
(18+) Wherever Imagination Takes

Immerse yourself in a world of lust and passion; a place where only desire rules. . . . Support this work on:  ko-fi.com/boostmaster007

BoostMaster · Fantasy
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66 Chs

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The ceiling fan hummed incessantly, and increasingly irritatingly, yet doing little to dispel the heat and humidity. Hot, bothered and bored, and unfortunately not a description of her neglected pussy, Alicia pondered how to the relieve the monotony of the afternoon.

Her partner, Phil was not due back from work for a further four hours, she'd exhausted his book and music collection, the internet was playing up and she didn't want to spend the afternoon drinking by herself. She wanted to get laid by Phil when he finally got back, not collapse into a stupor.

She remembered the Yacht Club had a "happy hour" afternoon on Thursdays, and as it was little over a mile-and-a-half away, thinking even with the tropical heat, it wouldn't be too bad a trek. Sod it, she thought, I can always text Phil to pick me up from the Club after he finishes work. Suddenly invigorated by a plan, Alicia jumped into action. She checked out what she had to wear, remembering Phil's strictures to dress conservatively -- he could be very staid sometimes she mused. Finding a blue linen midi shirt dress, buttoned down the front, it should pass the Phil test. She considered whether it was prudent to wear a bra, but in the heat, they were so uncomfortable, particular given the heavy engineering she required. Much more relaxing when they are free, she considered, and the linen dress was firm enough to give a little support and shape. She completed her attire with matching blue silk boy shorts and slipped on some sandals. She put her purse and mobile in her small shoulder clutch bag, and headed out.

Walking through the small town, she enjoyed getting out of the bungalow and breathing in the fresh air, outside the humidity was less claustrophobic with a gentle breeze wafting through the wide streets from off the ocean. It was a different experience however, walking through the streets rather than driving through them, and she noticed there were very few if any expatriate women doing the same. She smiled and said hello to the locals as she wandered, vaguely remembering the route to the Yacht Club. It was definitely down the hill and at the bottom a left turn to the small fishing port, in contrast to the larger cargo terminal off toward the right.

She'd forgotten that the route passed the public football fields, on which a number of matches were being played. She heard a few wolf whistles and shouts for her to come and join them, but she ignored them and carried on at a slightly faster pace.

She'd also forgotten, or had never realised given she had always previously been in a car driven to the Club, the row of rather decrepit shops and the old Colonial Hotel, now largely frequented by local men and reputedly some local prostitutes.

Just as she was passing the Hotel, the public bar on the ground floor emptied after the conclusion of that day's big race on TV. She was immediately the centre of attention of a group of about 10 local men, she did however recognise one of them as a driver from Phil's works. She stopped to say hello, without realising the big mistake she was making.

She exchanged greetings with the driver, but their conversation was quickly interrupted by his bar mates loudly requesting to be introduced to his lady friend, and some not too discreet references that she was on the game. Alicia felt them move ever closer, almost hemmed in.

Two men either side of her slid their hands down her back and across her ass cheeks, and unashamedly squeezed and groped her.

"You are a very beautiful young bint" the man to her left blearily suggested.

"Come into the back bar, so we can buy you a drink", the man on her right asked as her continued to roughly fondle her buttocks.

"Thanks, but no thanks, I have to meet my husband in 10 minutes, much as I would love to" she lied as she tried to extricate herself as the men started to forcibly manoeuvre her toward the said bar. She could see in the bar some rather slutty local tarts sitting at the bar, and another emerging from a back garden with an obviously satisfied punter. It's early afternoon, she thought, how can they be so brazen, then considered she needed to rapidly action her escape, otherwise she'd find herself also in the back garden very soon.

With both arms she reached to remove the still offending hands from her arse, however both men were much stronger than her and she only succeeded in forcing her chest out, a movement most of the men immediately noticed and appreciated. Both men took advantage of her vain attempts and grasped an arm each to further restrain her.

"Phil will be working late today, Missie Alicia" the driver helpfully explained, "plenty time to have a couple of beers with my comrades. We don't want you to be lonely by yourself, after all,"

Alicia glared at the diver, and was about to hurl an expletive at him, when she was distracted by her left breast being squeezed and pawed.

"What a pair of norks."

"Fucking big breasts," another of the drinkers helpfully translated, as he grasped the right orb and started to unbutton the dress from the neck down.

The driver was not one to miss such an opportunity. Reaching for the hem of the dress, he pulled it up above her knees, grasping the silk gusset of her boy shorts with other hand, pulling them to mid-thigh. He smiled. Alicia struggled but to no avail, and her noisy protests were met with mocking laughter.

"Bitch has a shaved pussy," he announced as he inserted one then two digits into her cunt, "fuck, she's tight. We're going to enjoy, breaking her in properly."

"She's a virgin?" someone asked astonished.

"No dummkopf, but she just hasn't been used much, so it looks like we'll need to make her much wider to take those two," pointing to the men still exploring her derriere. As they had also helped raise her skirt, and yank her panties down, access was now readily available to her anus, which they both tried to probe.

"She has not taken much up her arse, either," one of them commented.

Alicia grew increasingly fearful, as the group glided with her toward the back bar.

"Please let me go, please I must meet my husband," as she was taken toward to the back bar.

"You can't do this to me, I'm a married woman," she lied again.

The three tarts at the bar laughed as they started to realise her predicament.

"Come on boys, bring her in here and we'll soon have her fucking you all with every hole," they cackled aggressively.

Alicia cursed how she had let herself get into this predicament and at how what was intended as a rather gentle stroll was fast turning into a fuck festival at her expense. She squirmed as three fingers pushed farther into her twat, and a separate hand inserted two fingers into her asshole. Both her breasts were exposed and being pulled and pinched. The driver smirked as he saw her nipples harden. Alicia blushed as he announced her cunt was moistening and that she would soon be ready. As they entered bar, she considered all her options exhausted.

Two of the tarts opened the last of the dress buttons to reveal the remaining delights of her body, the taut stomach, the very fuckable arse, the large pear-shaped breasts and the firm, sculpted long legs. As the boy shorts were pulled down and off, all admired her waxed pussy. Both whores sampled the panties, putting them to their noses and giggled at the aroma. The third took the clutch bag and examined the contents. Happily displaying three condoms, Alicia had forgot to remove after last weekend away with Phil.

"Looks like the she was set up for a good fucking this afternoon. You expecting a gang-bang, slut?"

"No, no, please help me, I was only walking to the..."

However, before she could finish, she was brusquely interrupted as one of the hookers announced, "She's ready to be fucked, spread her out on the pool table, and you can give her proper lesson in taking cocks of all length and width."

As she shouted the tart as she threw the condoms onto the table.

As Alicia was raised up, she felt some relief as the fingers eased out of her pussy, anus and her tits were released. She took a deep breath, as she prepared to be fucked in every hole. She was dropped unceremoniously onto the pool table. Winded, she groaned as her legs were pulled wide apart.

Two of the tarts held her down by her arms as she made one last attempt to escape, both also gripped her tits and commented on the surprising firmness given their size.

Alicia told them to fuck off, but again her protests were simply met with laughter. She continued to struggle on the table, but her rants were stilled as the third prostitute moved between her trapped thighs, stooping down to lightly kiss her clit. Alicia groaned as the woman's tongue eased between the outer folds of her cunt, the tongue caressing slowly up and down the length of her slit. Alicia arched her back as the tart returned to her clit, sucking and nibbling on it, as Alicia disgusted herself as an orgasm began to grow within in her. She was no longer struggling but bucking against the whore's ministrations. With the two other hookers now sucking on her engorged nipples, she was close to coming.

"Fuck me, fuck me," cried Alicia.

"Don't stop, don't stop," she exclaimed, as the tart released her clit.

"She's well juiced up now, these expatriate women are such easy sluts. Do you want one of the condoms, you don't know who or how many she's been fucking. Must be getting it every day, given what was in the bag."

"I prefer bareback when road testing a new pussy," the driver mocked.

The driver approached her cunt. His cock was already out, hard, large and wide. He eased its head, paradoxically gently, given what was ultimately intended, at the entrance of her pussy. Alicia braced herself for being fucked by what she estimated was twelve inches of local meat, idly contemplating that it was a shame she could not remember his name, nor that she had not been properly introduced to the rest of the pack.

The driver eased his phallus into her twat, she squealed and sobbed quietly as she was stretched wider than she had ever been before. As she learnt to accommodate his size, the immediate pain eased and started to enjoy the sensation of being fully filled as the driver bottomed out. He pulled back and was preparing to ram right back into her, when she heard a non-local accent.

"Alicia, do you need any help? I think you men have had your fun don't you."

All in the room turned to look back toward the door. It was the District Commissioner, anyone else would have been told to beat it fast, but this was different - he was a different proposition. The men moved away from the table and hurriedly exited to the main bar; the three prostitutes returned to the chairs at the bar, after relieving her of $40 from her purse, threw the clutch and dress back at her.

He looked at the still spread-eagled body on the table and briefly considered fucking the blonde slut. Afterall what was she doing in here, he registered the three unopened condoms on the table and wondered how many had already fucked her. He offered her a hand, pulling her up and off the table, further admiring the slut's body. Fabulous tits and he hadn't seen a waxed pussy since Hong Kong. Alicia stood up and tried to recover some composure as best she could, but her orifices were crying out to be used, abused and fucked. Finally noticing that he was surveying her body, she slipped on the dress, pulling it together and started doing up the buttons.

"Fucking lovely body, if I'm allowed to say. Can see why they wanted to take you, not many blondes around here with such a stupendous rack. Good that you introduced them to Brazil though," he chuckled.

Alicia did not know whether to slap him or thank him, but given the events moments earlier decided on the latter.

"Well, thanks," she stuttered, "it was rather fortuitous, your intervention. My name's Alicia, by the way."

"I know I have admired you at the Yacht Club," subtly seemed superfluous given the circumstances, "My name is Marcus."

"Oh, I was actually just heading there, before I was rudely interrupted."

"I can drop you there, it's the least I can do."

As Alicia and Marcus moved to the exit, one of the tarts muttered an expletive, whilst the other two spat betel nut juice at Alicia, hitting her squarely in the back. Infuriated Alicia was about to turn round to challenge the tarts, but Marcus grabbed her arm. Telling her to leave it as they needed to get away as soon as possible to avoid any further embarrassment.

"You need to get that cleaned immediately, otherwise it will ruin the dress."

They moved quickly to his four-wheel drive, as they sat in, Alicia leant forward to avoid staining the seat. As they drove off, she wondered if he knew where she lived, but as they took a route she didn't recognise, she assumed he had other duties to attend to. They soon arrived at a house, after stopping, Marcus exited, telling her to follow him. It was a raised house designed to withstand the numerous earthquakes that plagued the island, so she followed him up the stairs.

Once inside, she followed him to the kitchen.

"Pass me you dress, and I'll get in the washing machine now."

She looked at him quizzically.

"Come on, I've seen what you've got so it nothing new and we both know you're an experienced girl, and not adverse to display your wares."

Alicia slowly unbuttoned her dress, then as she handed him the dress remembered that she had lost her silk shorts. However, she made no attempt to cover herself as she was past shame. After turning on the washing machine programme, he directed her toward the living area, asking if she would like a drink.

"Scotch, please, if you have any."

As Marcus poured the two malts, a little more than the usual two fingers, he observed Alicia looking out of the window toward the Gulf. He admired her arse, two almost perfect pert half-globes. He walked across to the window, and as she turned handed her the drink. After they both took a sip, or rather a gulp, he took the glass from her and placed both glasses on the nearby dining table. Taking her by the hand he led her over to the table, bending her over it before she realised what was happening. He kicked her legs wider apart, placing his cock at the entrance to her back passage. She could not move as he pushed past her initial resistance.

"Sorry, Alicia but your such as tease and it's been a long time since I've had the chance to fuck a European whore, especially one as good as you."

Alicia was about to protest that she was a respectable expatriate housewife not a hooker, but the wind was knocked out of her for the second time today, as he rammed up her. She shrieked as he ploughed into her, it had been a while since she had been used there. He picked up a furious pace, pulling back on her long blonde hair to give him better access, but her tits still rasped against the rough wood of the table, burning her nipples with the friction. Marcus continued to hammer into her, enjoying the tightness of her rectum.

"Bloody hell, that as tight an arse as I've ever had," he groaned as he exploded in her sending four strings of spunk up into her.

As he pulled off her, the remnants of his cum coating her arse cheeks, she turned and looked at him ironically.

"So, was that a ride for a rescue, a thank you for a Knight-in-dark-armour?"

"Of course, don't pretend women like you are more than used to trading favours."

Ignoring the further allusion to her honour, she asked for the shower room and a towel. As the water cascaded down her body, she pondered whether it might have been better to read a book this afternoon. Drying off with the borrowed towel, she went back into the main room, and Marcus provided her with a Rugby shirt.

"Bit late for that, isn't it? Finished with me, have you?"

"On the contrary, just early evening Thursdays I have a few friends round for beers and cards. Just didn't want to cause any misunderstandings or embarrassment,"

"Who for? Me, you, them or all?"

"Ha-ha, get this on and I'll take you back to where you staying when you dress is dry.

It's nearly finished washing and will only take half-an-hour to dry on the veranda in this heat."

"Your skills know no end. Thank you," but as she was about to again explain that she was respectfully married and this afternoon had been a horrendous mistake, she heard someone running up the stairs. Before she could grab the Rugby shirt, who she later learnt was Nigel, bounded in through the door.

"Bollocks, look at the tits on that. Fuck where did you get this one from, and if you haven't fucked her yet can I?"

Nigel continued to stare openly at Alicia openly discussing her body with Marcus, as she retrieved the shirt and put it on.

"Where did you find her then? Hey no need to cover up for me, I could admire that rack all night. Is she part of the entertainment tonight?"

"Her name is Alicia, I'm not sure what she's doing here but I found her about to be gang-banged on the pool table in the old Colonial. I don't think she's stopping tonight, as I was taking her back once her dress has dried."

"So, you have had her, you dirty bugger."

"Yes, I couldn't resist her arse, its such peach of a bum."

Nigel sat down on the sofa as Marcus passed him a beer, Alicia refilled her glass with a more generous malt.

"Alicia, come over here, tell me what brought you to this den of iniquity."

She looked at Marcus, and he smiled, nodding toward to the sofa. Hesitantly she walked across the room and went to sit next to Nigel. As she bent down, she failed to notice that Nigel has put his hand underneath where she was about to sit, fingers up. Inadvertently therefore she sat on his hand, shocked she screamed and looked at him disapprovingly as her inserted two fingers in her pussy and placed his thumb on her anus. As Alicia squirmed, it gave Nigel the opportunity to press home his thumb. Alicia looked at him pleadingly. Ignoring her, he continued to actively finger her, the moistness in her cunt rising, which Nigel could not fail to comment.

"So, what you doing here, then."

"I went for an afternoon walk and had to be rescued by Markus from being fucked by multiple punters in the Colonial."

"A likely story."

"No, I was hijacked,"

Nigel was enjoying manipulating Alicia to orgasm, which he could tell was building as her cheeks flushed and her breathing quickened.

"Are you stopping for cards tonight?"

Alicia struggled to answer, but as her pussy gushed, said "It depends on Marcus."

As she climaxed, Nigel removed fingers and pressed them to her mouth for her to clean, which she obliged. A few more of the friends arrived, and Alicia enjoyed being the centre of attention, losing any inhibition as the alcohol flows increased and despite her dearth of clothing. It was dark now, and as she hadn't received any text from Phil assumed he must be still working and she was enjoying herself.

There was a knock at the door, nobody had heard the steps up on the stairs. Marcus went onto the balcony and seemed to holding extensive but friendly discussions in the local language with someone outside. Alicia was intrigued but her curiosity was soon satisfied as Marcus returned inside with two beautiful young, Alicia thought very young perhaps only just 18, girls dressed in simple smocks and sarongs. Both had their hair beautifully brushed out which only added to their allure.

"Can I introduce Naomi and Dorcas, I am sure they will accommodate your every need," said Marcus as she slapped both girls on their behinds. Both jumped forward in shock and blushed, looking down to the floor.

Nigel brought over two what deceptively looked like glasses of water to the girls. As he was doing this, Marcus asked Alicia to talk to him in the kitchen. The was a collective groan and numerous objections that he was removing Alicia from the fun.


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