
(BL) Adventure in another world with my sorcery encyclopedia

Yu Su, who perished during the apocalyptic era, found himself transported back to a primordial era. Upon arrival, he discovered that he was destitute. His birth mother had passed away, his father suffered from mental disabilities, and his younger brother exhibited signs of autism. The responsibility of survival now rested solely on Yu Su's shoulders. Nevertheless, he considered this life far superior to the apocalyptic era. Armed with determination, resourcefulness, and a mind teeming with extensive knowledge of the Sorcery Encyclopedia, he believed that no obstacle would be insurmountable. In this primordial era, treasures were abundant, waiting to be unearthed! In order to conceal his hidden supernatural abilities, Yu Su resorted to deception and claimed divine revelations. Gradually, he assumed the role of a deceitful deity, a remarkable imposter who captured the gods' attention. Unbeknownst to him, he had unwittingly become the gods' spokesperson in the mortal realm.

MyPen_22 · Fantasy
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283 Chs

Chapter 236: Northbound

The lord is the village chief Yuku, and after the construction of Yucheng, his status changed from village chief to lord. Frowning upon hearing the report from the city guards, he ordered, 'Fetch the high priest.'

At this moment, Yusu was on the top of the temple mountain, routinely telling stories to Qingze.

Though this activity had been suspended, since Qingze moved to the temple mountain, it had resumed, and the audience had become increasingly discerning.

If it weren't for Yusu having an all-encompassing elven cheat, he would have struggled to satisfy these increasingly picky listeners.

'Lord Yusu,' Yuzhang came up the mountain, 'there's a delegation from Fengcheng outside the north city gate, claiming to deliver an invitation to you.'

Yusu narrowed his eyes. Fengcheng?

After such a long time, they dared to show up again.


Yusu prepared to meet the Fengcheng wizard in the council chamber. Yutong, with the Fengcheng wizard, entered the city.

The Fengcheng wizard wanted to bring fifty guards inside but was stopped.

'If you want to see our high priest and lord, you must abide by Yucheng's rules; these people can't enter,' Yutong said unapologetically.

The guards of the Fengcheng wizard were dissatisfied and started arguing with Yutong.

The Fengcheng wizard calmly raised his hand, halting the commotion and restoring his arrogant demeanor.

'Just a new city,' he thought, looking down on Yucheng even more.

He wasn't concerned about the oppression he felt at the north city gate, dismissing it under his arrogance.

Soon, the Fengcheng wizard arrived in front of Yucheng's council chamber.

After assessing the council chamber, he felt it was far less grand than Fengcheng's towering temple. With a slight chin lift, he, along with two attendants, entered the council chamber.

Inside, the Fengcheng wizard saw Yusu seated at the top.

In his eyes, Yusu's appearance was overly outstanding, and his temperament too gentle, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, without any threat. Hence, he looked at Yusu with disdain.

This attitude did not escape the notice of Yumeng and others standing on the side of the council chamber. Seeing the Fengcheng delegation displaying arrogance in their city angered them.

Yusu spoke, 'Are you the envoy from Fengcheng?'

The Fengcheng wizard insincerely bowed, 'Indeed, I represent the grand wizard of the Fengcheng Temple, here to deliver an invitation to the master of Yucheng.'

Looking at his expression, it seemed as if this invitation was a tremendous favor.

Yumeng and others rolled their eyes, wanting to beat up this arrogant guy.

Yusu said, 'Since it's an invitation from the grand wizard of Fengcheng, we will accept it. We hope the grand wizard won't regret it later.'

The Fengcheng wizard, proudly, 'Fengcheng has a profound foundation, standing as the foremost among the ten cities. It is always Fengcheng that others regret, not the other way around. Yucheng's lord need not worry.'

Yusu smiled faintly, 'Then please ask the grand wizard of Fengcheng to keep a close eye on his position as the foremost among the ten cities. Yumeng, take the invitation.'

Yumeng, annoyed, walked over and snatched the invitation from the Fengcheng wizard.

'Escort the Fengcheng envoy out of the city,' Yusu commanded.

The Fengcheng wizard sneered at Yumeng, arrogantly lifted his chin, and left.

Yumeng grumbled, 'Lord Yusu, why accept the invitation from Fengcheng? Also, why didn't you let me beat up that annoying guy with his nose in the air?'

Yusu chuckled, 'When you have a chance to beat him up next time, he represents Fengcheng's envoy now. We need to let him return alive to deliver the message.'

Yumeng puzzled, 'Do we really have to attend this so-called Ten Cities Assembly?'

Yusu asked, 'Are you afraid?'

Yumeng retorted, 'I'm not afraid!'

Yusu said, 'That's settled then. Sooner or later, we'll confront Fengcheng. It's a chance to meet other cities by going north. Besides, the city's affairs are running smoothly now; it's time to explore more of the world. You don't want to stay in one city forever, do you?'

Yumeng's eyes brightened, 'I understand. But next time I see that Fengcheng envoy, I'll definitely beat him up, and you can't stop me.'

Yusu assured, 'Next time, I won't stop you.'


Yusu decided on the journey north. Soon, Luyan, Jianyunchuan, and others learned about it.

Having led teams to the Beast Forest in these days, they missed the incident with the Fengcheng envoy. Now hearing about it, they sensed ill intentions from Fengcheng.

Yusu blinked, 'Of course, they have ill intentions, but we don't harbor good intentions for them either.'

Luyan commented, 'They invited us to the Ten Cities Assembly, blatantly setting up an ambush. However, we've long wanted to deal with Fengcheng. Whoever gets unlucky at that time is still uncertain.'

Luyan added, 'This journey north probably won't be peaceful.'

Yusu reassured, 'No worries; let it be a learning experience.'

Luyan nodded.

Jianyunchuan asked, 'Who will guard the city?'

Yusu replied, 'Let Vufeng stay. Disciples below the fifth level of Qi Refinement should also stay. Also, let Yuye and Hecai stay; they are responsible for the caravan. The rest can accompany us.'

With the city established, well-defended, and Qingze overseeing, there was little to worry about.

Jianyunchuan said, 'Good. Vuhong can lead the soldiers' camp alone. Even if I'm not here, it should be fine.'

Yusu suggested, 'Dad, why don't you tell us about this Ten Cities Assembly?'

Jianyunchuan explained, 'The Ten Cities Assembly is a gathering of the lords from ten cities. Fengcheng has always been the leader, and the other nine cities represent major forces from various regions. When I was in Fengcheng, the assembly took place every three years and was quite lively. It's been a while; I'm not sure if there have been any changes in these ten cities.'

According to Jianyunchuan, the ten cities were Fengcheng, Yucheng, Rain City, Sea City, Mountain City, Strength City, Desert City, Enigma City, Frost City, and Sun City—all large human cities.

Yusu inquired, 'How does Yucheng compare?'

Jianyunchuan answered, 'In terms of population, Yucheng is smaller, but in terms of strength, there's no comparison.'

Yusu had a rough understanding.

Following that, Yusu held a meeting in the council chamber and announced the upcoming journey north.

"Lord Yusu, Fengcheng has ill intentions. Going there would be falling into their trap!"

"Yes, Lord Yusu, please don't agree to Fengcheng's invitation."

Everyone worried that Yusu might not see through Fengcheng's plot, and they all spoke up to prevent it.

Yusu raised his hand to calm them, "Our feud with Fengcheng will be settled sooner or later. I am prepared for a battle with Fengcheng on this journey north. Rest assured, I won't give Fengcheng the chance to harm us."