
Chapter 2

This time the Angel girl's surprise lasted a little longer giving Stephen a split-second breather just before his danger sense went off again causing him to roll to the side, dodging some spikes that formed beneath him.

A 7 ft muscular devil wielding a giant Warhammer dashed at him causing him to block with his sword as he hadn't gained nice footing from his roll. Even with his hardened sword he was still sent flying tens of metres away in testament to the giant devils' physical prowess.

He quickly stood up from the ground ready for more fighting only to be shocked by his surroundings. Beside his was the corpse of the small red-haired kid whose dead had started this war. Taking a second to look around he saw tens of corpses and torn body parts in the black and white priest clothing, the exact same as he was wearing. These were the corpses of his unfortunate friends. In the distance he could see one of the other abducted priests being ripped apart by what he assumed was a mid-class fallen from the aura it was emitting.

'How am I this strong' he subconsciously thought. He had been easily ripping apart mid-class beings easily and could hold off other High class like Angel girl and the Giant Devil, but how. Wasn't he human like the rest of these priests.

[Ding!!] [Due to being under great stress, Host awakened the Sacred Gear – Study Saint]

'When?' he asked in his head, but the response he got was his danger sense flaring. After jumping to the side and dodging another familiar light spear, Stephen wasn't surprised to see Angel girl standing a few metres away from him charging another light spear.

'What the fuck is her problem?' thought Stephen as he sliced another of Angel Girl's spears. Since he currently lacked a long-ranged attack, Stephen dashed towards Angel girl who hurled two more spears his way. This time he did not need to block them as his danger sense was easily able warn him and the Angel girl blocked his slash again with another spear, but this time she wasn't blown back.

'It seems she underestimated my strength last time' he thought as he felt her overpower him, pushing him back. This time she charged towards him while the spear in her hand morphed into a light sword which she expertly waved at him. He could clearly tell that if it weren't for his danger sense he wouldn't have been able to block it.

Stephen instantly knew that she way more experienced with the sword than he was. That wasn't much considering that he just started using his not even five minutes back, not that it was stopping her veteran slashes from raining upon his arse that even with his danger sense he was barely hanging on.

'Left.....right ...….vertical…' Stephen mentally screamed as he was barely holding on.

After a minute or so of him holding dearly for dear life, he suddenly felt something change as her attacks suddenly lightened slightly giving him some breathing ground. But not enough for a counter attack.

'Is she getting tired?" thought Stephen before it dawned him, 'No it's me. I'm getting better'

[Ding!!] [Novice Swordsmanship skill has evolved.] [Adept Swordsmanship skill gained]

'Makes sense. Since I have a system, I also gained gamer bullshit learning speed' he thought as he noticed the Angel's attacks become more aggressive as she had surely noticed his sudden increase in skill. He also noticed that this pressure was making him learn even faster so he welcomed her sudden aggression and as the two were busy fighting at high speeds the surrounding low-class and mid-class beings seemed to ignore them.

An almost drowning aura fell upon their general area causing Stephen, Angel girl and everyone caught in it to stop fighting to look in the direction it was coming from.

"WHERE IS MY SON!!!!!!" a very feminine voice screamed as a large area not too far from Stephen turned into a giant ice pillar with everyone inside frozen solid without even knowing how it happened.

"Shit" was all Stephen said as he ran away in the opposite direction from the Silver-haired queen of annihilation. He really didn't want to be caught by Grayfia next to her dead son's corpse. Angel girl did not bother continuing the fight as she also fled by flying off very quickly. Every creature in his immediate surroundings, devils included also ran for their lives by using their wings to fly away which might have saved Stephen as he was the only one running on land because of his non-existent wings.

"WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE ALL GOING!!!!" shouted the walking apocalypse with white hair as she saw all the people flying away. She furiously waved her hand at the flying beings and a rotating red magic circle {a Gremory magic circle} at least twenty metres in diameter appeared between her and her flying targets and fire in proportions Stephen had never seen before blasted for the runaways completely engulfing them in less than a second.

After obliterating over a hundred low to high-class beings in one attack she walked over to Milicus' corpse and knelt besides him with a hollow look in her eyes.

Stephen had luckily escaped this hell and was 'thankful' for the hundreds that sacrificed their lives for his narrow escape. With no one near his immediate surroundings, Stephen ran for the forest a few dozen miles away hoping that everyone else was too preoccupied by the battle to notice him.

After three hours of none stop mana reinforced sprinting, Stephen finally stopped about a hundred miles away from the battlefield in a cave. Luckily because of the battle all the beasts that lived in this forest had bolted far away which made his escape pretty smooth.

Resting in a cave Stephen finally decided to open his system for the first time.

"Status'" he murmured and a bright screen immediately appeared in front of him.


[Name: Stephen Miller]

[Race: Human]

[Class: High- Exp 12 030/ 25 000]

[Stats: Physic - 2 {Common among Low-class beings}]

[ : Spirit - 4 {Common among High-class beings}]

[Skills: Adept Swordsmanship2, Mana Hardening1, Danger Sense1]

[Special Abilities: Sturdy Saint {Sacred Gear}]

[Inventory: 1- Nothing]

[ : 2- Nothing]

[ : 3- Nothing]

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