
'How long will I love him?' Chapter 16

" HYUNG!" Jungkook blurted,touching his pounding chest and blanching at the intimidating figure laid in bed with his legs crossed,being flat-footed." You scared me to death!" He dropped his backpack on the floor but didn't move an inch towards the direction of his brother.

" You look pretty alive to me!"he sassily threw at his face while staggering him with his strict, snappish tone.

" It's not a joke, hyung! I was scared shitless!" 

" Good you little shit!" 

" What's gotten into you?Had a fight with your hubby?" He pretended not to know the reason his brother looked so pissed, sounding a bit more ironic than he should for his own good.

That alone infuriated Jimin further!His feet touched the floor, got up and walked closer to Jungkook." Cut the crap,kiddo. After everything I've done for you, lying to me is the dumbest way to repay me. Spill it out!"

Jungkook found him too spooky and a bit melodramatic."Technically I didn't lie." he corrected dumbfounded Jimin."I simply withdrew information about where and with whom I was." He wiggled his shoulders." To my defence Jeju was my initial destination. It's not my fault I didn't go." he justified his lies,eyes wandering around the room,tongue poking his mouth, avoiding to gaze at awe-stricken Jimin.

" Sit your butt down this instant!"He pointed at the bed."and start talking mister before I lose my patience! Where exactly were you? What did that man do to you? Why did he do what he did if he in fact did something."

Jungkook pouted, brows frowned,his lips wrinkled to one side. Jimin wasn't making any sense." Are you drunk? I told you to go easy on the soju! It's not coke!"

" Ha ha! You're proof that God has a sense of humour! Don't avoid the subject!"He crossed his arms in front of his chest, tapping his foot on the floor." I'm waiting!" 

He didn't feel like talking and knowing Jimin he would demand to know the whole story up to the last detail and had his ways of extracting the truth like the best interrogator. Being married to Yoongi hyung had its benefits!He had to buy some time. 

" I have to take a shower. Can we do this later?" He moved towards the closet, jumbled the clothes in one of his drawers, found a new pair of purple pyjamas and held it between his folded arms.

" You're not getting away so easily. We had a deal. I'd cover your ass, which I did, you'd tell me the whole enchilada!" He was obviously fighting mad and barely controlled his rage and disappointment.

" Give me a break, hyung." he scoffed." I want to shower! I'm tired, sticky and I stink!" He swiftly walked to the bathroom.

Jimin stood there watching him shutting the door behind him, weaseling out of the conversation. But Jimin being persistent was there when Jungkook returned from the bathroom as he had dismissed the Idea of giving him time because if he did his brother would shut down and he'd never find out what the fuck happened during his absence.

Jungkook wrapped in his soft pyjamas hobbled his feet to the bed, got under the covers,leaning against the headboard,giving Jimin the cold shoulder,which the older took rather personally. So, he sat beside him, folding his legs determined to know and not give in to Jungkook 's cute, tired face. 

" I'm all ears."

Jungkook thought about joking but from the looks of his dear brother it might not be the right approach." Where is everyone? I missed them on my way here." He booped his nose as he elevated his head.

Jimin raised his brow." You mean when you sneaked inside the house and hid in your room?"

" I didn't sneak..I didn't want to bother anyone." Coming up with silly excuses was tiring for his brain. He wanted to huddle in bed and sleep.

" Jungkook!" He warned him rigorously.

" You're not gonna let this go, are you?" He scrunched his lips and a heavy sigh escaped when Jimin nodded no.

The younger, revealed what had happened between him and Taehyung, neglecting to mention the spicy details but somehow Jimin didn't buy it. He knew there was more.

" You're hiding things from me Jungkook. Did you sleep with him?" 

Jungkook stirred in his place, feeling uncomfortable discussing them with his brother because he had no clue how to justify his crazy actions. He averted his gaze, chewing his lips.

" You did!" Jimin concluded,shaking his head." You slept with him! Are you dumb? The guy is a red flag, you said it yourself! He's dangerous, cold hearted and a beast in sex! He's into bdsm Jungkook! How could you be so reckless?" Observing the intense blushing on his cheeks and the constant munching of his lips, he widened his eyes in horror." Oh my God! You..you let him do this to you? Use you? Hurt you? Baby why? For God's sake, why?" 

Jungkook's head was hanging low,his throat tightened,a lump formed making it impossible to utter a word. Tears split over and flowed down his cheeks even though he had promised himself not to cry. The tension, pain, bitterness and the rejection were seeking a way out.

" Because..I love him..in spite of knowing he'll never love me back.. he'll never see me more than a man whore, a homewrecker, an obstacle for his brother's happiness. I still love him, Jimin."

" You love him? He's bad for you Kook! He approached you with the most vile intentions to keep you away from MinJoon, thinking only of his brother.He used his charm to exploit your feelings and you let him take you to bed? Had sex with that bastard? How much of a sucker are you?"He snubbed at his little brother and his foolish indiscretion. His eyes were bulging and lips quivering from rage." Is this how you were brought up? To be an easy prey for assholes like Taehyung? Is this how you were taught?" His scolding kept coming until Jungkook had enough.

He threw away the covers,his usual delicate face had become reddish. His eyebrows furrowed, eyelids squinted, his nostrils flared, jaw and lips tensed. His hands formed into fists banging the mattress.

" Yes, I let him fuck me! Use me the way he wanted to! I let him have his way with me. Tie me up. Spank me. Whip me.Hurt me. Do unspeakable things." He lifted up his sleeves, showing him the strap marks on his wrists. He raised his pyjamas for Jimin to have a clear view of the lashes and bruises." You know why? Because I wanted to. I enjoyed it. Loved it. I was begging for more. I found that missing piece to complete me." His fists smashed his chest." It was my choice, he didn't force or rape me.I did this and I'd do it again. He might not want my heart but he longs for my body." He broke down, shoulders wagging,crying, sniffling, his breath coming out in chokes.

Jimin's heart was pounding, the words he needed to say were clogged in his throat, his mind unable to process what he was hearing but there wasn't a hint of contemptuousness in his eyes. He was concerned and hurting for his baby brother. The image of his marked body was a stab on the heart.

He gave him an armful of hugs, running his fingers through his hair and letting him weep on his chest. Get all his frustration out in the open and mourn for his lost love. A love that would forever remain unfulfilled and scar him for life. Jungkook needed someone to comfort him, embrace him with care and affection not to judge him. It wasn't his fault his heart fell for the wrong guy. 

" It's ok baby..you did nothing wrong.. forgive your hyung. I'm worried about you." 

" Hyung..what will I do? How will I forget him?" The words were scuffling to come out." How long will it take me to get over him? How long will..I love him ,Jiminshi? It hurts..too much.." 

Jimin had no answer and knowing his brother well it would take plenty of time before he could get over his love for Taehyung if that was even possible. It's funny how we tend to ignore the ones who adore us, adore the ones who ignore us. Love the ones who hurt us and hurt the ones that love us. A vicious circle of self inflicting pain and bad judgement. 

Jungkook sobbed for a while, shaking in his brother's arms, mumbling incoherently through his cries and sniffles." Am I bad, hyung?" 

" No baby..just in love.. don't blame yourself for that..your heart fell for him. You couldn't have known and we don't choose who we love. Life would be easier if we coyld."he assured him, caressing his back,sensing his trembling." Don't beat yourself up for a lowlife scambag like him. You're worth too much to let that bastard convince you otherwise."

" If I turned back time.. I'd do it again..If I was given one more chance I'd let him do whatever he wanted.. I'm scared I can't refuse him anything. That's why I left."He cropped up his head." Hyung..I think I have a pain kink.." he whispered between sobbing and laughing.

" I don't know about that but you sure have a Taehyung kink." Jimin joked to lighten up the stifling atmosphere and it worked because Jungkook giggled and his bunny teeth were to die for, melting the older's heart.

'Taehyung 's a fucken fool not falling for you, bun. He doesn't know what he's missing.' he thought to himself. 

Jimin made him lie down, under the warm covers and stayed by his side like a sleepless guard. He couldn't offer him Taehyung but he could give him tenderness and affection. A strong shoulder to cry on.

Jin, on the other hand, had heard whispers from Jungkook's room and was about to step in when he heard them talking. He didn't want to eavesdrop but the temptation was beyond his control and his insatiate curiosity took the best of him. Of course he was worried and sad and pissed at what he heard, cursing the man that dared to hurt his baby. Not so much physically but for breaking his heart and rejecting him.

However he hid some giggles realising how his son resembled him.

' Like father, like son." This family had too many secrets that were best to remain hidden for everyone's sake. He tiptoed his way out of the corridor to let his boys work things out.


Jungkook's excitement and fear grew stronger the moment he stepped foot in MinJoon's villa in Jeju island. He was thrilled to see his favourite hyung after so long and be part of the most significant day of his life. His wedding with the man that changed his narrow minded perspective about love and marriage.

Although Jimin had told him ,from a very reliable source, that Taehyung had gone back to the States and would most likely not attend the wedding, he still feared he might stumble on him and ruin everything .He was the first to arrive as his parents were swamped in work, his hyung had meetings at the company and they were scheduled to come in two days.

"HYUNG!" he beamed joyfully, waving at him as soon as he spotted him coming down the stairs of his villa, falling into his embrace.

MinJoon hugged him back, kissing his forehead gently." Welcome bun! It's so nice to see you! How was your trip?" 

" Pretty good!" He lifted his head up catching a glimpse of his shiny face, glistering from happiness." My parents send their apologies for not coming today but you know how busy they get." 

" Nam is devoted to his work and I understand." He took the bags from the pavement." Let's get you inside. Your parents are gonna kill me if I get you sick." Walking towards the main entrance, up the marble stairs to the interior Jungkook was mesmerized by the breathtaking view and halted, closing his eyes and taking in the cold wind.

" I forgot how magnificent it was!" The villa was situated on a hill above the seashore. The memories of happy, carefree summers came to mind, admiring the waves crashing onto the rocks beneath. Building sandcastles on the beach. Running behind his hyung with the golden, hot sand burning his feet. Fishing with his papa and hyung for hours.Eating marshmallows under the starry night sky,around the bonfire and Jimin telling him spooky stories about monsters.

Overwhelmed by the memories,the smell of the sea hitting his nostrils,took another deep breath, inhaling the dizzy scent as he smiled at the feeling." How's Kookie?" 

" At the stables, waiting for your reunion." 

" I've missed him so much. I can't wait to ride him!" His gleaming,doe eyes glowing with anticipation." It's been too long."

" Only him? What about me? Your favourite hyung?"He pouted like a baby, pinching his fluffy cheeks.

" I always miss you,hyung! " he replied sincerely.

" Kookie doesn't let anyone ride him. He's very loyal." 

" That's my boy!" he giggled." He is my horse after all. The best gift from my favourite hyung!" 

MinJoon scratched his neck, his mouth furrowed." I'll never forget the kook on Namjoon's face when he saw him!" He pretended to shiver." He was ready to lock me up in a cell and throw away the key! God forbids if anything happens to his precious bunny." 

" Dad and papa tend to exaggerate when it comes to their sons. Way overprotective! But I love them!" He wiggled his shoulders.

" I get why he's so worried about you guys. A parent's first priority is their children." MinJoon concluded.

" You'll find out soon enough since you'll be starting your family.I'm happy you finally decided to get married and listen to your heart. It was about time to settle down and have a family."

MinJoon smiled knowing Jungkook meant it. He was the one insisting to get over his irrational fear of commitment and follow his heart. Without him this marriage wouldn't have happened." Thank you for putting some sense into me and being there when I needed you Kook. I love you!" 

" I love you to hyung. You're family and you deserve all the happiness in the world." Jungkook felt tears welling up in his eyes. At least his suffering led to something useful for his hyung and his fiancé. Meeting Taehyung's brother and the reason for his ordeal and broken heart had him on edge. He was very anxious and baffled on how to face him.

" How are things with you? Your studies, job? Still working for Kang? Is my friend treating you right or should I scold him?" 

"He's an excellent employer, my colleagues are great and I still have one semester before I graduate."

" And your personal life?Any boyfriend or are you too swamped with work to date?"

His question hit a sensitive nerve and Jungkook's eyes saddened, remembering Taehyung and what happened between them. MinJoon noticed but thankfully didn't comment.

" Nothing worth mentioning. The usual annoying blind dates from my brother that ate hard to avoid. Enough about me." He wiggled his brows." When will I meet your future husband?" He quickly changed the subject.

" He's inside, waiting for you. I think he's a bit nervous. Last time you met he was, how should I put it? Out of control!" 

Jungkook giggled recalling that incident at the restaurant." It happens to the best of us, hyung! He got jealous seeing you with another man. He didn't know who I was." And that was the kick off of his adventure.

" After I explained to him, he wanted to meet you and apologize but he didn't have the courage. My baby is shy." 

" Your baby, huh? How people change!" Jungkook pratted, elbowing him." A while back you were reluctant to admit your feelings and nearly lost the love of your life. I'm glad you came to your senses." 

" I've always been sceptical about marriage, family and love. My parents' s nasty divorce, fights for custody left scars and open wounds. I grew up thinking love hurts and causes problems and I allowed my pride and fear to drive him away. Thank God he insisted!" 

" Your love story was meant to find a happy ending." 

The man felt his slight trembling voice and body." Are you cold? You're shaking ." 

Jungkook averted his gaze, afraid his emotions might be visible in his teary eyes." It's chilly here." He wouldn't let anyone and anything ruin their big day, himself included.

" Let's get you inside then." He grabbed his hand, wrapping his arm around the younger to enter the villa when the loud, squealing of car brakes forced them to halt and turn around. Astonished, he witnessed an infuriating Taehyung practically jumping out of the car and he shivered observing the fark, roving eyes.

"YOU FUCKEN BASTARD!GET YOUR HANDS OFF HIM!" he screeched in wrath. His mouth crooked, gaze spitting fire, flying into a rage,fists clenched. He ran towards them in huge strides, pulling Jungkook away from MinJoon's arms, a heavy punch launched on the man's stunned face, landing flat on the ground.

It happened in a blink of an eye, Jungkook had no time to react. He froze,words wouldn't come out and his chest was pumping.

" YOU! YOU! " Taehyung pointed at the younger." Couldn't resist him? You had to follow him and beg him to get you back? Don't you ever learn? Don't you have any pride left? He's getting married, stupid boy!" He glared at his brother-in-law, waving his balling fists, his knuckles turned white.

MinJoon managed to stand on his feet, hissing a bit and couldn't understand what the hell was going on. Why did Tae punch him but most importantly why addressing Jungkook? Did they know each other?" Tae.." 

" Shut the fuck up! I ain't talking to you! " 

" What's wrong with you man?" MinJoon insisted, touching his painful eye, however Taehyung overlooked him. His attention was aimed at the younger. Just a few days after leaving him, he was back to his lover, begging. What did he have that no one else could give Jungkook? He was a better lover? Filling his head with nonsense and meaningless love promises? 

"Hyunjin is inside. They're getting married in less than a week and you've got the nerve to show up and ruin everything? I won't let you destroy his happiness. He's my baby brother." he raved to his face, so close to him it deprived him of oxygen. 

" Of course not! You'll do anything to make sure your brother is happy! Go to every length to ensure his marriage!" Jungkook threw back as soon as he came to his senses. " If there is someone who can jeopardize it,it is you! Only you!" 

" Jungkook what's happening? How do you know him?" MinJoon intervened, utterly baffled, his gaze travelling from Jungkook to Taehyung.

" I told you to shut your mouth!" Taehyung warned him once again." You brought your lover here? Days before your wedding? With your fiancé inside? I'm gonna fucken kill you!" Moving swiftly, he snatched his collar, growling." STAY AWAY FROM JUNGKOOK! YOU'LL NEVER HAVE HIM! HE'S MINE! GOT IT? MINE!" Taehyung barked in a craze, jogging him back on the ground.

 Under other circumstances MinJoon would have wittily commented on the ' mine' word but the situation was so crazy and happening so fast he wasn't given time to think.

" Lover? Whose lover?" MinJoon wondered in question the moment Hyunjin stormed out of the house, running to his fiancé's side. He helped him get up, throwing his menace gaze on his brother.

" Why can't you be civilised for once? Why do you have to punch first, ask questions later? Why did you hit him?" His hands caressed MinJoon's face to assure he wasn't seriously injured.

" Get your fiancé in and let me handle this." he advised him and the younger cursed 

" Handle what? You punched my husband,you crazy goon!" 

" Soon to be a husband." He corrected him." If you actually want this wedding to happen you'll let me deal with this boy."

He grasped Jungkook's wrist, practically dragging him down the stairs to his car as the boy yanked him, shoving him with both hands in disgust and returned to MinJoon's side as Taehyung followed him.They were causing an unnecessary scene and becoming a spectacle.

" Stop touching me! I'm not going anywhere with you, asshole!"

MinJoon was quick enough to stand between them, blocking Taehyung and protecting the younger, tugging his hand on his chest." Enough! I won't tolerate this behaviour in my house. Control yourself." 

" Back off! He's coming with me and don't you dare interfere."

" Hell no! He's my guest and I make the rules here. Don't like it, leave." He pointed at the car. Jungkook and Hyunjin, standing side by side , were on pins and needles.

Taehyung thought he was sick and twisted but these people were fucken unbelievable. What the fuck was going on? Was his brother so blindly in love he accepted another man in their bed? Were they sleeping together? The three of them? He was struck by a blinding dizziness and shortness of breath.

" Jungkook, you're coming with me." he sternly commanded , compulsively grinding his teeth because his patience was taking a huge blow.

" I'll most certainly won't!And you can't force me." he stubbornly refused, folding his arms on his chest.

" I won't ask again." He was warned for the third time but he didn't seem willing to oblige.

" I'm staying here. With MinJoon." 

Taehyung had always been composed and calm. His anger, wrath, anxiety were well hidden behind a mask of converted stolidity. Now,without as much as a warning, his hand lashed out, punching MinJoon again merely because he was the only obstacle between him and Jungkook.

The younger was fast to catch his byung before crashing to the ground, cursing out loud and letting him in the safe hands of his fiance, he drew closer to Taehyung." Fucking bastard! That's all you know. Hurting people. Threatening. Destroying their lives. You're a bully!"

The man sneered, although inside he was fuming in anger due to Jungkook 's insane devotion to an engaged man." You can find another sugar daddy. He's too old for you anyway."

That was the last straw. Jungkook exploded.


Taehyung's face went from crimson red to ghostly pale. The arrogant leer was wiped out, his eyes bulged out, mouth hung open and knots were forming in his throat.

" No.. you're lying.. you're trying to confuse me. You can't..he can't.." His gaze wandered between MinJoon and Hyunjin. He couldn't dare glance at the younger.

" It's true." MinJoon concurred in a mix of taunt and enervation." His dad, Namjoon, is my best friend and I am Kook's godfather. I'm part of their family. Do you feel like an ass now? " The man's scorching, shut death glare seemed to be inflicting pangs of guilt on the notorious Kim Taehyung.

The striking, unexpected realisation of his innocence,his own brutal behaviour combined with the highly offensive misconduct towards a boy ,he assumed was a man whore,threatening his brother's relationship were escalating Taehyung's shame and guilt. His allegations and accusations were baseless. He fucken tortured a boy based on his own false consumptions without even investigating first.

He allowed himself to become what he despised. What he had sworn not to do to another human.A ruthless, cruel predator for an easy prey. The degrading words and actions he said and did to him. The ordeal he put him through. And for what? Because he got carried away by his anger and thirst for vengeance. He was sick to his stomach. Disappointed, angry, defiant for his actions and repentant.

" Why didn't you tell me? Why allow me to hurt you?" he asked, almost whispering out of shame.

" You didn't ask. You easily assumed I was what you thought. An obstacle for your brother. A gold-digger. A home wrecker." he blurred out in repel, being careful not to reveal too much in front of others, wanting to avoid questions and pity looks for his stupidity."

What happened can't be undone but I won't let you destroy my hyung's wedding. You fought so hard for it. A word of advice. Stay away from me. Don't talk to me. Touch me. Don't even look at me because help me God I'll kill you!" he snubbed and bolted,choking his tears.

This time it was MinJoon's turn to grab his collar, forcing him to face him." I don't know what happened between you two and I'm willing to overlook it, for now, but be very careful. If you hurt him I'm gonna make you pay. Don't judge people according to what you do and think. Some of us are actually decent and kind in this world. I can't speak for your own dark underworld." 

" I don't know what the hell is wrong with you brother but this time you have gone too far. I'm ashamed of you." he snubbed in sheer disappointment, holding his fiancé's hand." Of all the horrible things you have done this is by far the worst. Stay away from Jungkook and my husband. I will tolerate you until the day I marry. Now if you excuse me, I have to treat my husband's eye before he starts looking like a goddamn pirate!" The man growled at his brother, escorting MinJoon inside the house with his resentment and rage gushing out.

Taehyung shrugged his stone heavy shoulders, pinching the bridge of his nose and sucking in the chilly breeze. He was afraid to own up to his mistake. You could tell from his shamefaced expression that he was guilty as sin. All the pieces of the puzzle fell into place , contemplating Jungkook's behaviour. The pure, undeniable innocence in his beautiful face. The hurt and anguish in his eyes and words, which he purposely neglected to observe because he had to be right. The almighty V was never wrong.

His fingers run through his hair, tousling them as he gnashed his teeth." You fucken idiot! Bastard! They're right. You don't think, you act like a beast." The terrible things he did to him in bed. The awful way he treated him. The ridiculous accusations, the deadly threats. He actually had the audacity to consider killing him. The air was clogged in his lungs, burning like hell. The place he belonged. 

And now what? He was strictly warned to stay away from Jungkook and he was certain they'd watch him lime hawks, monitoring his moves. And even if he found the opportunity to talk to him,what would he say? Sorry for being such an ass and hurting you? Sorry for assuming the worst because it suited me? He was at a loss.

For the first time he was powerless to find an excuse for his bad deeds. Jungkook made him feel alive. Made the cold blood in his veins boil. His heart jiggled and dangled. He ignited buried, unfamiliar emotions to the surface but he did what he always does. Omitted them. Disregarded them. 

The only thing in his jumbled mind was to leave. The open air sky was crashing down on him, ramping his frustration up. He abruptly left, getting into his car, seething with rage and bitterness for himself and drove off, having no clue where he was heading.


" In here! Now!" 

Taehyung had returned from a long ride to nowhere particularly as he needed to put his thoughts in order and met his brother's anger,who dragged him into his room wanting explanations. He was unprepared for that.

" Start talking and it better be good cause I'm running out of patience and excuses for you. Tell me how you know Jungkook. What's your relationship but mostly what have you done to him. And I demand the truth." He stood behind the closed door to prevent him from leaving, arms crossed in his chest, an eyebrow raised and foot stomping on the floor. The younger was accustomed to finding excuses for his brother due to their painful past and the unique bond they had developed over the years. Turning a blind eye to his crimes, way of living, weird tastes in sex and behaviour.

Hyunjin had a soft spot for his hyung, his protector and caretaker and even when he accidentally discovered his session room and toys it didn't diminish his love for him. He tried to understand him thinking it was a way out of the pain he was carrying. His actions today were the tip of the iceberg.

" I'm listening."

Taehyung was cornered badly. The look on his brother's face indicated he wouldn't let go and was determined to poke his nose into his private life." It was a nondescript behaviour on my part and I assure you it won't happen again so can we let this go?"

" No." Stern and divisive just like him. He wouldn't escape this time. " You gave my fiancé a black eye,insulted his family in his own house and showed no remorse. I have for too long condoled and tolerated your behaviour but enough is enough. This is where I draw the line."

The older was made perfectly clear he couldn't fight shy of this and judging by Hyunjin's withering, fury looks he didn't stand a chance.

His brother would be furious with what he was about to hear.

" I accidentally bumped into him at a party. Recognised him, approached him, flirted,asked him out on a date, pretended to be in love with him, gave him a ring, slept with him, had a fight, end of story." He didn't beat around the bush. Too straightforward and honest for his own good. Telling the story as he was narrating a poem. With less sentiment of course.

" It's his fault. It's on him." 

" Whose?" 

" Haruto's. I'll forever be grateful for saving us,giving us a home,a family,a future, stability and safety. But that man, God rest his soul, has ruined you. He's responsible for you turning into a heartless criminal. He introduced you to that world. Poisoned your mind and soul into believing you're incapable of loving and caring. That pleasure is associated with extreme pain and torture. Making love to a person, any person regardless of gender is an act of affection and love. Taehyung you've never been in love, had an affair, flirted and dated in your adult life. How miserable you must feel.."The words were blocked because of the sudden realisation.

A wall of silence covered the room. Taehyung was sweating bullets and Hyunjin stood unblinking, trying to process what he had just relised. Eyes grew impossibly wide, gawked in disbelief and his lips formed into a mute,his face grew ashen.

His brother,the one who watched his back and protected him at all costs, the most important person in his life, was a fucken criminal. Not because of the killings but because he had intentionally caused harm to an innocent person and he bet it would get nastier.

His rage quickened his blood, quivering and about to burst upon grasping his words. He had slept with Jungkook. Taehyung was straight. He hated gay people unless they were his friends and he could overlook their preferences in bed. So him sleeping with a man meant one thing. Revenge. He knew his brother was a cold-hearted criminal but he had gone too far.

" Tell me you didn't..hurt him." His heart suddenly stopped beating asking what was in his mind.

" How would I hurt him? What are you talking about?He's a big boy. It was consensual." 

" Don't act damn! I know about your peculiar tastes in sex and I have known for years. I discovered your session room and saw your toys. You really should learn to lock! It was too damn easy for a thirteen year-old boy to sneak in." he threw at him. Voice blunt and brittle,walking towards the window and opening it to let the cold air fill the room. It was too stifling to breathe!

Taehyung was taken aback, utterly lost for words as he was mow grasping what he had heard.He never imagined or expected his brother would discover his darkest secret and keep it hidden for so long. He felt guilty and ashamed perhaps? Not about his tastes, he had accepted his wicked, distorted nature, but he didn't want his brother to see him differently. Be repelled and disgusted with his true nature.

" I'm sorry you had to find out." His voice sounded coarsed but firm." This is who I am. What I do. How I enjoy sex."

" By hurting others? Giving pain instead of pleasure?" He could never understand it. He tried to but it was beyond his grasp.

" Giving both. One doesn't refute the other. My women consent to this form of pleasure. I don't force them." he explained calmly although he was uncomfortable discussing his private life.

" Your women?" he spouted angrily." And Jungkook? He's a man. You're not gay Taehyung yet you slept with him. Why would you do that?" 

" It's none of your business what I did with him." he cut him off, hiding both hands in his pockets.

" He's family. MinJoon is fond of him and do you even know the impact of what you two had, what you have done on us?" He sucked in a sharp breath and turning around, he continued." Did you sleep with him that way?" 

" Oh fine! I did and he enjoyed it. It was entirely his decision and I quote his! He's an adult." 

Hyunjin's jaw fell open. Suspecting it was a completely different thing from knowing it as a fact. " Revenge..you went after him for revenge. For me..you thought Jungkook was my rival and used your charm to trap him after I specifically asked you to let me handle it. You interfered like you always do." He ruffled his hair in frustration and rage. " Have you any idea what will happen if this gets out? You could ruin everything."

 Taehyung gripped his shoulders and he was pushed with his brother taking a few strides back." Stop worrying. Jungkook will keep his mouth shut. He won't tell anyone about us. He wants to forget so your marriage is secure." 

His blant reassurance infuriated the younger." What's wrong with you? Do you think I'm so shallow to care only about my marriage? I'm not concerned about me. I'm worried about you and your actions and Jungkook's feelings. You hurt him, Taehyung." 

The man scoffed and pretended to be cool and impassive." I'm fine. He's fine and your only care should be your wedding." 

" After all you went to great length to make it happen!" he mocked him sarcastically." You didn't actually believe I was capable of winning MinJoon's heart on my own and decided to give me a hand by hurting his beloved Godson. Job well done!" He clapped his hands and shook his head.

" I didn't know who he was." 

" It didn't occur to you to investigate? Do a research? I'm sure you're familiar with it since you have so many enemies. Or ask me? It would have saved us the unnecessary drama. But no! You had to act in secret. In shadows like you always do."

" Why do you care about him so much? What is he to you?" 

" A human being who got his heart broken by my brother because of me. Of my hasty conclusions. I can very well imagine what he's going through. I've been there and it was nasty." 

" He'll get over it..find someone to love him and move on." His own words, despite sounding stolid, brought inflamed racking in his heart but it was the ugly truth. They had no future. Even with the truth unfolding they were miles apart. Belonged to different worlds, destined not to meet.

" That's not the point. I'm positive you did your best to seduce him, make him fall in love with you and got a kick out of breaking his heart. Which is cruel. He's somebody's son, brother. Imagine how much trouble you caused. All that because of me.." He rubbed his forehead and shivers ran down his spine. His shoulders sagged as if the weight of the world was on him.

" You're not responsible for me and my actions." he stated softly,walking closer to Hyunjin and hug him but the younger wriggled heading for the door.

" I don't want to be around right now so you'd better leave. I'm too mad at you. At us. We destroyed a person's life for my happiness." 

Taehyung didn't move an inch. He hated the thought of his brother being mad at him. Yes, he had a point. His impulsive, careless, indescribable acts harmed Jungkook but he did it for him. He'd do anything for him.

" Baby can't we forget this and enjoy your wedding?" 

" No."

The man realised it was too soon to try and change his mind and decided to give up for the time being. His brother would eventually see the light and understand why he did what he did. He ambled to the door, his hand turned the handle and opened it, taking one step forward. Hyunjin's words made him standstill.

" Do you know who his parents are? Do you have a clue whose son you messed with? Do you know anything about his family?"

" Didn't care to find out."

" So typical of you." he croacked, dipped in resentment and daunt." Kim Namjoon, the chief of Police. Kim Seokjin, the wealthiest businessman in Korea and Min Yoongi, a high ranked career officer. MinJoon's nephew and Hobi's old friend from Daegu. And don't get me started on Jimin, Jungkook's brother. He'll eat you alive for what you did to his brother. These are the people you messed with. Now get out!" 

His hand gripped on his shoulder, pushing him further and slammed the door to his aghast face.

Taehyung was hedged in a wasp nest. Surrounded by caps with no apparent way of escaping. It was imperative to act cautiously and avoid being exposed.

He went after the wrong person that could cost him his freedom.