
슈퍼바카라AAB8 8 9.COM카지노전화배팅 슈퍼바카라

Author: ojgi3333
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What is 슈퍼바카라AAB8 8 9.COM카지노전화배팅 슈퍼바카라

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"Sebenarnya aku mau kasih tau sesuatu.." "Ya...?" "Alasan aku kencan buta, bukan hanya untuk cari teman kencan seperti biasa, tapi aku mau nyari istri." "Uuuh uh.. okeey..??" "Dan kamu adalah orang yg aku cari." "Ahahahaha..." Gina tertawa terbahak-bahak tetapi Verrill menatapnya dengan bingung. "Ya ampuun, Kak, tadi habis makan apa sih? Mana ada orang mau nikahin orang yang baru dia temui, baru satu minggu pula??" Gina tidak habis pikir, tapi setelah dia balik menatap Verrill, tidak ada keraguan sedikit pun di wajah lelaki tampan itu, yang ada hanya raut wajah yang serius. "Aku serius. Gina, apa kamu mau menikah denganku?" "Uhuk, uhuk!" Gina tersedak air liur nya sendiri. "Jadi kakak lagi ngelamar aku sekarang?" Gina menatapnya tidak percaya. Orang ini pasti sedang bercanda, pikir Gina. "Iya. Aku mau seorang istri yang menemaniku dan aku yakin kamu butuh seseorang untuk melindungi mu." Gina terdiam mendengar kalimat Verrill. Melindungi. Itu memang yang sangat dia butuhkan. "Tapi... Kita gak bisa menikah tanpa cinta..." "Cinta bisa tumbuh seiring berjalannya waktu. Kita menikah atas dasar saling membutuhkan." "Gimana kalo kakak gak butuh aku lagi? Kita cerai?" "Itu gak mungkin untukku. Tapi mungkin untukmu. Aku ingin kamu selalu menemani aku, mengisi hari-hari bersama." Gina tidak menjawab. Mungkin untuknya? Apa mungkin maksudnya dia tidak butuh perlindungan dari Verrill lagi? "Kamu boleh gak jawab sekarang. Tapi aku minta tolong untuk dipikirkan secepatnya." ==================== Gina Hollen, gadis berparas cantik berusia 19 tahun. Pindah ke kota Adera untuk memulai hidup baru dan meninggalkan masa lalunya yang pahit. Bersama dengan sahabatnya, Merry, Gina memulai kehidupan keras di kota yang kejam. Tetapi, setelah kencan buta yang singkat, dia dilamar oleh seorang pengusaha tampan kaya! Apakah ini terlalu indah dan sempurna untuk jadi kenyataan? Apa ini takdir? Verrill Pierce, 27 tahun, pengusaha kaya raya yang tampan bak dewa dan misterius. Terlalu banyak rahasia di balik kesempurnaan seseorang. Melamar Gina Holllen seolah – olah gadis itu sudah lama dikenalnya. Dia tidak ingin yang lain, hanya Gina. Pria dingin itu akan melakukan apa saja, untuk melindungi dan memanjakan gadisnya. Dia tidak peduli. Bahkan jika dia akan melakukan trik – trik tertentu untuk merebut hati Gina. Dia akan melakukannya. Gina, dari awal memang ditakdirkan untuknya.

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A Moment of Fear and Pain

Tsuna walked around the ship to kill the boring time. He just kept walking like a dog not able to find his own home until he found himself sitting on one of the benches on the lower deck of the ship. He sat there quietly, observing the different people who walked in front of him. There were elites who walked gracefully; commoners who looked like they were acting like elites too; and of course, some of the crews too. He lay back. He looked up until his gaze fell on the upper deck where he saw a dashing guy. That guy was maybe just his age or a little older than him. He has dark hair and silvery eyes that looked… sad. That man stood out even when he was around other dashing men. His aura is different from the other elites that surrounded him. He didn't realize that he was already staring at the man until Takeshi tapped his shoulder. "Who are you staring at?" Takeshi asked with a laugh. He followed Tsuna's gaze then grinned. "Mighty, right?" Tsuna looked at Takeshi then shrugged. "Maybe." "That's Kyouya Hibari." Takeshi continued. "You know him?" Tsuna asked with an amazed look. He doesn't know why but he has the urge to know more about the guy who had just captured his attention. "Everybody on board knows the guy." Squallo said from behind Takeshi without his usual snarl. His hands were in his pockets. "Why?" the brunet asked yet again. "Because he's one of the richest on board and he's the only son of the engineer of this ship." Takeshi answered with an understanding smile. "He's handsome, intelligent, famous and rich that's why every woman on board wants to be his woman." Squallo said with an eye roll. Tsuna looked up at the man again only to find him looking back at him. His eyes grew wide as he saw him smirk. He blushed and looked away; not really wanting those dark blue eyes of Mr. Hibari to devour him whole. Shit! What does this mean? My heart is thumping heart against my chest. He felt different though. He suddenly had the urge to copy that man. He wanted to become that man.

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