
'Idiotic husband - only with me ' never judge a husband when married instantly by Angelic_devil

This is the journey of Alora Alvarose and Jasper knight when she was happy to attend her best friend wedding unexpected turns of events occurred and led her to get marry the person who her friend should have married instead of her truly unexpected Handsome lawyer and a consultant , youngest song of knight family forced to get married due to his grandpa's stubbornness but unwilling and love towards his old man who never stopped him from achieving his dreams he is in a fix finally agreeing to get married but whom will he get as his bride Two complete strangers married in a sec how will be their journey together will they kill each other or fall for each other well when the male is handsome then without a doubt he will be having his package with him but the female is not at all less than him bubbly cheerful but when provoked ha ha read to know her but when love join forces with hate its too comical lets read then "i said u are the most idiotic person i have ever seen dear wife " he said through gritted teeth "yep what can you say i will surely become idiot when you have an idiotic-husband, like you i totally agree with ya" she said grinning Jasper "don't play with fire" Alora " you married it hon" Jasper ready to puke blood from anger

angelic_devil · General
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45 Chs

Ahh clair isn't it

just when Jasper was about to retort a comeback Adrian showed a picture he took in the morning

instantly the younger brother turned into a puppy who was about to get the biggest treat of its life

Adrian could see the imaginary tail waging left right and the ears . He looked like a dwarf version image he usually see in his children picture book came into his mind*how cute*

"Big bro Adrian, you can rest assured I will keep it as most sacred secret, I will carry it to my grave , I won't even disclose it even when I haunt you"

Adrian was stuck between whether to laugh or cry because of his brother but he was still not done just as he was about to give the phone he retreated it back

"Oh! I forgot I had few projects but out of them 3 were really a pain ,I couldn't understand few ,gosh If i had a good consult .." as he was about to finish Jasper was up on his feet and dashed towards his brother's room where Adrian kept his files

Adrian was astonished, his brother who don't give a flying buck to anyone ,not even to his brothers. Who were nothing when it came to business is now running off to do work for a photo

he turned towards Alora who was busy playing with the children who completely acted spoiled in front of her to gain her attention ,but he felt truly happy for his brother and how lucky Alora was, as she didn't know , she have Jasper wrapped around her fingers.

He just laughed to himself absorbing the rare few moments where his children acted as the children of their age and capturing them

few hours left when everyone were relaxing but Xavier and Gabriel went to country A , as the business demanded his attention the couple recluently left promising to have a family dinner as soon as possible .

Jasper came down completing his work when he saw his wife feed the kids he strongly wanted to take his wife and lock her in his room. He was minutes away calling his angels brat, but he love them way too much that hate couldn't come anywhere near .

But the thought of photos lit up his eyes he expectantly went towards his brother, where he control the urge to strangle him, for making him work but the photos were worth it.

Adrian was stunned as the file needs almost weeks to put them together but Jasper did it in few hours "Desperate are we" Adrian couldn't help but smile smugly towards his brother as now his wife had become his weakness just in one day

to put Jasper out of his misery he sent the photo to his brother's phone. But, he got a mocking "tsk" sound instead .

Adrian was stunned didn't his brother did all the works for this photos then why is he acting like that..?

"Didn't you go through the pain for the photos? , "

all he got a smirk in return, before Adrian could ask another question

"you seriously should change the password for your laptop or you shouldn't attach the files directly to your laptop but thanks to you I got more than one photos "

Adrian was tongue tied his brother was sure cunning, then the thought hit him so the files were not checked

seeing his brother like a puppy whose treat was stolen "As a compensation for the photos the files have been checked and arranged accordingly "

instantly Adrian jumped on his brother giving him a big bear brotherly hug scaring the family by sudden behavior of their second child

but Jasper was not done he patted his brother's back he went and

"Angel ,Alex " the twin expectantly looked towards their uncle

" brother what was the name of your secretary ...? ahhh! Clair isn't it"

Adrian tensed but glared at his brother but the twins were up to their feet both kissed Alora saying they will be back and ran towards their room to further investigation no before hugging their uncle legs

Adrian helpless followed his children trying to explain them

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