
( LOT ) The legend of the Haunted Jungle

Its_Diya2008 · Horror
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12 Chs

8 . Where is Tommy ? (〒︿〒)

In the morning we got up late . Means I , Andrew and Tommy only . When we three walked outside . We found They were sitting in the table eating fresh breakfast . We were very jealous of them and asked for our breakfast . They said we should make our own breakfast . We agreed to them and tried to do it well but , we couldn't . It was all burnt . But , we acted like nothing happened and tried to eat . As soon as we got it into our mouth . We all vommited a little bit . The girls felt disgusted and bad for us so , they told us we could have the extra food . Then they left away for relaxation . After finishing our food and cleaning the area . We jumped into the land and soaked our legs again in the water . The girls arrived soon after that . They also sat beside us and chilled . Andrew decided to catch some fishes and roasted it in the evening . Carla said that ,"I will also help you" . Then Tommy said as a joke that you girls only can cook or clean but can't do anything else . Mia and Emily got mad hearing this and said that we gave you guys a challenge , let's see which team wins in catching fish . Tommy and Andrew excepted it and went to catch fish . I was sitting in a bench . Carla then ran to washroom to hide because , she thought that Mia will force her to catch fish and I also thought that . Carla came back soon with a weird mood . Then she sat beside the next bench of mine . I asked her , what is wrong with her ?. But , she didn't said anything . Saysha and Margaret was recording a video of the fish competition . After the competition was done . Mia and Emily won from Andrew and Tommy with 13 more fishes . By the evening everything was fine except Carla ' s mood . We then roasted the fish and ate it . We all decided that we will leave tomorrow and before leaving the area completely ,we will visit the zoo . That night we clicked some photos because we were leaving tomorrow . I said Carla about my new upcoming journey in the woods . She asked me that " Can she join us ? " I said yes . I told her every informations. I said ,that the journey date isn't final . She said no problem . That night when we were going to sleep , we all heard some roaring noises behind the forest . We were very scared. So we went into the tent to hide . Everyone were in the same tent . Fortunately our tents were very big and comfortable . After the sound was lower , we realized that Tommy was missing . We all were so horrified and Emily went crazy . She wanted to go outside and find Tommy . But , we stopped her because it was too dangerous outside . The night went very terrible . Emily cried all the night. No one could stop her . The next morning, I woke up first . I went outside to look for Tommy . To my surprise , Tommy was sleeping in the other tent . I went to him and hugged him . I asked that why he didn't call us or make any sound . He replied that if he had make any sound the beast would be attracted . Then I replied that " Oo wow ! What a genius . " We laughed together . Then I said him that Emily was very upset about your absence . Then Tommy made a plan to tease Emily . I went back to the tent . Only Carla was half awake . I woke up everyone and said that Tommy is no more in this world . Emily gone mad . Everyone was also shocked . Saysha said that I was joking . I said no and show them a piece of cloth with blood in it . Actually the cloth was torn by Tommy when he was running and he took the piece of cloth with him . His finger was cut due to falling down in the way . So , just make the cloth a bandage . Emily was devastated . Then Tommy appeared inside the tent singing like a hero . But , his sound was a zero . Emily went straight to Tommy and slapped him as it was a part of any movie . We were all staring at them with our mouths open wide . Emily started crying again and tightly hugged him . We were all happy . But , Mia whispered in my ears that it's my turn . First I didn't understand that why she was saying that but I soon understand it by getting a strong slap by Emily . I was crying like a little kid . Tommy also started crying seeing me . Everyone left outside without me and Tommy . We soon started to pack after eating few pieces of bread and strawberries . Because , we didn't have that much time in our hands . We started to leave after 2 or 3 hours of working . Carla was also going with us in the city . Because , her house was also near us . We reached in the zoo after 1 hour of exhausting journey . We saw that huge elephant that nearly could kill us . We saw a lion roaring like the previous one in the last night . We asked them about any lions , leopards , tigers or etc . furious animals . They said that they didn't know about anything . We were still glad that we survived . We went back to our city . At first we dropped Carla and Saysha at their home . Carla gave us her number to contact us before starting our journey or any other things . I guess we became a good friend of her . After that , we went to Mia ' s home and left the car . We walked to Tommy ' s home . We were exhausted . So , we all went to our room and took some rest . After some time I got up and went to take a bath . After taking a cool bath , I went downstairs to check all . There was Tommy only playing video games . Then I checked others . All were sleeping in their rooms . I sat beside Tommy . He offered me to play and I agreed . It was fun to play . I missed my family very much , I said to Tommy . Well no problem . We are soon going to start our journey . So , you don't worry and just take a chill . Then I understand how good was Tommy . Now I knew that " Don't judge a book by it's cover . How matter what he / she looks like . It depends on their insides not on their outsides . "