
(18+) Wherever Imagination Takes

Immerse yourself in a world of lust and passion; a place where only desire rules. . . . Support this work on:  ko-fi.com/boostmaster007

BoostMaster · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
66 Chs

C18 (5)


She whimpered, "You know all my weaknesses." Our tongues softly rolling together, our open mouths, her bodies rocking softly together. We were slowing down, not as hungry. Sensual, slow, delicate. Soft. Lazy. A wave running up the sand of a beach, falling and rising.

I asked, "Did you miss me?"

Her lips on mine, "You have no idea."

I brought my hand higher and squeezed it over her breast, as the most exquisite moan left her. The feeling of her flesh, her nipple pressed at the center of my palm.

"Oh Jason." She groaned. Had I gone to far? She was rolling herself off my thigh, sliding in beside me, turned herself around. Suddenly sad.

I let go, though we were still wrapped together. It took awhile, as we untangled our bodies. I had honestly intended not to touch her like that. She released me, and began tugging her dress back into place, sitting up and pulling it out from between her legs, exhaling. Catching our breaths, as the last orange light shining across our skin as the sun sunk lower behind the trees. We were sitting now in shadows.

"Be Good." She was plaintive now. "You are staying at our house. We HAVE to be careful, you and I. We can't start. You make me want to do things, and have them done to me." She closed her eyes and gave out such a deep sigh. "So bad. You are the true definition of a seducer."

She lay her head on my chest, "Be Good. Be good." And she hit my chest with her open hand after each utterance.

"I try. It's hard."

She lay her hand over my cock and squeezed.

"That's the problem."

AS she lay with her head on my chest, her hair brushing under my chin, we simply watched the sun slip entirely out of sight.

Suddenly dark, no lights on.


The moment was broken with, "I am going to have to tell my therapist about this."

"Five years. You still see her?"

My Sara was turning into a shadow, just teeth and eyes.

"Hmmm. Some. Not as much." She moved herself so she was sitting between my legs, her back to me. I wrapped my arms around her.

"Do you have to?"

She nodded. "I do now. You shit."

"What will she say?"

"She told me this might happen when I told her you showed up at my door."

"What were you supposed to do if I show up?"

"Not be alone with you," her sideways glance.

I laughed. "Not going very well."

"No. Fuck."

"You still going to let me stay?"

"You going to promise to behave?" She turned wagged a finger at me.

I leaned in and sucking her finger that was pointing at me, slowly sucking it in and out, before saying, "I promise."

Catching the surprise in her eyes.

"I'm serious."

Pleased at the pulse of desire.

She wanted more.

Game. Set. Match. And just as I had never felt so close to my Sara she said, "I have to go."



Sara stood. "I have to go meet Mark." Fuck! I so did not want this to end, but said nothing. Let her do what she wants. Don't push it, not now, reveling in these soft lines in the sand shifting about. The feel on my lips, still tingling from our kiss.

I said nothing, and ultimately made the right choice.

She simply stood in front of me, looking down at me. I watched her, hair falling down around her face. A dark silhouette

"What am I going to do with you."

Invitation? At this point, I knew she would let me do just about anything I wanted. I lay my hand at the back of her thigh, same as that morning in the kitchen and began to stroke her legs. From her knees up to her ass. She let me rub my hand around her bare ass under the loose dress. Up to the small of her back and I scratched her there. Her favorite spot.


She breathed out one more almost silent "Oh fuck" and turning herself sat next to me.

I gave a half-hearted, "You got to go?"

To which she responded, "I have a few minutes. Now. Behave!!"

"Ok," and reached my hand over to hold hers.

She opened her palm to me and lay it on her knee and let me stroke her fingers, "I thought we were going to talk. Whatever happened to that? 'I just want to talk.' [mimicking me] Or was this just like some evil plan of yours?"

She was leaning back and placing her feet on the cushion, teasing me. Laying in the dark, all shadows. The darkness between her thighs.

"No. There was no plan."

"To get your hands all over me." I loved the way she said that. "Kiss me. Grope me." She put her hands over her tits and kicked me with her foot.

I stretched toward her and said as nonchalant as I could, "So...What music you been listening to?"

She looked up, "Nothing, lately," crossing her arms over her tits instead of gripping them.

"You used to love music!"

There was a pause as she transitioned her thinking, saying as she shrugged, "Good music is hard to find, or maybe I'm just getting too fricken old."

I was adjusting to the fact she was not going anywhere.

This was an interesting turn, I could not help but notice how feisty she was, more the old Sara. Our antics had kind of messed her up a bit. God I loved her disheveled hair. I thought back to our long drives in Florida, her leaning between the seats and me diddling her in the back seat as our parents sat in front. Good god we were bad. There was a faint scent of her sex. Unmistakable. She was wet.

As my mind raced through all these thoughts and memories, I continued the conversation, "I agree. It's like, the only things popular are prostitutes and teenage boys. I don't listen to the radio much."

"Its like there's only one station on no matter what you tune it to."

I added, "I like indie rock."

"Interesting! When I met Mark, he opened up a whole new world of music to me. Small labels, unknown bands. Modest Mouse, Pavement, Iron and Wine, Holopaw, The Shins, the Flaming Lips. Indie rock. Right?"

"Yeah, pretty much. I know them. Some are getting more popular now, Modest Mouse. This one song of theirs is EVERYWHERE. TV, Radio, stores... I hear it constantly, from the weirdest places."

"I like Radiohead," she said stretching her legs out, and resting them over the top of my legs. "I've been a dedicated fan of theirs since the beginning, although I haven't really gotten into their new album."

"I like nine inch nails."

"Mmmmm. They have good music. Sorta mainstream."

"I want to fuck you like an animal."


"It's the name of the song. I like that one."

"I bet you do. You know what I mean...I also love some other stuff. But so much music has gotten lame and I like my oldies."

As I had said fuck you like an animal, I had lain my hand over her knee and now began to run my hands down her leg, knee to ankle. She had extended her legs over my lap, and I felt myself getting hard at the contact. I scooted back a bit so she couldn't feel anything. Her head was tilting back so she was just talking to the ceiling, letting me run my hands over her bare legs. It was not lost on me that she was wearing absolutely nothing beside this little yellow dress.

She continued, "Stevie Wonder, Paul Simon, Cat Stevens, Jason Bowie, Elvis. I have a big crush on Elvis. Thin, sexy Elvis, not fat druggie Elvis. But you knew that."

I was edging toward her as she leaned back, and my movement caused her knees to rise a bit higher as I ran my hands over her legs. As I stroked her legs, I pushed the hem of her dress over the top and her dress began to slip down her thighs unnoticed.

She asked, "Have you ever heard the song Your Body is a Wonderland, by Mayer? Swim in a deep sea of blankets."

"I love that song."

"I won't be able to get that song out of my head now. That is what I will think of when I go to bed tonight."

And I recited some lyrics, "We've got the afternoon. You got this room for two.

One thing I've left to do. Discover me Discovering you. One mile to every inch of your skin like porcelain. One pair of candy lips and Your bubblegum tongue."

I thought of how I could seriously masturbate to that image of us in a sea of blankets.

"Good memory."

I asked, "What about movies?"

"Where do I begin. Hey! Have you ever seen Harold and Maude? One of my all time favorite movies. Mentioning Cat Stevens reminded me of it... That movie was partially filmed close to here. There's a bridge they ride across and get pulled over by a cop. They just rebuilt it."


And then it was like we ran out of topics. In the silence I continued rubbing her legs, up and down, up and down, edging my hands over her lovely thighs.