
'Idiotic husband - only with me ' never judge a husband when married instantly by Angelic_devil

This is the journey of Alora Alvarose and Jasper knight when she was happy to attend her best friend wedding unexpected turns of events occurred and led her to get marry the person who her friend should have married instead of her truly unexpected Handsome lawyer and a consultant , youngest song of knight family forced to get married due to his grandpa's stubbornness but unwilling and love towards his old man who never stopped him from achieving his dreams he is in a fix finally agreeing to get married but whom will he get as his bride Two complete strangers married in a sec how will be their journey together will they kill each other or fall for each other well when the male is handsome then without a doubt he will be having his package with him but the female is not at all less than him bubbly cheerful but when provoked ha ha read to know her but when love join forces with hate its too comical lets read then "i said u are the most idiotic person i have ever seen dear wife " he said through gritted teeth "yep what can you say i will surely become idiot when you have an idiotic-husband, like you i totally agree with ya" she said grinning Jasper "don't play with fire" Alora " you married it hon" Jasper ready to puke blood from anger

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45 Chs

in fact we love her a lot."

they reached the cafe around 6:30pm , it held the reputation according to the name the cafe had an inbuilt garden planted with many roses along with few other flowers ,it gave a calm effect and one will feel like they are enjoying themselves

Mr . James sat on further away from prying eyes and enjoying his cup of tea when Jasper went near him and sat down "Good evening Mr . James "

the 45 years old man gave a samll warm smile wishing "Good evening Mr . knight, what was the reason that you had me meet you "

Blake handed a file to James according to Jasper instructions, "These is my plan for future, I hope you like my proposal and think about it Mr . James " James flipped through the file

"I will surely think about it ,give me some time and you will get the answers "

they talked about their proposal for another 20 minutes and Jasper insisted on paying bills and then they went their separate ways

when he entered the knight family mansion it was little over 8 . Every one was getting ready to have the dinner when he entered the dinning room . Seeing their favorite uncle Alex and Angela ran towards him and hugged his legs like cola and refused to let go,

smiling helplessly he dragged his legs with children towards the dining table, he was sure hunger after whole day of work he was famished and the little snacks were compare nothing towards his stomach as he sad down on the chair those two cola hopped onto his lap each sitting comfortably and started eating their food from his plate. He loved them in depth ,

so he smiled lovingly towards them he started eating with them. Mother Athena gave them a big plate knowing fully the grandkids and she started filling the plates with many kinds of dishes and grandma Ivy dottingly placed kisses on three of them and she even fed them and filled their plate too . The male population on dining table was burning with jealous and envy,

as the ladies concentration was fully focused on the twin and youngest one except for second uncle Owen and Adrian laughing at the expense of their father and grandpop even Xavier was feeling like vinegar as his wife Abigail went to visit her parents,

the family dinner went out smoothly by the antics of elders playing childish games to gain attention from their lady lord it was funny and happy to see a big family smiling

after dinner every one sat in the living area enjoying a cup of tea when mother Athena spoke " Jas we met the wilscot today, "

the 3 brothers instantly stiffened hearing that, Xavier and Adrian were still little against the marriage

Athena continued "her company is really progressing well and their shops too , its like dream of many girls and women you find all most anything, you can make your own design give you have to say what you required and all.

Katherine was such sweetheart she look cold but she adapt to us, she even helped us in shopping for whole day. Given her friend Alora ,thanks to her for giving us the day watching over kids"

Adrian cut his mother rambling when he heard the kids were left with stranger he was angry " Mom how can you leave the children with a stranger , you don't even know and Jasper isn't even married yet " shutting Athena because of guilt

hearing Alora's name the kids got excited

"Dad don't scold aunt Alo she is not bad" chided Angela and even Alex noded with his twin " Uncle Jas, we had more fun than grannies today, aunt Alo's office was cool and colourful , she had many fluffy beanbags, she made us draw and played with us too, she even took us to a restaurant for kids and we played many games , we even went to her house and made cookies together , we had a great time too much fun , in fact we love her a lot."

Adrian and all the members of knight family were little shocked as these two trouble makers are picky and doesn't get along with anyone well, what did she do for them that had them defend her

she even quipped the interest of Jasper too

hello readers, ,????

someone is trying to get the attention of their wife poor dad n grand dad

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