
(BL) Adventure in another world with my sorcery encyclopedia

Yu Su, who perished during the apocalyptic era, found himself transported back to a primordial era. Upon arrival, he discovered that he was destitute. His birth mother had passed away, his father suffered from mental disabilities, and his younger brother exhibited signs of autism. The responsibility of survival now rested solely on Yu Su's shoulders. Nevertheless, he considered this life far superior to the apocalyptic era. Armed with determination, resourcefulness, and a mind teeming with extensive knowledge of the Sorcery Encyclopedia, he believed that no obstacle would be insurmountable. In this primordial era, treasures were abundant, waiting to be unearthed! In order to conceal his hidden supernatural abilities, Yu Su resorted to deception and claimed divine revelations. Gradually, he assumed the role of a deceitful deity, a remarkable imposter who captured the gods' attention. Unbeknownst to him, he had unwittingly become the gods' spokesperson in the mortal realm.

MyPen_22 · Fantasy
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283 Chs

Chapter 205

In the temporary camp of Da Ji Village:

"Village Chief, over two hundred riders on barbarian horses have been spotted, stationed on the high ground to the west."

The person bringing back this information to Da Ji Village's chief caused him to abruptly stand up, his expression changing: "Two hundred riders on barbarian horses? From Mang Village?"

Shaking his head, the messenger had a somewhat peculiar expression: "No, they claim to be from Yu Village. They're here to persuade our village and Mang Village to cease fighting."

Da Ji Village's chief, with a slightly eased expression, inquired, "Why would people from Yu Village intervene in the affairs between my village and Mang Village?"

The messenger replied, "They say it's because Yu Village's shaman couldn't bear to see innocent villages on the plains suffer. That's why they've sent people to stop the conflict."

The chief of Da Ji Village chuckled and sat back down, saying, "Yu Village's shaman? Two hundred riders on barbarian horses are indeed surprising, but wanting to stop the battle between me and Mang Village with so few people is quite naive."

After a brief pause, he continued, "I've heard praises for Yu Village's shaman before, but now it seems they are not as impressive as rumored. Too inexperienced."

The messenger hesitated, "So, should we ignore them?"

The chief of Da Ji Village's expression turned cold, "This is the battle between me and Mang Village. Whoever comes, it won't make a difference. Mang Village must pay the price!"

On the other side, in the temporary camp of Mang Village:

Mang Village's chief also learned about the two-hundred-strong force stationed on the high ground to the west. They rode barbarian horses, coming from behind the western mountains, intending to prevent Mang Village from fighting Da Ji Village.

Upon hearing this news, Mang Village's chief, in a meeting with the village elders, couldn't help but laugh.

"Yu Village is really overestimating themselves, thinking that with just over two hundred people, they can stop our battle with Da Ji Village."

"Let them come; capturing them will give us more slave soldiers."

"Exactly, when we captured slave soldiers before, quite a few escaped to Yu Village. Their merchant caravans also obstructed us from capturing slave soldiers several times. This time, let's settle both old and new grudges!"

Mang Village's chief listened to the suggestions without any intention of stopping them. Moreover, a hint of greed appeared in his eyes.

He had long heard that Yu Village was very prosperous, possessing exquisite fine salt and an abundance of uncountable grains—both of which Mang Village urgently needed. If they could swallow up Yu Village, what did Mang Village have to fear from Da Ji Village?

As for whether they could actually swallow Yu Village, Mang Village's chief had never considered that question. Could a newly emerged village like Yu Village compete with a large village like Mang Village with tens of thousands of people? Most likely, Mang Village could easily crush them with a snap of their fingers.

Mang Village's chief said, "When capturing them, try not to harm their horses too much. I'm interested in those tamed barbarian horses. If we can have our people use them, Da Ji Village will suffer."

His subordinates exchanged smiles, revealing ambitions in their expressions.

"Village Chief, let me handle this matter." One of the burly men with a full beard said.

The chief of Mang Village glanced at him and agreed, "Alright."


To the west, on the high ground:

The two hundred cavalry from Yu Village temporarily stationed here.

Yu Meng, returning with excitement, reported, "Leader, the message has been spread. Now, the villages around this area know that we are here to stop the conflict between Da Ji Village and Mang Village."

"The message has also been sent to the First and Second Merchant Caravans by the messenger hawk. They will cooperate with us, spreading the news in places they pass by."

Lu Yan nodded, "Well done."

Yu Meng grinned.

A soldier who followed them interjected, "Leader, those villages don't believe we can stop the conflict. Is it useful for us to go back and forth to tell them?"

Lu Yan replied, "Once we successfully stop it, they will believe."

The soldier scratched his head, "But why are we doing this?"

Yu Meng slapped the back of his head, "Simple!"

The soldier, holding his head, looked at Yu Meng, "Then tell us."

Yu Meng hesitated, then looked at Lu Yan.

In fact, he only vaguely understood Lu Yan's intentions and couldn't be certain.

Lu Yan glanced at him and said amidst a teasing smile, "This is an opportunity to enhance Yu Village's reputation. Naturally, the more people who know, the better."

Yu Meng's eyes lit up, turning to the soldier, he said, "Understand now?"

The soldier, afraid of another slap, nodded, "Got it."

Then muttered to himself, "You just found out yourself."

Yu Meng raised his hand and patted him on the back of the head again, "Muttering something, thinking I can't hear? I have sharp ears; I bet I could hear you even if you spoke at the other end of the camp."

The soldier dared not speak.


"Leader, more than three hundred people are coming from the south towards us."

Yu Meng and the others, who were joking, became serious and looked south.

Lu Yan's gaze turned slightly cold, "It's Mang Village."

Yu Meng said, "I'll go meet them."

Lu Yan agreed.

Yu Meng immediately led his men towards the south. Twenty cavalrymen stood at the entrance of the high ground, looking down at the Mang Village people who thought they hadn't been discovered, attempting to sneak attack the camp.

Yu Meng drew his weapon and sneered, "Thinking of an ambush, are you?"

The Mang Village people were startled, and the burly leader quickly calmed down, observing Yu Meng and his men, his gaze greedily lingering on the barbarian horses beneath them.

Are these the barbarian horses tamed by Yu Village?

Tall and majestic, with peculiar horse gear.

But these horse gear turned out to be useful, allowing people to sit securely on horseback.

"Are you from Yu Village?" The burly man from Mang Village spoke harshly. "Do you know this is our Mang Village territory? Trespassing here, no matter which village you're from, you must be taken to see our leader."

"Oh, big words." Yu Meng sneered. He wouldn't overlook the greedy look in the eyes of these Mang Village people, full of beards, smelling all over, and not caring about hygiene, when they looked at their mounts.

After all, these Mang Village people harbored a greedy desire for their barbarian horses, maybe even thinking of capturing them as slave soldiers.

"Wanna try us? Go ahead." Yu Meng said.

The burly man from Mang Village grinned, "You only have twenty-something people. Do you think you can stop us?"

"Hahaha, so ignorant."

"Are all people from Yu Village as brainless as him?"

Mang Village people burst into laughter, completely dismissing Yu Meng and his men.

Sitting on his horse, Yu Meng, with one hand holding the reins and the other carrying his large knife, said to the soldiers behind him, "Brothers, since the people of Mang Village don't believe us, let's show them our strength. Charge!"

Like arrows leaving the bowstring, twenty barbarian horses rushed towards the Mang Village crowd.

Yu Meng waved his large knife, and the runes on the blade lit up one by one, crashing into the enemy's formation like invincible windmills. Anyone touched by the blade aura was sent flying.

The soldiers behind him wielded iron spears, sweeping left and right with Yu Meng, picking off Mang Village people who tried to knock them off their horses.

Quickly, the more than three hundred people were torn open by the twenty riders.

"Ah—!" The burly leader of Mang Village had bloodshot eyes. "I'll kill you!"

He charged towards Yu Meng, attempting to knock him off his horse with the sharp spearhead.

Yu Meng sneered, clapped his hand on the horse's back, leaped from the saddle, stood on the burly man's spear, and, while he was still in shock, beheaded him.

The head of the burly man rolled on the ground, blood splattering.

"Captain!" Mang Village people shouted in terror, looking at Yu Meng in disbelief.

Yu Meng stood on the spear the leader held, surveyed the surroundings with a glance, and his body was still covered in the blood of the burly man.

The appearance made the Mang Village people's knees go weak, and the formation of the three hundred people quickly fell apart.

"Don't kill those who surrender; kill all those who refuse to surrender!"


Upon hearing this, the Mang Village people immediately turned and fled.

Those who couldn't escape quickly threw down their weapons and knelt, begging for mercy.

"Captain, what about those who escape?"

"Ignore them. Take these people back and let the leader deal with them."

Yu Meng sat back on his horse, carrying his knife, and proudly led a group of prisoners back to the camp.

Others, seeing him covered in blood, showed expressions of disgust.

"Yu Meng, why did you make yourself so dirty?"

"Yeah, go wash up quickly."

Yu Meng proudly puffed out his chest, "Scared by a bit of blood? Besides, Lord Yu Su isn't here. What's there to fear about a little blood? I'll just wash up later."

Lu Yan gave him a glance.

Feeling the intensity of Lu Yan's gaze, Yu Meng's confidence immediately wavered, "Lea... Leader, I've brought the prisoners back."

Lu Yan said, "Send them back, along with the head of that captain. Tell them that not heeding Yu Village's advice leads to this fate."

Yu Meng grinned immediately, "Got it!"

Threatening others? That's his specialty.

Those little bunnies from Mang Village dared to come for a sneak attack and even thought about taking their horses. What a wild idea.

Yu Meng turned his horse and said to the others, "Let's go, follow me to Mang Village's camp."

"Charge, charge!" The soldiers behind excitedly raised their iron spears, herding the captured individuals toward Mang Village's camp.

Those captives glanced fearfully in the direction of Lu Yan, shivering at the overwhelming aura. They deeply regretted following along for the sneak attack.

With just over twenty riders, Yu Village had rendered their three hundred-person force defenseless. The village chief even wanted to take their horses. They were indeed too naive.

No, it's more accurate to say that the people from Yu Village are just too terrifying.

No wonder they dared to come with over two hundred people to obstruct the battle between them and Da Ji Village.

When they return, they must inform the village chief about the terrifying nature of the people from Yu Village.