
Chapter 2

I was stunned for a moment. I looked at his eyes and I saw his pure innocence.

'You're good at making people stunned too.' I kind of complimented him.

'Is that a compliment? Or you're trying to make fun of me?' he boiled.

I laughed.

'What was cooking in your mind then?' he paused. 'Don't tell me if you don't want to,'

'Yaa… Don't act smart. I was just thinking about my past.'

'Haaann… Your Ex-boyfriend?'

When he asked unexpectedly, my heart started throbbing and started to think of those awful memories.

'No, I was just thinking about my friend.' I tried to defend casually but that's not a lie too. I was thinking about my friend.

All of a sudden his phone rang with a rap song.

He picked up the call casually and started apologizing. He was pathetic now. I couldn't control my laugh. All he said was 'I came here with my mother. I apologize that I couldn't take you here. I'm in the hospital now. I'll explain later' and I could understand it was a girl in the middle of his conversation. Though I shouldn't have done that.

"She fulfilled all my wishes from my birth and it's time to repay it. Though she's my mother, I owe her," he said to the person on the phone. Out of the blue, those words disturbed my mind. Maybe I'm destined to meet him to hear these words before my operation.

'You came here to your mother?' I asked.

'Yeah, due to this hot climate she got a severe headache' he said.

'That's frustrating.' I hung back.

His phone rang again.

"A guy's phone is always busy" I felt.

He asked for an excuse and picked up the call. I looked aside and admired the same tree for a moment.

'Why did you fail to inform her?' He burst out.

'Ahh! You startled me.' I said looking at him. He looked at me, bowed and said sorry.

'That's a girl sitting next to me.' He said to the person on the phone.

"He mentioned me?" I stared at him.

'I'll call you after reaching the resort.' He said and hung up the call.

I raised my eyebrows. 'Don't you know to keep your voice down inside the hospital?'

He showed his 30 teeth and explained what happened.

'How can you let your friend there? Will you be able to enjoy without your friend? This is not fair. If my friends tried to think like this, they'll be doomed by me' I said anxiously.

'Yaar...! I can see the fire in your eyes.' He was a bit scared.

'Shall I burn you with my eyes?' We laughed.

"STOP...! Yaar, when did you get close to him?"

'What happened?' He asked.

'No, I just thought when and how did I get close to you?' I looked at him. 'Strange, isn't it?'

'Maybe we are...' He enlarged his eyes. I did the same. '...those crazy people who destined to meet.'

I laughed and he joined me.

'Haven't, you read those lines crazy people meet at the hospital? But the real hospital is missing.'

'Yaa, are you directly belittling me?'

'Haha, including me,' he said.

'Friends?' I lend my hand. he was a bit surprised. After all our rubbish chats, I shouldn't be like this. He thought for a moment and shook my hand. And now officially we're friends now.

'Can I ask you something?' His face looked fierce all of a sudden.

'Mm, proceed. I'm a genie now. You can ask me three questions and I'll answer you honestly.' I said.

'Why are you here? Here in the sense, why do you come to the hospital? You're alone here, no one is around you.' He hesitated. 'If that's hard to say, I don't want to hear, I'll rest my soul with my own answer.'

But my poor little soul wilted for those words.

'Haha, I'll be undergoing major surgery in the future. I'm not alone, I'm with my mother. She's having a convo with the doctor.'

'I shouldn't have asked that. Sorry, I mean it.'

'I hate sympathy over this. Second question!' I distracted himself and my mind.

'When are you going to take up this operation? I know, I shouldn't be asking this but I wanted to know.'

'After he appears, I would be endured when he's with me.' My heart aches.


'Everyone asks the same but he's my cousin but a great friend of mine. I miss him. And the questionings ends here.' I said.

'I need a bonus question' he said.

'Mahima!' A nurse called me.

'That's my name.' I said to him.

I stood up. 'You have got a call from Dr. Jagadhish'

'Yup, I'll' I made a step.

'Stunning!' He smiled. I looked back and smiled.

'Like your smile and you' he added.

'Don't flirt. I won't fall for you' I said and moved from that place.

'I'm not flirting' he wailed.

'I'm not listening,' I said and crossed the hall.