

"So you will reincarnate me and give me wishes? But why?" Ask our mc who has just died not long ago to an Unknown entity who call himself God.

"Thats right young lad MWUAHAHAHAHAHA" says the unknown entity " i said im god dammit" ehem said by the "God" to our MC.

"Well actually i gonna gave you three major wishes which can be anything that is in scope of that world, a wish of what world you want, background, traits ,apperance, and 3 talents meaning youre gonna be stength in that world so choose well young lad"

"Uhmm can i think about it for a second?" of course who will it be except our mc

"Very well take your time"

-3 hours later-

"I have think my wish now, the world im gonna reincarnated to is one piece because i died without knowing if luffy really become pirate king, my first major wish is a body who can adopt to anything ,is limitless meaning i can just keep on practicing without bottleneck , the highest talented on everything i do and potential of physical strength. My 2nd wish is an ai that will show me if a person has talent and every person that will join my crew will be loyal to me cause betrayal is the least i want. And my last major wish is luck. Yeah luck a protagonist halo that everytime i encounter a danger situation the fate will find a chance for me to survive." Said by cross who was very nervous if his wishes is valid.

"MWUAHAHAHAHA you really think about it huh young lad, all your wish are acceptable because even if you add many things in it, it is still valid because your 1st wish is a body, 2nd is an ai with extra function, and last is a protagonist halo which is a very good wish" exclaimed by the God.

"So have you think about your answer on your other wishes?"

"Yes God i already thought about it my background will be the successor of the strongest celestial family and i want to reincarnate in a body of a 7 years old boy 8 years before roger reach raftel. And about traits i want to also have the ability to listen to all things as it was a traits and cannot be obtain through practice, and about apperance i want to be a handsome boy with black hair and red eyes, and my three talents will be haki talents (yes it is all three haki), sword & gun talent ( he will be a using sword and pistol and devil fruit) and last but not the least is devil fruit talent. ( this meaning that every fruit he eats he can bring it's true potential and him having the highest talented body, if we're talking about talent our mc's talent is 10 times luffy has so dont ask question about how he became strong so fast.)

"Ok ok young lads looks like everything you already answered all the wishes so young lad are you ready on you're journey?" Ask by the god who seems a bit sad but come back to neutral face in less than a second

"Yeah im ready! Thanks for your giving me this wishes god-sama" said by cross who were very excited. 'One piece world here i come hehe, IM GONNA SHOW TO THE WORLD HOW BIG I AM!!!!!

"Goodbye god-sama hehe"

"Goodbye to you too young lad i wish you will enjoy it down there" God

"Of course i would hehe." Cross

