


RedBerry_Alchemist · Anime & Comics
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Choosing my world


Hello Host, I am the System.

For your first and only settings adjustment, you must choose a world to make your new base of operations.

Please choose from he available worlds.

1. Danmachi

2. My Hero Academia

3. Demon slayer

4. Black clover

5. Nanatsu No Taizai


The question was hard to answer as any world I would go to, would be one that I would return to, so I would have to choose wisely.

Each world had there own pros and cons.

Danmachi was a good world for growth, and it gain some basic experience in fighting. But the problem is getting a Familia, If no one will take me, is be impossible to level up ad get stronger.

My Hero Academia is great world to gain strength, I would get a quirk and learn to control it, it could be an invaluable tool. But the dangers of the future in that world would be immense, and if want to become strong and have any chance at building any type of reputation, is need to go through Hero School, and by the time I'm finished with that, an Ancient Spirit may have found me.

Demon slayer... I'm not too familiar with it, so I can't say much.

Black Cover is an amazing place to learn magic, and with the magic I'd gain from there, I could become a lot stronger in another world along side my magic. But if I was born as a commoner, k wouldn't have that much magic power to spare, so there is a certain amount of luck needed do going to that world

Nanatau No Taizai is also a great world for gaining strength, the magic powers in that word could be amazingly helpful and if I became a mage apprentice under Merlin, is become even more powerful. But there is also he danger of Meliodas and his strength near the middle to end of season four. So I would have to train like crazy or be able to select a powerful race to be reincarnated as in order even compete and have a chance at surviving.

After much consideration, I decided on making DanMachi my home base.

I decided that it would be easier to make that my home base than anything, because if time still worked while I was out of he world, them I could justtsay I'm going on a journey.

I pressed the Danmachi option and another screen came up.


Please select your Reincarnation Conditions

Race: >

Gender: >

Body type: >

Age: >

Name: >

Location of birth: >

Current location: >

Innate Magic: >

Background: >


After thinking carefully, I decided to change a few things to my self using this customisation screen.

To blend in, I had decided to commit to a persona of sorts, keeping my name and changing a few things about my current looks.

After a few hours looming through an extensive list that included everything from any anime or other multiverse world, I had made my persona for this world.


Race: Renard

Gender: Male

Body type: Keep As Is

Age: 16

Name: Allen Tep

Location of birth: Far East

Current location: Just Outside Hestia Familia Church

Innate Magic: Transmutation

Background: Orphan, traveling from the Far East to find a new home.


I think this will work.

I would look exactly how I did look back when I was alive, short, white hair, pail skin and blue eyes, except I would have a Fox tail and ears.

I would be an orphan, so no need to remember or keep track of any familial details.

I had Transmutation from Full Metal Alchemist, so If I couldn't deal with Bell, I could always go to the Hephaestus Familia.

After confirming my customisation.

I was met by another message.


Would you like a magic and fighting tutorial?

(Y)? (N)?


I instantly pressed yes, and then suddenly, I was standing in a giant room.

It looked like a dojo from those old kung fu movies.

Lining one if the walls was a selection of training weapons and various styles of leather armour.

"[Hello Allen, I am the System, I will be with you for you now functionally endless life, and I will be your adviser and partner where ever you go, I will also be able to operate the systems functions for you when you are unable to]" called a young boys voice from the depths of my mind.

"Oh! I didn't think you'd have a voice?"

"[I was made by the Ancient Spirit Andromeda to accompany you, of I you have a voice]"

"Ok, well... I can't keep calling you system, so I'll give you a name... How about... Sis, it's what most other system scaled in those novels I'd read before?"

"Sis... I like it, from now on my designation will be S.I.S, or as a longer version, Systems Integrated Servant, do you like the acronym I made?"

I gave a chuckle and a smile "Yes, it's is actually very accurate, but I wouldn't call you a Servent, like you said earlier, we're partners... So how about S.I.P instead, System Integrated Partner?"

"[Sounds Even Better... Now that's out of the way, we need to get along with the tutorial. Please pick up a weapon that you want to learn to use. After the tutorial is done, you will be given a real version of the weapon]" said Sip, directing me towards the weapon wall.

As I walked towards the weapon wall, I grabbed a random pair of short swords and readied my self.

The reason I chose this type of weapon was because I had actually tried to learn sword fighting as a kid, I would practice with a pair of wooden swords my uncle had made me, it had been a long time since I had actually done that sort of thing, but I still basics about word fighting.

As I picked up the pair of swords, Sip's voice sounded out from my head.

"Ok, now you have a weapon, I need to gauge your combat power and skill, then we can move on to your magic training, them we can go over the systems functions... Now, let's begin with someone on one combat..." as he said those words, I saw a small flash of light and when my eyesight recovered, I saw a tall puppet looking thing standing in the centre of the room.

It looked like it was made of glass and it had a wooden long sword in its hand.

It dashed towards me with a moderate speed and nearly hitting me in the head.

I managed to dodge, but for the next few, I wasn't so lucky.

I tried to hit the puppet thing with my two swords, but I missed most of the time and when I didn't miss, when I wasn't missing, I barely cracked it.

This continied for hours, Sip said that the moment I won the fight, we could move on, so on we went.

A full day had passed in the tutorial space.

I had gotten really good at making my attacks hit the target, this marked a high improvement in my Offensive ability, but my defensive skill... Was still absolute trash, I could hit the target sure, but I couldn't do much when the target hit me because of my small and weak physique, I was also very slow, so I couldn't dodge that good, but for some reason I think I was slower than usuall.

This would apparently change with time as I gained a higher Agility and Endurance Stats, but until then I guess, I needed to practice more.

"[Ok... That's enough, I'm getting depressed at watching this, how can you be so bad at defending yourself, from what it looked like on my end, you had a high level of potential and an even higher level of skill when it comes to sword fights. But this... This is just sad...]"

"I get it... Just one more time... I think... I'm on to something"

"[*sigh*... Ok]"

The puppet thing, sprung back to life, from it's collapsed position.

"Sip... Make it more of a monster, I want a challenge"

"[are you sure, these things are weak but they are still stronger than you by a lot?]" he said, his voice filled with uncertainty.

"Its ok, I got this, I think I just need to drop some weight off me"

Instantly the puppet morphed into what looked lie a war shadow from Danmachi.

Tall, slender and with one big glowing red eye.

My Brain buzzed for a second as I dropped one of my swords.

This time it was me who moved first.

A dashed towards the fake War Shadow and slashed at its slender arm with my swords, it blocked.

I twisted my body to hot with my second sword, but then I remembered that I had dropped it, so instead of my sword, I angled upwards and hit it with my foot.

It was a direct hit as my foot shattered its arm. As little splinters of glass flew everywhere, The fake WarShadow collapsed.

I had won.