Hearing him, I didn't know when I ran into his embrace, "Thank you! I can see my Dad now?" I stared up to see his face.
Is he sober? This look on his face seemed like he's not happy about this. He's not going to miss me after all,
"Are you that happy?" he said with raised hands, then I realized I was in his embrace,
"Oh!" I stepped back and looked down, "Of course, I'm happy... Aren't you happy for me?" I asked.
He looked sideways before picking up his suit and necktie, What's that face for? his he getting emotional? Will he miss me?
"Suit yourself!" he muttered and walked to his room. How can this heartless jerk get emotional? He has been living alone all his life, so he can't miss me. I consoled.
The next day seemed too long to come by, How will my father react this time, his wife and her son... I can't wait to see them all.
As soon as we were set to leave, my attention was on how we will get out of the villa, I have to observe and take note of everything.
But it was so unfortunate as I just met myself in his car on the busy road, to my house. "Wait! How did we get here?" I asked stunned.
He raised his eyebrows at me and concentrated back on driving. Surprised, I sneered at him, "Heartless jerk! Plan spoiler!"
In no time we reached my place, the memory of Loite and his wife and the situation I met them the last time flashed in my head. How I wish, I can be the source of their joy, but it's kind of too late, only if and only I can kill the mons... The door opened and interrupted my thoughts.
"Hi?!" Eliza said as soon as she opened the door, I expected a smile or hug or joy should fill her face on seeing me but No, she acted strangely.
Instead, to gesture us in, she stepped out closing the door behind. I was so amused that I couldn't speak.
"Can we come in?" Merid said after seeing how stunned I was.
"Pardon?! Eliza said, "How can I help you?" She added, her face was glowing this time like she did not miss me or my absence did not affect her.
The next thing that baffled me was her informal words, How can she speak to me like I'm a stranger?
My brain could not process all the drama, I wished to just push her aside and force the door open, probably, she is pretending because of this guy beside me?
"Mom! Can we come in? Where is Dad? I asked becoming impatient, how can she bear this innocent face like I'm a total stranger?
"I guess, You got the wrong house! I'm sorry, I can't allow strangers in without knowing who they are" She remarked.
huh? What wrong house? Stranger? "Ok! Where is Mr. Jackson, We are here to see him!" I muttered, my voice was dimmed but Merid comfortably patted my shoulder and I looked at him, he appeared not to be affected... Of course, he can't be affected.
Then the door opened, Father was right at the door looking at us just like his wife did.
What's happening? Did the monster change my face this time for my parents not to recognize me?
"If you're asking to see Mr. Jackson, you're in the right house. I'm Mr. Jackson" He stretched his hand to Merid for a handshake then to me, I feel like not releasing it but Eliza coughed,
"You can come in!" He gestured and Merid pushed me in, why does he appear to be this calm, like he was aware of it all. I expected him to be stunned as I did but no, he wasn't.
Eliza then left us, I guess to bring some juice again? "Mr. Jackson, don't you remember this face? You acted as if you have never seen it before" I said as soon as Eliza left.
Mr. Jackson fixed his gaze on me then landed it on Merid before shaking his head in disapproval.
I almost collapsed but Merid's arms were still around me, I stared at him, why are you making it difficult? Maybe they were acting this way because they saw a handsome guy intimately with their daughter. Maybe it got them confused.
I freed myself from him by shaking my body, and glanced around the room, everything was still the same and the arrangement except for my paint image which was hanged some distance to the long sofa. Where is it?
Don't you remember you have a daughter? Merid chipped in
"Daughter? I did have a daughter" He said and paused, my ears dance and my face anticipated, why did he pause to stare at us?
"Yes? Where is she?" I asked
He exhaled and looked down, "I lost her when she was eight years of age" his voice thrilled with emotions.
I couldn't believe my ears. His he joking? My emotions can not hold as I burst into crying.
He looked at me stunned, "Omg! What's happening" Eliza said from behind holding a tray of juice. As I sighted her, I cried the more.
"What happened here? Why is she crying" I heard her asked Dad.
"I'm sorry Mrs..., he paused, "I didn't mean to get you emotional, It's a long story and we already got over this, Please..." he runs to me to comfort me.
I wish to hug him right away? How did this happen? Were they involved in an accident that made them lose the memory of me?
"What can we do to help you!" They said in unison.
"Oh!? We are from the welfare department of T.V Charity Homecare, we traced your address to check up on you and your family" Merid said.
I looked at him like an insane, What just came out of his mouth? Is he crazy? Has he forgotten this is my home? My family? What charity home is he referring to?
"O.k! but we have a son now" Dad replied, they mean Kelly? I know but what about me? How can they say I'm dead?
"So sorry that she's too emotional, that's her nature..." Merid said and tapped my lap.
I just got denied yet you are fooling around? I made a cold gaze at him but he ignored and yanked his shirt properly, "We will always come around to check on you" He added and signaled me to stand up.
Why we? How dare he say such? I'm not leaving here, I can't follow him to that place. No! hell no!!!!
Merid held my hand and supported me to stand up, "Honey! We will visit often, so don't get too emotional, Okay?!" He said bending to my height as he cropped me to stand up.
"So sorry, she's like this because this is her first time to encounter something like this," He said to them with smiles and bows like apologizing on my behalf, I shook my head speechless, enough of all the lies, I will get up, how can he lie so well.
I turned to leave but stopped, "Can I hug you?" I asked them.
"Of course yes" Dad replied... I hugged him, I mean, I hugged him so tight.
I wondered how I'm erased from their memories. Who is behind my misery? That was the age I discovered this monstrous being that overshadowed me.
She did go too far to erase my memory from my loved ones?
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