

What if an unknowing child who was a higher being, one of the trio of creation itself, was left to die with nothing special about him other than his heritage but was noticed by his brother, who decided to adopt him,, and to add a twist to it all, fuse his new sibling's soul with that of a betrayed king who just wanted to protect his kingdom and would do anything to achieve it, even if it meant signing a contract with the "devil"? So follow along as Reta with his brother/son travel across the multiverse with their pals. AN: Welp, this is my first fanfic, and it's a multiverse one at that, but hey, I'm going to do my best to keep y'all entertained with this idea that's been sitting around in my head for a while now, so I finally have the time to make it so here we are, and also heads up I just wanted to say that I own absolutely nothing in this story except maybe plot and the OCs. Also this will not have a harem and I will have relatively short chapters at the start because I'm new to this and stuff.

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Reta's Stat and Power

Name: Murasakiiro Reta

Alias: The Beginning


Reta's current incarnation has a slender, average-height figure, long pointed ears, and two pairs of horns—one pair are large and curved like a ram's, and the others are curved and point upward. The body of the incarnation is covered in a dark-colored material, with scales hanging from its arms, legs, wings, and back. It has a prehensile, long tail that curls at the tip.

Status Board

Tier: 0: Boundless

Main Stats:

-HP (Health Points): ∞/Irrelevant

-Durability: Boundless

-DEF (Defense): ∞/Irrelevant

-Speed: Omnipresent

-SPDEF (Special/Magic Defense): ∞/Irrelevant

-SPA (Special/Magic Attack): ∞/Irrelevant

-Stamina: ∞

-STR (Strength): ∞/Irrelevant

-Lifting Strength: ∞/Irrelevant

-Striking Strength: ∞/Irrelevant

-EVA (Evasion): ∞/Irrelevant

-Mana: ∞/Irrelevant

-Intelligence: Incomprehensible (The beginning's true form exists outside of human intelligence and lacks concepts like "thoughts, wants, desires," or even having personalities; additionally, it knows the True Name of all beings in existence, all things known and unknown, and its actions are so beyond human comprehension that asking "why" loses all meaning.)

Biological Information:

-Species: Irrelevant

-Gender: Inapplicable, though is referred to as a male, and personifies a masculine concept.

-Age: Irrelevant

-Height: Null

-Weight: Null

-Hair Color: Black (Current incarnation)

-Eye Color: Violet (Current incarnation)

Professional Information:

-Combat Style: every

-Affiliations: none

Personal Information:

-Personality: Highly unstable and prone to mood swings, can be a bloodthirsty maniac in one second and a peace-loving pacifist in the next. (The closest thing to a weakness Reta has.)


Yogiri Takatou(Current incarnation)/The End Of All Things

(Younger 'Brother.)

Fun fact(A/N: I made them up ofc): The skills and abilities of The End and The Beginning have no effect on each other in any way.

Blake/The All Between (Younger Brother)

-Origins: The Nowhere Of Everywhere / The Everywhere Of Nowhere

-Residence: Homeless

-Karma: 0

Things Created:

Everything. Your life, soul, essence, and even fate all stem from something, and that something is 'him'.


The Start Of All Things: Reta's true form appears to be the embodiment of existence, representing the beginning of all things, something no one could ever hope to surpass, and the first destination of all fate, with endless possibilities that lie ahead. %̴̥̿́$̵̞͑̏̂̄*̸̛͗͜&̶̯̈̒͝)̴̘̪͌!̵͔̝͈͙͑͗ ̶̖̤̝̤̌̏͝ stated that Reta's human incarnation is the beginning of everything in the form of a 'normal person,' supporting the notion that his true form is entirely abstract and metaphysical. Even Fate and Plot pale in comparison to such a being, resembling an unfathomable disaster/calamity.

Origin Skills:

[EIN SOF]: An infinite space left behind by the omniverse after its expansion that rapidly increases in size every second and continues to grow indefinitely, becoming a space where the user can store their desired items (including non and living items) inside and take them out at any time and from any location. Times inside there stops.

[For Who Is He, But Creation Itself? ]: Nothing can sense the user after they use this skill because their existence has been perfectly fused with The▪️⬛️◼️◾️⬛️ (The user can still move around and can interact with anything but nothing can interact with the user either, even light or sound or air are not exceptions).

[How It All Began]: This enables the user to create whatever they want. (skills, universes, gods, souls, and so on).

[Creators Authority]: Permits the user to cancel any skills that the opponent may have. There are no limitations or time constraints.

[Wielder Of All]: Allows the user to have mastery over anything. (Weapon, tools, theory, concepts, someone's life).

[For I Am Everything]: This enables the user to augment their physical/astral body at their leisure.

Passive Skills:

[The Beginning Cannot End]: As the name implies, the wielder's existence is eternal and always present.

[As Gracious As Can Be]: This passive allows Reta to essentially give anything he owns or created to something or someone else.