
Arc 4:I'll Give You All My Money, Campus Ability (7)

Lei Ting rounded her eyes and stared at the two people on the opposite side, then quickly walked to Yingzhao's side. Holding his hand, he continued to apologize to Yingzhao:

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry Hanyu! Please don't hold my brother accountable, he is still young! He must have been confused for a while!"

Yingzhao looked at Lei Ting's Just like that, you know that the other party is thinking crooked. But because of this, he deliberately made a somewhat embarrassed and distressed look, and said:

"Ah, actually, I didn't expect that Xiao Che would be able to... But forget it, we are together now anyway. I think Lei Che is actually a good boy, and we will be very good in the future too!"

Lei Ting heard Yingzhao say this, and was more sure of what she was thinking. I felt that it must be that Reicher had forced Yingzhao before, so Yingzhao had to compromise.

When I think of Yingzhao, I am willing to forgive Reacher like this, and I am still with Reacher. In the past, I saw the interaction between the two people and it was Yingzhao who took care of Reacher.

I just feel that there is no more kind and gentle person in this world than Yingzhao, and my apology for Yingzhao is deeper in my heart. Thinking of this, Lei Ting stretched out her hand, smacked Lei Che's head hard, and yelled at him:

"You must treat Han Yu well in the future, did you hear me!"

Lei Ting didn't understand what happened, but he didn't Prevent him from understanding what his sister said. Anyway, my sister accepted the relationship between him and Yingzhao.

So he hurriedly nodded to Lei Ting, and now Lei Ting was relieved. Quite embarrassed, he finished the meal quickly, and then left in a hurry.

On the way home, Lei Ting was thinking in her heart that she must remind Lei Che well in the future, not to fail Yingzhao. And it takes more to buy some things to send over, treat Yingzhao well and compensate him.

So, Lei Ting accepted the relationship between Yingzhao and Lei Che without any difficulty. And every time Lei Ting came, she would buy a lot of supplies for Yingzhao.

She also bought some daily necessities for couples for Yingzhao and Leiche, as if she had regarded Yingzhao as her sister-in-law. Yingzhao still has a good impression of this warm-hearted sister.

After all, his lover is already pitiful enough, and Yingzhao still feels very happy to have a family member who really cares about him.

And Recher, while working with Yingzhao, has been working hard to make money. After all, he felt that his school doctor was such a beautiful teacher, and he was often worried, afraid that the money he gave Yingzhao would not be enough to stay with him for too long.

He thinks that Yingzhao is worth all the wealth in the world in exchange for the opportunity to be with him, so he must make more and more money, so that he can always be with the person he likes.

And recently, Recher got two funds on the Internet because he found loopholes in two large websites. He invested in an emerging industry that he was just optimistic about, and made a lot of money.

Next, there are several other online platforms that want to cooperate with him. Among them, there is a top website dedicated to face recognition, which has attracted Recher's interest.

He received an invitation text message from the other party on his mobile phone, saying that he hoped to have the opportunity to meet in the company and discuss the matter in detail. Reacher really felt that some work-related matters needed to be negotiated, so he agreed to the other party's invitation.

Thinking that there was no course this afternoon, I came to the company where the other party works and planned to have a good talk about this cooperation with the person in charge there. If you can help this platform find their loopholes, you will definitely get a very generous reward.

Reacher has been living with Yingzhao these days. Although there is no overly intimate act, Reacher is also delighted by such plain happiness.

At the same time, Lan Lili has also stopped a lot these days. Because in the past, she had been courting Reacher's side, but the other party had not responded at all, which made Lan Lili feel that helping Reacher was not very beneficial to her.

Lan Lili still prefers that others are grateful for their help, so that she can greatly satisfy her vanity.

So she quickly changed her target, went to find other suitable candidates, and stopped paying attention to Reacher, which made Reacher feel a lot cleaner around her.

Lan Lili didn't go to Reacher's side to pester him, and naturally He Lei wouldn't pay attention to him, which also saved Reacher a lot of trouble.

It's just that Recher never thought that he would be seen by Lan Lili when he came to talk with the person in charge of the Shengheng Group today about the cooperation of the website.

The person in charge of this website, Gu Xiao, happens to be Lan Lili's cousin. Although Lan Lili's family, the Lan family, can be regarded as a top wealthy family.

But Lan Lili's father's family is only a branch of this wealthy family, although compared with ordinary people, it is indeed rich and noble. But from the perspective of the giants, it is just a sideline.

And although Gu Xiao's surname is Gu, his mother is the daughter of the Lan family. Naturally, the Gu Xiao family has a much higher status than the Lan Lili family.

Lan Lili often visits her cousin, hoping to cultivate a good relationship with him, which will also help her to rely on the strength of the Lan family in the future.

Today, Lan Lili came to visit Gu Xiao again. She was waiting in the lounge for Gu Xiao to take a lunch break and have a meal together. As a result, from the window of the glass window in the lounge, he saw Reacher, who was much better dressed than before, and could even be said to be a little handsome.

Although Reacher has always been frugal about clothes and other personal items, but Yingzhao couldn't bear it and bought him a lot of new ones. The sweetheart specially bought it for him, and Recher naturally cherishes the dress.

And Yingzhao helped Lei Che get a haircut and cut his hair short, revealing a full forehead. Instead, let him show off his beautiful face.

Even though Reacher is a little gloomy in temperament, he is handsome in appearance, and with the new look, it is also very eye-catching.

Lan Lili walked to the window with some doubts, and found that she hadn't paid attention to each other for a long time, and Rachel was so different from the past.

Seeing that Reacher entered her cousin's office, but no one stopped her, Lan Lili became more and more curious. After a long time, the door of Gu Xiao's office opened again.

After Reacher left, it was time for a lunch break. Gu Xiao went out and wanted to find Lan Lili for lunch. When Lan Lili saw Gu Xiao coming out, she immediately leaned over and asked curiously,

"Cousin, who is that young man who just walked out of your office? Why did he stay inside for so long?"

Gu Xiao answered with a smile when he heard Lan Lili's question,

"What? It's Lili who has finally grown up and thinks that the other party is good looking and tempted? You But he has a vision. He is the hottest top technical talent in the major portals now, and can find any loopholes in the website that you can't imagine. If the company can afford the money, he can also help the website to do comprehensive maintenance and upgrades , to ensure that your website will not be attacked by any hackers. A top talent in the industry like him, did not expect to be so young. Although I have heard of him before, I was shocked to see him today. But it may be the commonality of these geniuses. People like him are quite low-key. Only people in our professional circle know him, and other laymen have never heard of him."

Lan Lili heard Gu Xiao's words. , his eyes widened in surprise, and he continued to ask: "So cousin, is this person very powerful?"

Gu Xiao nodded naturally when he heard Lan Lili's words, and affirmed: "Of course he is very powerful. Yes, do you know how much commission you need to pay him to find the most hidden loopholes in a large website? What's more, almost all of the world's top Internet companies want to cooperate with him, and his annual income is yours. I don't know how many times!"

When Lan Lili heard Gu Xiao's words, her eyes widened in shock. Because the project Gu Xiao is currently in charge of is already the most profitable project of the Lan family, and the dividends Gu Xiao himself has received are enough to make people jealous.

But Gu Xiao said to himself that this Reacher's income was several times his own. How can this not make Lan Lili feel shocked.

She never imagined that this poor boy, whom she usually looked down on, would have such great ability and such a rich net worth, but why did he dress up so shabby on campus on weekdays?

Lan Lili thought about it for a while, and then felt that just like what her cousin said, truly talented people always have some quirks, and maybe Reacher does the same.

If you can associate with such a genius, the future of the other party will definitely be unlimited. And his family will not be as complicated as the descendants of those noble families.

If he and Reacher are together, then Reacher, as a generational generation, doesn't mean that everything on the other side also belongs to him! And everything he will create in the future can have complete right to speak as the master of the house!

Thinking of this, Lan Lili's heart was hot, and she immediately developed a strong interest in Reacher.

On the second day, when Lan Lili returned to school, she saw Reicher, who was sleeping on the table in the last row of the class, and her eyes flashed with inevitable light.

In the past, he approached this person with the intention of taking advantage of him, and wanted to use him to gain a good reputation. It's no wonder that the other party ignores him. How can someone who has such great skills perfunctory casually.

But now it's different, Lan Lili feels that as long as she really cares about Reicher, the other party will definitely fall under her pomegranate skirt.

After straightening her long hair, Lan Lili felt even more that with her beauty, how could an ordinary boy escape from her palm.

What's more, that's just Reacher, who is simply dispensable in the eyes of everyone. Thinking that on weekdays, Reicher only focused on sleeping when he was in class and did not study at all, but he could still reach the pass mark in all his homework. Thinking about it, this is also a special feature of geniuses

and ordinary people. He will not care about these superficial achievements, but will make real achievements behind the scenes.

Then he came to the door of the classroom to wait for Reacher, greeted and talked to Reacher warmly, and would deliberately sit next to Reacher during class, but Reacher had always ignored Lan Lili.

This time Lan Lili didn't give up as quickly as before. She knew that Reacher was withdrawn and only regarded it as Reacher's eccentricity or the shyness of young people, so she deliberately pretended to ignore her. .

Continued brain supplementation has greatly increased Lan Lili's confidence. She also specially brought small snacks made by herself for Reacher, and gave them to Reacher to eat like a treasure.

But Reicher didn't touch it, and frowned and spat out a word. "It's annoying."

This time, Lan Lili felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, but she continued to push the dim sum next to Leitch, and smiled at him and said,

"Letcher, try it, this is what I did on purpose. Made it for you!"

Reacher looked at the delicate pastries in front of him without any appetite, and only thought that he would arrive at noon soon, so he could quickly go to the tower and have a good meal with his sweetheart.

If the British school doctor is in a good mood, maybe he will kiss himself. The thought of Yingzhao practicing some in-depth kissing skills with himself when the two were lying on the bed hugging each other last night made Reicher feel a little dry.

I really want to hurry up to lunch time, Rachel thought, and couldn't help but glance at the clock in the classroom.

He wants to go back and kiss him again. Kiss that person and taste the sweet tongue of that person. It must be thousands of times more delicious than any pastry in the world.

Although Reicher's heart had already flown to Yingzhao's place, there was still no change on the surface. Lan Lili couldn't guess what he was thinking, she only felt that she was so humbled, and the other party still ignored her, which finally made her feel a little annoyed.

However, Lan Lili didn't believe that she would really be unable to win Reacher with her own charm. She always felt that there must be some reason for the other party to ignore her.

In this case, I can no longer act so slowly, I should give the other party some shocks. Thinking of this, Lan Lili clenched her fist firmly.

So after class this day, when Reicher was passing by the lake on campus, Lan Lili suddenly rushed up from behind him.

She patted Reacher on the shoulder, showed a somewhat embarrassed smile, and said to Reacher, "Leacher, I have something to tell you."

Reacher glanced at Lan Lili, and usually felt that this girl It's annoying to be around like flies all the time, and I don't know what the other party is looking for.

Thinking that Yingzhao said that he would make his favorite sweet and sour pork ribs at noon today, Reicher was looking forward to it and wanted to hurry back to the tower to find Yingzhao. So in the face of Lan Lili's request, he answered without hesitation:

"If you have anything to do, just say it here, I still have things to do."

Lan Lili saw Lei Che's impatient look, Immediately showed a look of grievance. When she turned her head and saw that there were no students around, she boldly said to Reicher: "Leiccher, I like you! Can you date me?"

Lan Lili thought that Reicher would be excited when she heard her direct confession. Surprised, he quickly agreed to himself. However, when Reicher heard the heroine's words, he looked at the other party with a foolish expression.

Then he turned his head, ignored the hostess and walked around the other side, walking straight towards the tower.

Lan Lili didn't expect that Reicher would react like this when she heard her confession. She has always lived a life like the stars and the moon by virtue of her appearance and family background.

What's more, in this Shenglin Academy, there are not many boys who pursue her, and it can be said that there are countless admirers. I thought that Reacher would definitely be secretly overjoyed in his heart, even if he wasn't ecstatic about his confession.

But he didn't expect that the other party would ignore him. This momentary change hit Lan Lili's self-esteem. She couldn't accept it. She rushed forward to block Reacher's way, and said loudly to him:

"Where are you going? Didn't you hear what I just said to you? ?"

Rachel raised her eyebrows when she saw Lan Lili's appearance, and said unceremoniously to her: "I saw it, and I refused. Now, please don't stand in my way."

Lan Lili listened When Reacher answered, there was an expression of disbelief on his face. Even though Lan Lili is a bit shrewd, after all, she is just a eldest young lady who has been pampered and grown up. She finally couldn't hold back the anger in her heart and screamed at Rachel:

"Rachel! What are you thinking? You rejected me! Do you know who I am? Do you know whose daughter I am? You Can't you see what I look like! Are you blind! Do you know how many people in Shenglin College pursue me and how many want me to be their girlfriend!"

Rachel's mouth twitched when she heard Lan Lili's words With a mocking arc, she gave Lan Lili a fluttering look and said, "Then please go find them."

After that, Reicher left here without hesitation.

Lan Lili rushed out to stop Reicher after her confession, but was rejected by the other party, feeling that she had been greatly insulted. She looked at the back of Reacher leaving, and her eyes flashed with resentment.

Immediately, Lan Lili felt unwilling in her heart, feeling that there must be something strange about the other party's rejection of her, so she secretly followed behind Lei Che.

After following him for a while, he only saw him enter the tower where Yingzhao lived. Although he wondered why Reacher came here, he still looked familiar.

Just waiting for the door to close, Lan Lili couldn't see the scene inside clearly. It can only be guessed that perhaps Reacher's body felt unwell, so he came to the school doctor's office.