

'Laila, Laila.. mother called out, Maa, I replied . 'come to the living room' mother requested. I immediately new it is time to face my fears, Fears I have been avoiding, I have not been staying in the sitting room to watch television or chat with my younger ones, for the fear of looking at the disappointment on my parents face. 'Assalamu alaikum Yes mum, you called me' I say as I enter the sitting room looking at the sadness in their eyes but yet they refuse to scold me, I always wonder how many parents can look pass their child's failure. 'Yes I did, have a seat' mom ordered as she looks over to daddy, like she was using her eyes to tell him 'he may begin'. 'So, I have seen your results, it is not encouraging, father started the conversation, I don't know how or what to think about it, but the deed has been done, no need crying over spilled milk, he said in a matter of factly. I called you here, to know what your plans are moving forward he continued, what would you like to do, while you wait for the next registration? He asked while looking straight in to my eyes, although I felt as though he was looking into my soul, I was speechless for some minutes.. 'I,I, I don't know Sir' I managed to stutter an answer Out of fear and anxiety, with my knees locked tightly, my toes pressing so hard on the floor with my gaze on them. 'If I may suggest, mom interrupts, I would suggest a computer training, she can go there and increase her knowledge, she would even hear of the registrations when they begin she continues, and most importantly, it will take her mind off things. 'that is a good idea, what do you think father asked, 'It's ok Sir, I will do it Sir, I replied. 'Alright then, that would be all for now, her father continued, just put your mind to it and make good use of the opportunity okay? It is not over until you have no breath okay? father adviced. 'yes Sir' I replied. 'I will go and enquire about the computer program and get back to you' mum added. 'Okay then, you may go back to what you were doing' father concluded the meeting and I left feeling a little bit better, Before the meeting, I had thought of so many scenarios, how I was going to get a good scolding, but I ended up being given a leap of hope and faith, though that is one of the good qualities of my parents, they don't hammer on failed things they feel has passed, they always feel there are always plans A-Z.


After a very long thought, I decided to start all over again but this time I was going to study really hard and pass, I really wanted to impress my parents, to make them have a feel of what it is like, to have a daughter be successful. For me, having a boyfriend was not a thing, I didn't see that aspect as a teenage experience, I didn't know as a teenager, you are supposed to experience having a boyfriend, A FIRST LOVE. All I wanted was a successful life, my dream is to become an OB/GYN (Obstetrician/Gynecologist). Not like I never had boys from my neighborhood hint about their likeness for me, but I always tell them I am not ready for a relationship. One time a neighbor's son told me he likes me and I said the usual "I am not ready for a relationship" he got pissed and told me, 'you are an ugly pig' that was a hurtful comment but I still refused to date him. I hold dear to my heart all what my mom told me about Chastity (keeping oneself till after marriage), all the lectures from my Islamic school were like bells to my ears. I turned all my mindset to only becoming successful in life.

Assalamu alaikum, mum says as she enters the house..Waalaikum salaam, welcome back mum, how was your day? I greeted mum as I tried to help her with the bag of groceries she came in with. "it went well Alhamdulillah, ehen, I have gone to the computer center to make enquiries and luckily I got there just in time for them stop receiving students, mum replied sounding excited, I immediately paid, as your father gave me money just in case of a situation like what I encountered, she added sounding relieved. You will be starting by Monday okay, hope you are ready? she enquired looking at me with a mixture of happiness and relief in her tone... "yes ma, in sha Allah, thank you so much mum " l answered.