

Reincarnated into the Naruto world, Yami navigates existence with detached curiosity, unperturbed by the human experience. Yet, within the confines of this emotionless state lies a potent force, as Yami's journey unfolds, revealing the enigmatic depths of a soul devoid of sentiment.

Htk_Kksh · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


After hearing Hitoshi's revelation, the little boy and little girl in the room felt two contrasting emotions.

One was saddened, she felt extreme sympathy for the boy beside him. She felt unfair for him, asking why he had to be the one have this condition. Yoshino began tearing up while looking at Yami.

As for the boy, he felt absolutely ecstatic. At first, he was worried that Hitoshi here would reveal his true condition, but now it was decided.

Now, what should I do with him, he knows, I can't do anything about that.

The little boy thought morbidly while grinning outside.


After the little exchange, the family and Hitoshi and his wife had a little dinner since it got dark. And immediately after they finished eating, the Naras prompted themselves to leave.

"We're really thankful that Hitoshi-sama proved to us that Yami's condition is really as it is, this way we wouldn't be giving ourselves false hope anymore"

Kuroyama thanked and spoke in a sullen tone.

"I apologize for having delivered a bad news, but I also think it's better this way, this will make the child rethink his dreams, and maybe stop altogether for his safety"------------I don't want that child to be anywhere near my nephews Hiashi and Hizashi in the academy.

Hitoshi's thoughts aligned negatively with what he said, although he still put up a caring smile on the surface.

"That's true, now Yoshino, Yami, say goodbye to Hitoshi-sama"

"Bye Hitoshi-sama!"

"Goodbye... "

Yoshino bid her farewell enthusiastically, while Yami, grinning, seems to indicate another meaning for his goodbye.

Seeing the creepy child, Hitoshi shivered in disgust inwardly, but in the outside, he waved his hands goodbye with a soft smile.

But the next thing caught him off guard, it was Yami approaching him closer for the first time.


The little boy hugged his legs, as the boy looked at him upwards creepily. And then he whispers to him.

"Uncle, now that you know, I want to meet you again later"

The little boy spoke and suddenly something exited his mouth, it was a black smoke. The black smoke then began rising upwards, and like a stove smoke, it got sucked into Hitoshi's nose, making him inhale everything of it.

At that point, Hitoshi's expression changed into a creepy neutral face. No one noticed, but his eyes had actually turned from white to pure black.

"Yes, I will meet you later"

He spoke like a robot.

Seeing his weird behavior, Yami knit his brows in confusion.

What? Is this guy a perv?

He questioned inwardly, it seems that Yami didn't see what he did.

Yami then turned to look at the three Naras, they were a little further from the both of them, so they didn't notice not hear at all.

He turned his head back upwards to Hitoshi's face, but now his expression was back. Nothing of that creepiness from earlier left a trace on his face.



It is now in the middle of the night, and Yami was finally back in his lonely house.

He is currently contemplating on what to do with the hyuuga who knows about his situation, all while holding several books. These books seems to be some of the books borrowed from Yoshino's house. They were all about the Hyuuga, their clan structure, their current information about their current leaders and more.

What the fuck am I supposed to do?! His status is way off my capabilities! Not even Yoshino's parents, who seems to have him indebted to them somehow can make him just do whatever they want.

He was busy thinking about so many plans that involves him getting this Hyuuga killed, but there was nothing. He has nothing in his power to be able to do anything right now.

As for his unknown powers, he hasn't explored his powers that far yet.

That is until suddenly, his front door bell rung.



He questioned why there would be anyone meeting with him this late at night.

That couldn't be Yoshino, she would never be allowed this late at night.

Yami scratched Yoshino off since she would be scolded by Hanako if she were to come to his house this late. Their house is streets away from his house.

He pondered about other people but nothing came to mind. He didn't really have any friends other than Yoshino, as she was the only one unfazed enough to not be creeped by him. Heck even Kuroyama sometimes get jumpscared by Yami just by saying hi sometimes.

However, he still didn't risk going to the front door, and so he now used his power to determine the identity of the person.

"Abyss Release: Perception: Eyes of the Abyss"

It seems that he has finally found the right name for this power. A day before, he kept racking his brain for a name, but he soon settled for this name since he thought that it would fit.

And now with this technique, he can basically merge a part of his consciousness into the shadows.

In his vision, which seems to resemble the vision of the byakugan but with no chakra vision, he could only see through walls. He then travelled through the darkness and the cold floor across his house, until he finally arrived at the front door.

And there, he saw a man in traditional clothing, it was Hitoshi.

What?! What is he doing here? Wait, you know what, this is blessing....

After deactivating his powers, he got up from the bed and walked towards the door, pretending to not know who is on the other side.

"Who's there?.... Huh? Hitoshi-"

But before he could keep up with the act, he saw the man's blackened eyes, which made him stop and wonder.

Hitoshi, without saying anything, invited himself into the house.

What is wrong with him?! Did he just come in without my permission? Is he really a Hyuuga??

Yami was basically shook to the core due to this man's perversion and unmannerly behavior.

But the next event startled him, the man suddenly walked outside once again and just stood there looking at him, an inch away outside the door frame.

The fuck?!