
Ch 41 A Spar Of Swords

I awoke just a few hours before the sun rise to a usual but also quite different feeling on my cock.

I opened my eyes and looked down to spot Myranda with her big soft breasts wrapped around my cock as she slobbered hungrily on the tip while my other women egged her on.

"Good job Randa!!! I bet your big huge Cow Tits feel really good on Daddy's Big Cock!!!" Lily yelled out enthusiastically as she slapped Myranda's soft tits playfully.

*Clap *Clap....*Clap *Clap

"Lily be more Respectful....just because Myranda has gigantic bouncing udders doesn't mean you can slap them without asking....even if it looks fun...you know what let me try."Rhaella spoke in her Regal voice before giving In and slapping Myranda's Giant tits as well. *Slap *Ahhh~

"I think they are nice to look at....Myranda you don't mind right?....they do look quite tempting." Melisandre spoke in her silky sultry voice.

Myranda stopped slobbering on my cock and spoke as the spit bubbles covered her face.

"I don't mind... as long as it's not hard it feels kind of good." She told Melisandre

My Redheaded Priestess nodded then spoke to her.

"alright Myranda dear.... it's Rhaellas' turn now that you got it nice and wet for her, she is the first wife after all."

Melisandre told Myranda and she took her huge pretty tits off of my cock as Rhaella removed her nightgown to reveal lace lingerie and crotchless panties ... they all heard of lingerie from me and asked for hundreds of sets so they could please me and this was the first time using them.

First I brought her in for a morning kiss and I spoke while looking into her vibrant violet eyes. "I love you my beautiful Dragon." She kissed me back and said "And I love you my big monster~"

She lined up my cock with her pussy and slid down as Myranda's spit made her instantly slide to the base as my cock reached her cervix.

now she was pregnant so I wouldn't fuck her womb but pressing against her cervix would still be fine until the baby was nearly born.

She began to bounce on my cock as I grabbed her hips and helped her bounce on me.

She moaned as my cock slid in and out of her wet pussy and I thrusted upwards into her perfect hole.

Rhaella Began to lose strength in her legs as I began thrusting into her so I grabbed her by her soft waist and slipped her around onto her back as I began as I shoved my tongue into her mouth while making passionate love.

Midway through I laid on my back as Rhaella gyrated on my cock rhythmically then I called Myranda over as I ate her virgin pussy out as both of their moans leaked out of my room and throughout the castle in the morning.

Lily and Melisandre each had one of my hands I'm between their legs as I made all four of my women cum for hours at the same time.

My Lovemaking continued for two hours until Rhaellas' pussy was filled to the brim as she lay down in bed while panting heavily, Myranda had fainted from having her first real orgasms, and Lily had spurted her sweet nectar over my hand and mouth twelve times before she passed out.

Melisandre was the only one who was still completely conscious as I pounded her fat ass from behind and pulled on her silky Red hair.

I railed her for another hour as her silky moans echoed throughout the castle, I had been fucking my women for three hours now and their moans continued nonstop as I overheard Lords grumbling about me and when I would tire out so they could get a few more minutes of sleep.

I even heard a few of the Lord's wives playing with themselves as they heard my women moaning and cumming nonstop.

I turned Melisandre onto her back and began kissing her deeply as I hilted myself all the way into her womb and unloaded my thick seed into her as her hot pussy contracted wildly around my cock....she wrapped her legs around me and we lay there for a few moments.

Once our moans had stopped for about ten minutes there was a knock at the door so I pulled out of Melisandre as my cum gushed out of her, and walked to the door with my giant cock swinging with every step.

I opened the door to reveal one of the Stark Maids, she was a young girl around Lily's age, I had a feeling Lord Stark chose her to attend me on purpose.

"My lord...Lord Stark Invited you and your...women to break fast with him and his family." she said while looking down at the floor but I noticed her taking glances at my cum covered cock.

"We will be there soon, but three of my women do not feel well enough to walk to breakfast....why don't you stay and tend to them while I am away, if you do a good job ill reward you greatly." I told the maid as I touched her chin and raised her face as I looked into her brown eyes.

"I...I will take good care of them my Lord you can count on me." She said as I took in her scent, she was becoming more and more aroused.

"Good...come back in ten minutes, I have to change my clothes and my Priestess needs to freshen up." I told the dark haired maid and she ran off with a blushing face.

Melisandre was the only one who was well enough to accompany me to breakfast and the other girls wanted to sleep in so I cast a cleaning spell on her which cleaned her up completely.

She put on a long Dark Red dress which did not show any skin although her Busty Chest, Huge Ass, and Thick Thighs were impossible to hide as they outlined themselves on the red fabric.

She also wore a mink coat over her dress which although she didn't need since Melisandre was unaffected by the cold, would make her fit in a bit more.

On her long beautiful neck was the Amulet I had gifted to her, the Red blood drop shaped ruby glowed mysteriously and the wings around it glimmered.

I dressed in comfortable Black Clothes and donned a Stylish Shadowcat overcoat and placed My favorite Valyrian steel Estoc on my waist, I used Twin Falx for battle but for dinner my Estoc was perfect.

I opened the door to the room and I spotted the young maid from before and an older woman who smelled like her mother.

"Take care of my women in my absence, they are not feeling well enough to break their fast."

I told the both of them, when the maids walked into the room I heard their gasps at the sight of my women all laid out on the bed, Rhaella was Dripping liters of cum, Lily had semen all around her mouth and she was splayed out like a doll, and Myranda was facedown with her thighs and pussy were drenched In her own pussy juice.

I cast a ward on the room to keep men out then I headed to Breakfast with Melisandre on my arm.

Her brand new engagement ring glistened in the torchlight as we walked through the halls of the castle.

I walked into the dining hall where the Lord's and Rickards family were Sitting around a long table and conversing as they picked at their breakfast.

Lyanna and Lyarra were eyeing me hungrily as I walked in and I saw them both rub their thighs together subconsciously.

"My apologies for showing up late My Lords, I was indisposed this morning." I told the Lords as their wives blushed up a storm.

"My wife, fiancée, and concubine all felt ill and unable to attend breakfast, they do send their regards however." I said as I sat in a chair and pulled Melisandre into my lap as her thick ass pressed against my cock as I wrapped my arms around her warm waist.

The Lords and Ladies all sent me knowing looks.... they all knew why my women couldn't walk this morning.... their moans echoed nonstop for hours after all.

It was Umbers stocky wife who spoke "We all know why they couldn't walk after what you put those poor girls through.... My respects to you Red Woman for being able to walk after his attacks." The portly Umber woman said and raised a toast to Melisandre as the Lords laughed and raised a "Hear! Hear!".

"I would also like to make an announcement....I am now engaged to marry Melisandre here, we will fly to Volantis to marry at the temple of her God after we have settled down in Seadragon Point." I spoke as Melisandre Blushed and buried herself in my chest as the Lords let out another toast.

I much preferred dining with northern lords, they were far less pretentious and far more fun.

During our dinner, Melisandre found a new way to feed me wine, she took sips of spiced honeyed wine, held it in her mouth and kissed me while letting the wine fall from her sweet lips and into my mouth.

Her delicious mouth made the flavor of the wine improve drastically and I made note to always drink wine that way in the future.

During breakfast Brandon asked for a spar and the northern lords all wanted to head to the yard and swing some swords around.

I agreed and soon after I walked with Melisandre to the Yard along with most of the Lords.

Brandon turned to me and asked. "Live steel or what Dragonrider?" with a cocky tone.

"I'm afraid that live steel against me would be too dangerous Brandon....let's try wooden swords first." I told him as we neared the weapon racks and the Lords looked on.

"Wooden swords?!?? I haven't used those since I was ten!" he yelled

"Very well, blunted steel then.....if you can land a hit on me we will switch to live steel." I spoke and he scoffed at my remark.

I heard the other Lords mumbling amongst themselves that I was too cocky....Brandon was one of the fiercest swordsmen in the North, Wild and Powerful....everyone knew that the wolfsblood was strong in him.

But I beat him by a few inches in height and I was far stronger, my bulging muscles were plenty as proof of that.

Melisandre sat with the few ladies that came to the yard as she regaled them of tales about me and my feats in the Capitol.

The ladies also asked more personal questions about me in a hushed voice and Melisandre would whisper the answers as the ladies Blushed and giggled.

Brandon and I Donned a boiled leather training breastplate, and a simple barbute helmet, they were standard kit worn when sparring to prevent concussions, broken ribs, and missing teeth.

We both grabbed a blunted longsword and headed to the center of the training grounds, by this point many of the men at arms that were brought by the Lords began to crowd around the arena as Brandon and I entered.

We both put up our guards as the chatting from the Lord's and men at arms died down and was replaced with only eerie silence and the crunch of the gravel under our feet as we circled each other with our swords subtly changing their positions in front of us as we both looked for an opening.

Brandon was the first to strike first as he grew tired of the waiting game.

The Wild Wolf rushed forward as his blade glided through the air at remarkable speeds but was stopped, sidestepped, and parried easily as sparks of bright metal chipped off the blunted steel.

His technique and constant assault would be enough to pressure and break most other enemies but not for someone like me.

All the Lords stared on in wonder at how easily I fended off his attacks and seemed to dance around his blade as if I were merely playing against a child.

After forty consecutive attacks which had no effect against me, Brandon pulled back and began to breathe heavily from the exertion.

"Is it my turn now wild wolf?" I asked while approaching Brandon with my blade nonchalantly resting by my side.

He seemed uneasy as I approached with my blade lowered but he saw my open front and moved aggressively forwards to attack again in the belief that I would be too slow in defending.

Just as his blade was about to stab by chest, my own sword rocketed forwards and deflected his own, I took a step forwards as my sword slid along his and was instantly placed at his throat, his eyes widened as he realized that he had overextended with the final attack and was left extremely vulnerable.

"One Point for me.....Don't overextend Brandon...you felt confident to attack me since my blade was down and away but never consider an enemy harmless until their heart stops beating....Again!" I called out loud and Brandon approached me again with his sword raised and in guard.

it was my turn to begin a flurry of blows, I took steps around him as I unleashed a neverending torrent of strikes, they were so fast that Brandon could only block or parry about a quarter of them as I gently tapped my blade against different parts of his body in a whirlwind of blows.

He realized just how outmatched he was and seemed to want to surrender so I struck his training blade hard as it flew into the sky and caught by my left hand.

I pointed both at his neck and spoke aloud. "Now do you really want live steel?" he just shook his head while raising his hands.

"That was fantastic Lord Alucard!!! You might be the best swordsman I've ever seen!!" Brandon shouted with a smile on his face as he panted heavily.

The Lords down below bellowed out and began clapping at the monstrous display that I just put on.

Once they quieted down Melisandre spoke up.

"If you fine Lords believe that was impressive then you should see how he actually fights.....on the battlefield my Love uses two swords." She spoke as the Lord's and Ladies raised their eyes as they imagined what kind of destruction I might cause with two swords.

"ALRIGHT FUCK IT IM GOING IN I WANT TO TEST YOUR SKILLS DRAGONRIDER!!!" Greatjon Umber bellowed in his deep voice.

"if you all want me to get serious then more of you should grab helmets and training blades....I am more dangerous when I am surrounded." when finished speaking ten other Lords rushed to the armory and put on Leather breastplates and Helmets before grabbing blunted longswords.

I noticed that Roose Bolton simply sat back and observed everything that was going on with keen eyes.

I turned towards Brandon and asked. "Lend me your sword..... go stand beside your father and observe." Brandon tossed me the Blunted sword and walked to stand next to his father while observing excitedly.

Soon after all the lords stepped out of the armory as I called out to them while pointing both of my swords at them.

"Let me see the strength of the North.... Or Lack Thereof!!!" as soon as I finished my words four of the Men rushed towards me with their swords ready to strike me down in anger for the disrespect.

I counter charged the men as I ducked the first two slashes and swung my blades hard at their heads with two simultaneous blows.

Both of the Lord's were knocked down onto the ground from the powerful strike to their heads.

by this time two more neared striking distance and swung their blades wildly at me as I parried and counterattacked with heavy strikes of my own.

Within ten exchanges the two lords had lost their swords and had my blunted blades Against their necks.

I moved on towards the other six Lords with a smile on my face as I jumped at them like a devil as my blades danced and flew through the air at blinding speeds as one after another of the Lord's either lost their blades or were knocked down by my hard strikes.

In the end Greatjon was the last man left standing as I smacked his Greatsword away and pressed both of my blades against his thick neck.

"I YIELD...HAHAHA I'D HATE TO FACE YOU ON THE BATTLEFIELD DRAGONRIDER!!!" he yelled out and then I walked over to the injured lords and cast a healing spell to take away all the concussions and major bruises.

They all marveled at the magic but none spoke about it since magic was an uncomfortable subject for them.

Then the lords all huddled up and we made conversation for an hour as servants brought more and more wine and ale.

Soon after many of the Lords left and returned to their rooms Lord Stark himself had much to do along with Brandon so they left as well.

Before long I was only left with The two Stark children, Benjen and Lyanna.

Benjen was eyeing me expectantly so I called him over and told him to go grab a blunted sword.

The kid ran to the armory and soon after walked out with his full gear.

I walked towards him and spent an hour training him on muscle memory and the patience to strike.... at first he was like Brandon, always looking to be on the offensive but before long he moved much more cautiously as he circled around me like a panther and only committed to an attack when I purposely gave him an opening in my guard.

He was a joy to teach and seemed to learn rather quickly.

Lyanna and Melisandre talked together while watching us train in the ring.

Soon after I returned to my room along with Melisandre.

I opened the door to find Rhaella, Lily, and Myranda all cleaned up and snacking on cold meats and cheese.

The two maids seemed to have done a decent job so I gave them both a small bag of gold and sent them in their way. I placed the Magic TV set on a nearby counter and laid back on the bed to relax with my girls for a few hours....