
(BL) Adventure in another world with my sorcery encyclopedia

Yu Su, who perished during the apocalyptic era, found himself transported back to a primordial era. Upon arrival, he discovered that he was destitute. His birth mother had passed away, his father suffered from mental disabilities, and his younger brother exhibited signs of autism. The responsibility of survival now rested solely on Yu Su's shoulders. Nevertheless, he considered this life far superior to the apocalyptic era. Armed with determination, resourcefulness, and a mind teeming with extensive knowledge of the Sorcery Encyclopedia, he believed that no obstacle would be insurmountable. In this primordial era, treasures were abundant, waiting to be unearthed! In order to conceal his hidden supernatural abilities, Yu Su resorted to deception and claimed divine revelations. Gradually, he assumed the role of a deceitful deity, a remarkable imposter who captured the gods' attention. Unbeknownst to him, he had unwittingly become the gods' spokesperson in the mortal realm.

MyPen_22 · Fantasy
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283 Chs

Chapter 175

Yusu was on the verge of madness, his mind filled with the constant corrections from the all-discipline elves. "Can't you stop pointing out every mistake? How am I supposed to practice?"

"But, Master, you were wrong from the beginning."

"And I can let it slide. You can't afford any mistakes during the ceremony."


Knowing the elf spoke the truth, Yusu gritted his teeth and continued practicing.

After about ten days of continuous practice, he finally mastered the intricate and lengthy ritual dance.

Only Luyan knew about Yusu practicing in secret, a habit formed since Luyan accidentally discovered him last time.

This time, Yusu didn't mind Luyan watching openly. After several rounds of practice, Luyan handed him a cotton handkerchief.

Yusu took it and wiped the sweat from his face and neck. The soft handkerchief was made from a batch of quickly produced cotton fabric, currently only useful for Yusu.

"How do you think I did?" Yusu asked Luyan.

"Very beautiful," replied Luyan truthfully. Yusu's performance in the ritual dance was more rhythmic and aesthetically pleasing than the last time.

While watching Yusu dance the ritual, Luyan couldn't even blink. Yusu exuded a sense of holiness during the dance, both beautiful and slightly unreal.

Luyan had always worried about being left behind by Yusu due to his insufficient strength. Although he had now reached the same level as Yusu, he sometimes felt a distance between their worlds, even when they were together all the time.

Now, however, his feelings evolved from wanting to stay by Yusu's side in gratitude to desiring to become Yusu's partner.

He wouldn't let Yusu fly away from his sight.

The feeling of being a bit unreal was because there were still things he didn't understand about Yusu, and he was determined to unravel all the mysteries surrounding Yusu.

Likewise, he believed he would become Yusu's partner.

As Yusu currently had no such thoughts about himself, Luyan intended to make him consider it. Yet, he also sensed that Yusu was different from everyone else here.

In this land, people could immediately act on their feelings and form partnerships, whether between men and women or men and men, without much delay.

Yusu, however, wasn't that kind of person, and conventional methods wouldn't work.

Luyan was still figuring out the right approach.

"It's hot," Yusu said, drenched in sweat from practicing the ritual dance multiple times.

Luyan, seeing Yusu's neatly dressed but sweat-soaked body, suggested, "Take off your shirt."

Yusu's back was drenched, and it was uncomfortable. Since they were in the mountains and only Luyan was present, taking off the shirt seemed like the best solution.

Moreover, Yusu had long stopped caring about his image in front of Luyan, who had seen him candidly many times before. So, he took off his shirt.

Luyan took the shirt, watching Yusu wipe off the sweat with the handkerchief. His gaze on Yusu was intense and substantial.


Damn, it's weird!

And his heart rate inexplicably accelerated again, a situation that had eased a lot since Luyan matured suddenly, yet it resumed today.

Yusu quickly finished wiping off the sweat, took the now damp shirt from Luyan, used his spiritual power to dry it, and put it back on.

While he was dressing, he clearly sensed a regretful expression on Luyan's face.

Is this guy really... a pervert?

No normal man would keep staring at another man's body.

Blushing, Yusu quickly finished dressing and descended the mountain.

Throughout the journey, Yusu pondered whether he should talk to Luyan, asking him not to stare at another man's body so strangely.

Unaware that in his haste to dress, his shirt wasn't properly buttoned, revealing a clean chest and collarbone.

Entering the gathering area, they encountered many women collecting items. Although the village had planting areas, some things were only found in the mountains, like mushrooms and chestnuts.

As Yusu and Luyan walked by, the women respectfully greeted them. Some young women, upon seeing Yusu's exposed chest, exchanged glances, giggling with a peculiar meaning in their eyes.

Once Yusu and Luyan walked farther away, someone spoke:

"Lord Yusu may be a bit thin, but he has a masculine charm."

"Lord Yusu is already seventeen, becoming a man."

"The younger Yumeng is already thriving among the women."

"Do you think Lord Yusu is as skilled in that aspect as Yumeng?"

"Probably. Lord Yusu is the most formidable person in our village; he shouldn't be lacking in that area."

"Should we find an opportunity to test it with Lord Yusu?"

"Well, I'm not daring enough. It feels like desecrating Lord Yusu."

"What's the harm? Man and woman love is the most natural thing."

"And don't you think it's more exciting this way?"

The young women burst into laughter, their laughter carrying a different undertone.

"The most masculine one is still Chief Lu. I've always wanted to try with him, but unfortunately, I've been rejected several times."

"Me too."

"Me too..."

When the young women realized they had all been rejected, they showed a slightly strange expression.

"Chief Lu is too picky, isn't he?"

"Even if he's picky, he can't be completely uninterested."

"Then how..."

"I heard the village kids talking about something. They say Chief Lu and Lord Yusu are a couple."

"What? How is that possible?"

"It's true, and it was said by Voyu."

"No way, Voyu is still young; what does he know?"

The young women initially showed regretful expressions, gradually convincing themselves that it couldn't be true. After all, they were two outstanding men, and who wouldn't desire a moment of spring breeze?

These discussions remained among the women, unbeknownst to Yusu and Luyan.

In this bold and straightforward society, both men and women were loyal to their true feelings. As long as both parties were willing, no one would think it was wrong.


A few days later, Yusu was stopped.

A young woman intercepted him, offering a respectful greeting before boldly looking into Yusu's eyes with a soft smile.

"Lord Yusu."

Thinking she had something important to discuss, Yusu stopped. "Is there something?"

"What do you think of me?"

Yusu was slightly puzzled. "You're very capable."

Yusu recognized her as Voying, a member of the women's patrol led by Yushi. She was agile and held her own in sparring with men.

Voying was pleasantly surprised by his words, her eyes shining as she looked at him. "So, would you be willing to become my partner? I'll treat you well."


In this moment, Yusu was dumbfounded by this bold and enthusiastic proposal.

A p-partner?

He hadn't thought about such matters before.

Before traversing, he was still young, and after crossing over, he became even younger. At the age of seventeen, not yet an adult, considering a partner seemed too early.

For the first time in his life, Yusu felt embarrassed under someone's warm and intense gaze.

"I'm sorry, but I don't want to find a partner right now." Though embarrassed, he had to be honest.

Voying's expression showed disappointment, but she quickly added, "It's okay if you don't want a partner. How about spending the night with me? I'm quite skilled; I'll make sure you're comfortable."


Yusu felt like he was suddenly set on fire.

Voying was way too straightforward!

His heart couldn't take it!

Someone who feared nothing suddenly found himself stuttering, "I-I don't need that, I mean, I can't spend the night with you."

As a person from the future, Yusu had been bombarded with various information. He wasn't a clueless rookie, considering he had seen pigs run even if he hadn't eaten pork. He was well aware of the activity in the mountain forests at night.

But he had never intervened.

Initially, it was because he was young, and no one would bring up such matters in front of him.

Later, as he became the witch doctor, his prestige grew, and people revered him, so no one dared to discuss such things in his presence.

Hence, Yusu never expected to face such a direct hit today.

Looking at Voying's bold and passionate gaze, Yusu seriously doubted that his face had turned completely red.

In other words, he was currently acting like a rookie.

He had lost all the prestige of a witch doctor.

Yusu wanted to cry.

Being rejected should have made Voying sad, but Yusu's reaction made her stare in astonishment.

Good grief.

Lord Yusu actually blushed!

And he stuttered!

The man who feared nothing was now stammering. "I-I-I don't need that. I mean, I can't spend the night with you."

As a person from the future, Yusu had been bombarded with various information, so he wasn't a clueless rookie. But at this moment, he felt like a rookie.

Voying's eyes revealed too much, and Yusu struggled to compose himself, clearing his throat and finding a reason, "I'm sorry, but I'm a cultivator. Cultivators should keep a clear and pure mind. It's fundamental, so I can't agree to your request."

Voying nodded understandingly, but her eyes were still fixed on Yusu.

At that moment, someone suddenly approached, standing between Yusu and Voying. The imposing figure made Voying hastily retreat.

Looking again, she exclaimed, "Chief Lu."

Luyan's face was cold at this moment, and his gaze at her was equally cold. "Is there something else?"

All of Voying's amorous thoughts vanished under Luyan's icy stare. She shivered, hastily shook her head, and said, "Nothing, nothing. I'll leave now!"

Voying quickly turned and left, not daring to look back. Patting her chest, she thought in fear, "Chief Lu's gaze is too scary. It's like he wants to tear me apart. I have to avoid Chief Lu in the future, even if it means taking a detour."