
'Idiotic husband - only with me ' never judge a husband when married instantly by Angelic_devil

This is the journey of Alora Alvarose and Jasper knight when she was happy to attend her best friend wedding unexpected turns of events occurred and led her to get marry the person who her friend should have married instead of her truly unexpected Handsome lawyer and a consultant , youngest song of knight family forced to get married due to his grandpa's stubbornness but unwilling and love towards his old man who never stopped him from achieving his dreams he is in a fix finally agreeing to get married but whom will he get as his bride Two complete strangers married in a sec how will be their journey together will they kill each other or fall for each other well when the male is handsome then without a doubt he will be having his package with him but the female is not at all less than him bubbly cheerful but when provoked ha ha read to know her but when love join forces with hate its too comical lets read then "i said u are the most idiotic person i have ever seen dear wife " he said through gritted teeth "yep what can you say i will surely become idiot when you have an idiotic-husband, like you i totally agree with ya" she said grinning Jasper "don't play with fire" Alora " you married it hon" Jasper ready to puke blood from anger

angelic_devil · General
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45 Chs

Knight dude

After the departure of Alora

*meeting room *

Even though Alora didn't mention Grace name she know that Alora was disappointed in Grace. She felt ashamed she couldn't do her work.

Even all the managers were very sad to lead her down her ,no matter how angry or funny she get she helped them , in many ways.

She even goes out of ways to help them . When they asked her. She only said , ' you are family and family always stick together ' true and they were really loyal to her . But, they have to prove themselves to her now.

Team leaders and representatives were shocked. They never thought funny sweet girl can be this cold and ruthless. Katherine was nothing compared to her they shuddered and got to their work as they have a deadline to complete and a job to keep.

Katherine was really angry ,but she couldn't do anything, everyone envy Alora but not her, they think what ever she does it has reasons but not her, they respect her but out of fear for her not that they care. She clenched her fist , but there is serious matter much more important than these .She stood up and went to Alora's office .

There sat in her office already changed to her previous outfit and playing with the teddy bear she got as an apology, this morning . 'Is she the same Alora who made the people see the hell in a short time '

Alora saw Katherine "O!h kat come in . I asked Blair to give the list out just now , you wanted to tell me something, what is it honey " she asked softly

kat couldn't control she blurted out " I am getting married "

silence pin drop silence

Alora stood up pacing the room she spoke very swiftly"what how is=@^€@//!/€€/!!^&@:&#@&¥£^@!#^*£¥" Alora was blabbering and kat couldn't understand anything she stood up held Alora by shoulder and shook her saying

"Will you stop for a sec. Breath deep breath in and out that right, now ask speak"

"What..? How is this possible? moma Casey can't do like this right? who is that shameless man, who wants to marry you? I will make him regret it " as she shot questions after questions, Alora huffed she is happy ,but she can't believe that kat has agreed to it. It's too good to be true for her.

" Mom and dad both agreed to this marriage and they are adamant to get me married. They told me its was a promised marriage done by my grandpa and they can't change it .They are firm about their decision "

"what..! that is a truck load of bull..... they can't be serious..? are they ..?

honey tell me if you can't I will help you elope . You can lead a happy life don't worry about anything. I will take care of everything " said Alora she was concluding if her best friend is not ready to get married then she will stop at any means and won't allow her to a loveless marriage

"your offer is too tempting honey, but I can't do that and the groom family is well and holds number one place in all aspects. I think you know them the knight family "

"who" it's not like i wantto but i never pay attention so..,

" Gosh Alora are you living in cave or something almost everyone knows them how can't you. I took you to many events and programs and all ,didn't you mingle with them"

Alora gave a sheepish smile .kat understood

"what were you doing then idiot "

"I would eat or hide in the curtains " said Alora in a tiny voice

"What ? now you provided that you are an idiot "

Alora wanted to distract her" so you are saying that you marrying this knight dude and build your family "

that got her"Ya. Its grandpa's last wish and my parents are really happy too so I don't want to let them down "

'aww poor baby sacrificing so much '

I hugged her along with my teddy bear wha...t? "If you want to run away or do anything crazy I will completely support you ok " that got a smile for me she nodded and hugged me back and we went home for the day

But there was a large storm was building in the office next day