was a stubborn guy. He was pretty sure he hadn't even cried when Andrew came back after he'd been gone. 

Andrew wasn't bitter about that. How could he be? The man had offered his body to him as soon as it became obvious to him that something was wrong with Andrew. If he hadn't cried, that was fine. He obviously still cared about him. That was why it was so surprising that he had cried now.