
<Infinite Dendrogram>

Hi, I'm posting the original material in the fanfic category. My intention is just to present the novel to more people and keep a place for it, thank you. July 15, 2043. On that day, a Full Dive VRMMO was released, its unique system called <Embryo> allowing each player to follow an extremely varied—or rather, an “infinitely” varied pattern of evolution. What’s the game name? <Infinite Dendrogram>

FallenFoxsy · Book&Literature
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51 Chs

Conjunction Episode: The End of the Match, the Beginning of Madness

Conjunction Episode: The End of the Match, the Beginning of Madness


Central Arena, audience seating


The moment Figaro won, ovation roared throughout the building.


"What a great duel..." A certain young spectator seated in the west side couldn't hold his honest opinion about the battle he'd just witnessed. The spectators around him were standing up as they sent cheers and applause to Figaro — no, the spectacular battle itself — and he was no exception.


"Truly a wonderful fight," he said, clearly moved.


"Y eah!" agreed a middle-aged man standing next to him. "I've seen many arena battles in my life, but a duel this good is a first!"




"Y ou'd better believe it! The best match before was the one between Figaro and Tom Cat, the previous champion, but this was above that one!"


"I suppose I am quite lucky, then. This makes the journey through the desert all the more worth it."


The middle-aged man then noticed that the youth next to him was wearing a turban and loose, skin-concealing clothing that was popular in Caldina.


"Y ou came here all the way from Caldina?!" he exclaimed. "Wasn't it hard?"


"Oh yes, it was," nodded the youth. "But again, it was worth it. I now have a good story to tell my friends back there."

After forming a satisfied smile, he then tilted his head in confusion.




Gradually, more and more people in the audience became as puzzled as he was.


"What's wrong, lad?" asked the middle-aged man.


"Umm, Mr. Figaro is..." He told the man of the oddity that he had noticed.


Eventually, the confusion spread all across the arena.


"What a joke," said a woman in the eastern part of the audience. Obviously, she wasn't as ecstatic about the battle as everyone else in the audience.


Though what she'd said were pure fighting words to all the duel enthusiasts around her, they were drowned out by the cheering and failed to reach anyone's ears.


It there was anything that could hear her voice, it would be the porcupine sitting on her lap.


The woman was deeply unsatisfied with the battle she'd just witnessed.


A battle between two Superiors. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't expecting anything. However, both of them ended up being complete eyesores. It made me wonder if they are really Superiors. Nothing but trickery and gimmicks. How trifling. The only worthwhile thing was at the end. Are they that useless because they're based on such shoddy things as hearts and limbs? And yet you're supposed to be the same as...?


Her expression turned stern as the woman's irritation became even denser.

Right when it was about to turn into murderous intent and be unleashed upon her surroundings...


"know your place, and shut your mouth" the porcupine on her lap suddenly said.


The woman knew exactly what it meant.


"My apologies," she said. "Pardon my abusive thoughts. I almost let them out, but I'll hold them back now."




After apologizing, the woman petted the porcupine.


Then, she looked at the stage with a bored expression on her face.


"Oh, its begun," she said. "Well, with the first princess not being here, it has nothing to do with us."




"Very well. Let us spectate. This might be good entertainment."




Paladin, Ray Starling


Something was very off.


Figaro was stuck in the very same position he'd been in after finishing Xunyu off with that upwards swing. Also, despite the match being over, Xunyu showed no signs of reviving.


The inside of the barrier was completely still in every sense of the word.


"What's going on?" I asked. "Hey, br—"


Before I could call out to Shu, I cut my words short. That was

because of what I felt when I looked at him.


Even though he was clad in a full bear suit, I could easily tell that he was extremely pissed.


The others here — Nemesis, Rook, Babi, and Marie — seemed to feel it, too, causing them to back away a bit.


That was completely understandable. After all, at that moment, Shu was actually a bit scary.


"Bro, what's up?" I asked, feeling that I had to be the one to do it.


That was enough for the air of intimidation to disperse.


"Hm," he said. "Looks like someone went and did something unnecessary."


"What do you mean?" I asked.


"Well, the reason why Figaro is immobile is because the time inside the barrier got stopped."


"The time is stopped?"


"Y eah, the barriers here have that function, but it's rarely used. There's just no reason to, unless maybe if some show monsters went a bit too crazy," he said. "During the match, the time inside the barrier was slowed down to the very limit, but time stopping is a different thing entirely. Just like with slow playback and pause on videos."


"If time is stopped, what about their consciousness?" I asked.


"I've never been through that myself, but I think they're conscious. Tian and monster thoughts would probably stop, but just like with mental status effects, the player preservation function keeps every Master's mind active. Otherwise, players couldn't log out when they really needed to. However, the light and air movement is stopped, too, so they likely don't see or feel anything. Though, honestly with the

evaporation that happened, I can't even imagine the state that Xunyu's in."


That's certainly not something I like to picture, but the two fighters are experiencing it right now, I thought.


"This timing..." said Marie. "Was it set up to stop the very moment the duel ended?"


"Most likely," nodded Shu. "Now we just have to figure out what kind of asshole is responsible for—"


He cut his words short.


A thing had appeared on the top of the barrier, gathering everyone's attention.


"That's..." I said.


It was a single silhouette. It had the shape of a costume, and it was one I was very familiar with — an Adélie penguin costume.


"Ayy! Good evening, ladies and gents! What a great fight! Hella hype, wasn't it?" Once everyone's attention had focused on him, the penguin began speaking. As he gestured to everyone in the arena, the voice he spoke in was that of...


"...the announcer?" I asked.


It was the very same voice that had done the announcing for today's battle. It was different than the voice he'd had yesterday.


He didn't seem used to announcing, so can I assume he infiltrated and stole that role? I thought.


Though he clearly had no intention of answering my question, he touched something on his neck and changed his voice back to the familiar one.


"Aaall right! With the hype fight done, it's probs time for the Count

and Princess to bore you with some speeches and directions," he said. "But let's skip that crap and do something fun, instead!"


The penguin followed those words with a spin. Though he was in a suit, it was easy to tell that he was laughing.


And no, it wasn't because I was used to my brother and his bear costume. Anyone who'd heard the penguin's soft voice would tell you that it was thick with wickedness and malice.


"Name yourself, you cur!" said a voice from one of the boxes.


The box was significantly larger than most — clearly meant for the


guests of honor. I knew the identity of the one who'd said that. It was


the person I'd seen when the event began: Count Aschbarray Gideon.


"Why are you besmirching this event?!" the count yelled.


His rage was not without reason. After all, the penguin was making a mockery of a such masterful duel and the very successful event. Even I had a thing or two to say to him.


"HA HA HA! I just said it, didn't I? I want to do something fun!" After some loud laughter, the penguin put his hands on the back of the suit's head. "But yeah, I haven't revealed who I am yet! Allow me to do so!"



Then he took off the penguin suit.


"Get a load of this handsome mug! Ain't I charming?"


The one inside the suit was a thin man with an Embryo crest on his left hand. He was now wearing glasses and a lab coat, but nothing else really stood out — at least not as much as the penguin suit. Sure, his face was good, but with Masters being able to customize their appearances, it wasn't anything special.


However, the only ones with such lukewarm thoughts about him were people like me and Rook. The rest of the audience seemed to be

extremely shocked.


"Y ou... Y OU...!" Count Gideon knew the man, as well, and his presence seemed to rid him of words.


"Oh boy, oh boy! Look at all these people that know who I am!" Despite it being dark, the former penguin purposely put his right hand above his eyes to protect them from sunlight and looked around. He was clearly enjoying the reactions his face reveal had caused. They were a testament to just how well-known his identity was.


"Identity..." I murmured.


When I'd met him yesterday, he'd pronounced himself as "Dr. Flamingo." It had been clear back then — and now more than ever — that he was just fooling around. That wasn't his name. It was...


"Why are you here... Franklin?!" Count Gideon demanded.




Fireworks began exploding in the air not far from the arena.


Though they were a beautiful sight that made Gideon's night sky more vibrant, few in the arena could enjoy them. It wasn't just tians, either. I saw some Masters who looked like they couldn't even stomach the man's presence.


It was only obvious. No one here could feel good with Franklin nearby.


Despite being a newbie, even I knew what his name meant to this country's people.


"Y eah, it's ya boy! The same guy who fed your king and a bunch of other nobodies to monsters! The Dryfe Imperium's Superior! The forefront of robotics and monster synthesis! Better check yourselves before you wreck yourselves. Because it's me, Giga Professor Franklin!"

It was safe to call him the kingdom's greatest enemy.


To Be Continued in the Next Episode…


















Bear: "I bear good news: it's time for the midword!"


Cat: "Y aay! Something neew!"


Bear: "In Volume 3, the main story stops with Figgy's and Xunyu's battle."


Cat: "Now, it's time for some side stories that take place during Volume 2!"


Bear: "They're about Ray's beary merry party members — Rook and the shaded journo."


Cat: "These stories are told from perspectives other than Ray's."


Cat: "Y ou might come to see things that you cannot see through Ray's eyes."


Bear: "They're also strongly linked to the events in Volume 4."


Bear: "Now, it pawsitively saddens me, but we must say goodbye! Until the afterword!"